Thread: Betty blue
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Old 07-10-2016, 08:50 PM
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Thank you seagull(Neil) for the tip to put a rubber sheath around the front brake line that was sitting close to the surge tank.

When I attempted to push the rubber hose on it wouldn't fit as the brake line had dropped and settled into its normal position and was actually making contact with the top of the surge tank.

I sussed out the clips that hold the brake line along the firewall had another spare space above to clip in to. I popped the clip open and moved the brake line up to the top part of the clip.

After that there was just enough space to push on the hose and tie down.

A couple more happy snaps of the electrical install. The new relay and safety switch are tucked away in the top right corner of the fuse box. There is one main power wire to connect and an earth wire to the right on the strut tower, after that it gets pretty fiddly.

There is a power wire and earth wire to be connected to the tank and chassis which was a dog to get on. Then it is on to the ecu.

There are two wires to be soldered in. The red one gets connected in to the ignition signal, and the second brown wire gets soldered into the rpm signal wire of the ecu. This process was so fucken fiddly it did my head in, but I got there in the end.

The system is set up so that if the engine stops for 3-4 seconds while the ignition is still on it will stop the surge pump.

The car is booked in for the block swap early next week and booked in with Tokyo Motorsport on the 19th for the run in/flex install & tune.

I am excite!!

A big thank you also to Jamie at Tokyo's for spending loads of time on the phone answering all my questions about plumbing the fuel system.
Bye bye betty blue. Hello F6.
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