Thread: Verso vs ECUtek
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Old 27-10-2006, 04:16 PM
Perth WRX Old Skool Cool Dude
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BALISTC knows their stuff

No, and the reason they probably dont want to disclose their names is because

a) people will more than likely end up bagging the shit out of them if they dont happen to be the particular "flavour of the month" to the big group of sheep that this forum seems to be.

For once, a product is being promoted heavily by USERS of it, because it actually fuckin works and its dirt cheap, rather than being promoted cos its the flavour of the month...why would the owners of Verso Automotive want it to be any different??

b) So all the fuckin dickheads and noobs that reside on this forum (and there are a LOT Of them), dont bombard them with bullshit....ask me how I know, I sell stuff on this forum and if I had a dollar for every stupid PM I got..