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Old 07-08-2016, 01:24 PM
Bram Bram is offline
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camping in the RH lane on dual carriageways etc. in both directions

I dont see this as a problem. When roads like roe, tonkin, (and even the freeways in places) are only 2 lanes, but have to carry the ENORMOUS volume of traffic on our roads today, then it is impractical / impossible to only use one lane. Even alot of the smaller 2 lane roads carry massive traffic every day. Simply saying that "sticking to the left is correct" is pretty much a retarded statement. The only time its practical is when the left lane isnt already carrying peak capacity road volume. So at low volume hours or on low volume roads. (Country roads etc) unfortuantly most of our busy roads are already carrying peak volume, or higher. So left lane isnt an option.

But what does shit me, is using the right lanes but sitting well under the limit. If your in the right lane, you should go as fast as possible. (And by that i means as fast as the traffic infront of you will let you.)

The reason ive boldened the word enormous is because going back to my original points about the road toll VS the number of road users. There is an enormous massive gigantic stupendous volume of traffic
Doing it for all the wagons out there
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