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Old 10-07-2016, 08:09 PM
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Originally Posted by TROLLEY View Post
Not that I would ever vote for that numpty but the immigrants of old (Italians, Europeans, Asians) are not the same as the immigrants of today. They very rarely brought their troubles with them (well except for maybe Serbs and Bosnians at the Australian Open tennis, lol) and they were hard working contributors to society... deli's, market gardens, builders, etc. These people laid the foundations of multiculturalism in Australia.

Today you have people coming to Australia that wish to change the lives of everyone else to fit in with their beliefs and their Religion. Many refuse to assimilate. Many rely on just the husband working while the Mother stays at home with large numbers of kids collecting family benefits (like the UK, immigrants know we have a very generous welfare system. This is partly what makes Australia a much sought after destination).

People call others racists and xenophobes if they become worried about their jobs. Really? It's not that hard to understand the more population, the more competition there is for jobs. "Be better at your job" they say. "If an immigrant gets a job before you, you're doing it wrong", etc. Again, really? And it's always white collar professionals who say this, with complete ignorance of low income earners, blue collar workers and those in the customer service/hospitality industry. If you're a business owner, your main goal is to make a profit. One of the easiest ways to do so is employing someone whom you don't have to pay as much...

I think people get sick of Australia trying to be world saviours and would rather prioritize other matters like homelessness, Aboriginal affairs, education and (re)training of mature age workers (and more investment in traineeships/apprenticeships to skill our local kids rather than using 457's and crying "labour/skills shortage"). If you're made redundant after the age of 50 these days it is very, very difficult to find work again.
Originally Posted by Bram View Post
I voted Aus Liberty Alliance and Pauline because im against muslim immigration to australia. Plain and simple.

Im not anti immigration. My grandparents on my dads side were immigrants to australia. Many of my friends families have similar origins. Im not against asian immigration (even though Pauline was against it 20 yrs ago). And im not against european or NZ immigration. Or any other immigration.

But i am 100% anti-muslim immigration. Muslims are bad news. Muslims degrade and subjugate women. Islam is violent. Muslims hold a grude. And in my opinion, there is no place in Australia for them. I know that sounds like horrible racist rant. But it is not racist. I am anti islam, not anti race. That means anti muslim religeon and anti muslim politics. (Yes i said politics, even though islam goes under the guise of religion, it is so much more than just a religion.) I do not discriminate against people from the middle east, north africa, or places like indonesia. Unless they align with islam...

We have been 'at war' in muslim countries for countless years. They are pissed at us. And rightly so, given all the bullshit thats gone down in Iraq, afganistan, syria in the last 15 yrs.

There are hardline muslims and they will seek revenge. And they will do it with the weopons they have available to them. Terror, suicide bombs, and massacres. Look what happened to france... well 700 years ago a french king had a 'crusade' to the holy land. They haven't forgotton that shit. Only now are they getting some revenge. Why would we then let them in?

Also. Im against foreign ownership of australian land and buisness. And this is a big issue. Australia is very weak on this. There are many other counties that do not let foreigners own anything in thier country. Here it is way too prevalent. And it is going to ruin Australia.

The problem with australia is its way too PC. There is this massive fear of offending anyone. And its bullshit. It will be the down fall of this place.

too long did not read
Bye bye betty blue. Hello F6.
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