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Old 25-08-2019, 02:45 AM
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Captain Buff Captain Buff is offline
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Originally Posted by drewgong View Post
So much lol. I rest my case guys. Wrx Illuminati confirmed
I appreciate you putting your thoughts down mate. I wish this reached a hell of a lot more people...ah well.

My thanks to matto20v as well...I didn't quite get what you said the first time but I am with you now, thanks for helping out mate

As this is a technical/mechanical thread:
  1. I will withdraw my mention of the j pipe/front pipe not having a CAT and include my apologies - whilst it has been done poorly and does need to be completely replaced - I was wrong; there is a CAT present. I apologise; no one should have false allegations thrown at them.
  2. I won't 'retract' but I believe I have already admitted that MM did indeed offer to swap out the BOV they had originally put in place. I actually had not seen that email from MM (shifting house at the time and it must have been lost in the move). I will grant that - however; why they put the wrong BOV unit on and then when questioned within a few weeks said that they would swap it out - sounds like they didn't know what they were doing. Hey...let that one slide. The proper unit can be installed now.
  3. The front j pipe is meant to have an earthing strap attached. It was tek screwed off to the chassis.
  4. There is meant to be a heat shield between the j pipe and a nearby radiator hose...It wasn't installed. If I was a frequent DD that could have been a real problem.
  5. The j pipe and front pipe are not what I asked for. Again I will admit (though I don't think this is at all the case) here that there may have been miscommunication between MM and myself when I naively paid cash and allowed them to cook the receipt and dodgy their books. Regardless everything between the turbo and where it splits into two tubes and heads to the tips needs to come out and be replaced as they aren't what I asked for and also are the reason that the O2 sensors are sending rubbish readings back to the ECU.
  6. A new one. Cool new air intake...I kind of like the amount of noise it makes. It needed a better/bigger sensor to measure the incoming air flow so that it gave the right information to the ECU though. Wasn't included.
  7. TGV and AOS (I believe an AOS should be done at the same time as teh EGV? I may have that wrong) have not been done. I have yet to determine if they should be; and they are not MM's fault - well the AOS isn't - the TGV I wonder why they didn't say it should be done? It seems to be the first mod anyone does.
  8. The best for last. All them dollars...for an OTS flash. Top stuff.
  9. I will add that I do not have complete confirmation...however I believe the internals have taken more than they should have BUT they (touch wood) shouldn't need to be replaced. There is nothing of great severity at this stage that needs to be done. That is a fairly big relief!

Everyone else: I declare open season on 'The Captain' is now officially started! Please feel free to abuse, patronise, condescend, mock, take your shirt off and pose (just FWIW I am straight though man), don't actually own a Subaru but want to comment anyway, think Subaru's are shit and bought your brothers F6 (again FWIW I don't beat women, drink XXXX, wear a singlet over a fat beer gut, and you can understand what I am saying when I speak because I have a full set of teeth; not just 'chomper' and 'grinder') can even say that my hiatus from this forum hasn't done anything to my personality. On that one you would be wrong though...I seem to remember someone offered accommodation and a bit of driving around for a French guy that posted here; I think that (maybe) was quite nice of the guy. Please let me know where I'm wrong.

This is an internet forum after all. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Even people who don't have a WRX or a Subaru and have no reason to be here other than troll are most welcome.

Should anyone want to proffer some assistance...that would genuinely be welcome. Misanthropic cynicism aside; there are two guys on here that were genuine and helped me out and I owe them each a pint and would love to have a chat

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