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Old 08-12-2006, 01:08 PM
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EVL WRX EVL WRX is offline
Subaru Tech Division
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EVL WRX at standard level

Current and New Penalties for Non Use of Seat Belt/Restraint

Offence Current New Current New
Fine Fine Demerit Demerit
Pts Pts

Driver not wearing a seat belt $150 $200 3 3
(3 PU) (4

Diver to ensure unrestrained passengers $150 $200 3 3
are not in the front row of seats. (3 PU) (4

Driver not ensuring passenger U16 wears $150 $200 3 3
restraint (3 PU) (4

Driver failure to ensure passenger $150 $200 3 3
occupies position with seat belt (3 PU) (4

Driver fails to ensure passenger U12 $150 $200 3 3
months is suitably restrained (3 PU) (4

Driver allowing passenger in open utes $150 $200 3 3
etc (3 PU) (4

Passenger sitting in front row $150 $200
unrestrained (3 PU) (4

Passenger not wearing a seat belt $150 $200
(3 PU) (4

Passenger not occupying seat belted $150 $200
position if available (3 PU) (4

Passenger riding in open load space $150 $200
(3 PU) (4

Changes to Road Traffic Code 2000 penalties
Increase in Demerit Points

Offence Current New Fine
Fine & Demerit
& Demerit Pts

Not giving way at a pelican crossing (marked foot 2 Pts $100 3 Pts $100
crossing), (2 PU) (2 PU)
Overtaking a vehicle stopped at a crossing

Not giving way on a painted island 2 Pts $150 3 Pts $150
(3 PU) (3 PU)

Not giving way in a median turning bay 2 Pts 3 Pts
$150 (3 $150 (3

Not giving way when moving from the boundary of a 2 Pts $150 3 Pts $150
carriageway or median strip parking area (3 PU) (3 PU)

Not keeping left 0 Pts $50 2 Pts $50
(1 PU) (1PU)

Failure to give way when changing lanes 2 Pts $100 3 Pts $100
(2 PU) (2 PU)

Failure to give way when driving on a path 0 Pts $100 3 Pts $100
(2 PU) (2 PU)

Failure to give way when driving on a nature strip 0 Pts $100 3 Pts $100
(2 PU) (2 PU)

Use of hand held mobile phone 1 Pts $100 3 Pts $100
(2 PU) (2 PU)
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