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rocket 24-09-2005 04:34 AM

whats his name??sounds like he's a bit of a road nazzi,is he a young whipper snapper or a should be retired fuzz??

NVRENUF 24-09-2005 07:02 AM

The car before my wrx was bullshit low and dark limos i would have givin it a yellow too. but never got one. drve around for 2years. pulled over twice ever in it.
first time licence check second time i knew the person ...

Wrx never got pulled over once. though i had made sure the wrx is mostly legal permits etc etc. Granted it helps knowing most of them but its al about
those first impressions u make..
unfortunally greg ya made bad impressions on this person now it will stick for ever lol..

Sell ya car get a new one..

methd 24-09-2005 09:05 AM

You drive like a dick, you get followed and harassed by cops. You follow the road rules, they'll leave you alone. Simple as that... i've sat on both sides of the fence and know :)

BM747 24-09-2005 09:19 AM

Fair enough they are the police, but it is possible that they are in the wrong. Here in Broome, up until around 4 months ago i was harassed like buggery by a particular boy in blue. Fair enough my exhaust hung low, and i eventually had that rectified. I also have a v6 STI wing, to which he maintained was illegal and impaired my rear vision, until i printed pictures from

Eventually he went a bit too far and tried to pin my womans for doing 25km over the speed limit, which is 60km/h past aschool, in the opposite direction to which she was actually travelling. This was also allegedly to take place 5 minutes before she was caught, when in natural fact she was at work, and had only just left to come home for a lunch break.

We took matters to court, but before we could do that, the superintendent dismissed the fines, asked us to keep it quiet, and transferred the particular officer to Port Hedland, a town where there are no decent cars.

I could never understand his reasoning, or what his particular issue with the car was, but alas justice did prevail, and doing the right thing eventually paid off, for once.

[I 86 I] 24-09-2005 10:39 AM

[QUOTE]too far and tried to pin my [B]womans[/B] for doing 25km over the speed limit[/QUOTE]

hrmm so was that more than one fine or what?? lol

BM747 24-09-2005 11:29 AM

hehhehe yeah i monogomy all the way.

that is how we affectionately refer to our female companions in this here coutry town y'hear

Giddyup 24-09-2005 04:34 PM

Greg, how bout gettin new plates perhaps. Outta sight, outta mind. Creepin is now tainted forever whether you like it or not. Change em.

PsYcHeD 24-09-2005 04:41 PM

AFAIK, he has got new std W.A plates Dan.

mr_psi 24-09-2005 05:40 PM

there gone arent they?

methd 24-09-2005 05:45 PM

yer, theyre gone, but the car still looks the same, with that weird painted CF bonnet with perspexs in it, that sticks out like a sore thumb.

creepin 24-09-2005 05:48 PM

[QUOTE=Giddyup]Greg, how bout gettin new plates perhaps. Outta sight, outta mind. Creepin is now tainted forever whether you like it or not. Change em.[/QUOTE]

its had stae plates on itfor about a month now

WRP10 24-09-2005 06:20 PM

oi, creepin, if u want to draw less attention take off the bonnet and the boot for starters, they are moreeye catching than the bloody sun. The main problem is that your car is recognisable. Just thinking aloud

methd 24-09-2005 06:35 PM

heres the answer greg. lose the CF bonnet. lose the front lip/body kit. lose the tint if u havent already done so. lose the rims if u havent already done so. and drive normally, at normal waking hours :)

[REXPLOIT] 24-09-2005 06:51 PM

Dude, :D

Extension to my previous post, and as Hien basically said, drive the car in human 'waking hours', (sorry for those shift workers and the like :p ), and perhaps not drive like an absolute tool. (And yes I have seen you around town, many times before - as I used to live in Ardross for some time). Then you will have no trouble. [U]70K km's in 15 months[/U] cannot be all "work related". I mean, I drive my car A LOT, when im not overseas, and still no way could I match up to those figures, so you clearly have plenty of time on your hands. Stop looking/cruising for trouble/action/pussy after dark, and you will notice the decline in interest in your vehicle...

Or keep throwing that money around... :D ;)
Food for thought...

olite 25-09-2005 03:00 AM

Try swapping cars with a trusted mate for a while and see if the same guy is still following you. In my line of work we are always in close contact with the police, and like any other job, you always got the ones that abuse their authority. But up to now, I can proudly say while there is always rotten apples in the basket, 99% of the time they're just trying to do their job.

I know how it feels like, and at times being a total dickhead is the only way to deal with some people. Now I'm not saying that you are one of those people, but at times people just get carried away.

This particular officer might've had a really bad night during his first encounter with you and maybe that made a lasting impression. While we all try to be as professional as possible, there are times when the human factor kick in. And like what giddy said, Its impossible that he will spend his entire shift following you around. Some nights we can be so bloody busy there's not even time to get a drink from a servo. I can only imagine how busy the police radio can be if ours are giving out jobs every 2 minutes or less.

Just my 2 cents :)

rocket 25-09-2005 05:07 AM

creepin,dude i know some people that know some people,so you tell me his name and does he work at freo traffic?he should cause freo fuzz cruise the freeway<kwinana>.i will soon tell you if this road nazzi is liked or disliked at freo head quarters.lets just say that im in the know!you tell me&i will tell you.

WRXTASY 25-09-2005 01:42 PM

If your car sticks out like dirty hangin dogs balls, your just asking for some dirty dog to come up and give em a lick ;)

With your car (even the new numberplate) being a VOI, I strongly suggest ya tone down the bling bling.

Make a formal complaint, go to court and carry a recording device for when and if you get pulled over again.

Miggidy 27-09-2005 02:34 PM

Turns out the cop that spoke to me doesn't work traffic.

He must have had a bad night becuase he poke to me on the phone later about it all and was a different person, very nice.

There is hope.

POLARBEAR666 27-09-2005 05:19 PM

I made some calls miggidy.... you can thank me later.

POLARBEAR666 27-09-2005 05:22 PM

The whole idea of removing the tint carbon etc.... is plain stupid. Might as well have told the jews during WW2, that if they didn't want to be persecuted they should stop being jewish.. DERRRR

Its almost as braindead as the people who write into the paper saying captain obvious shit like "If you don't speed you wont get caught speeding" CLAP CLAP.

INstead of stating the bleeding obvious why dont you try discussing the merits of the road laws OR maybe even how Creepin a fellow wrx owner might get off this bogus charge.

Sometimes, it's hard to believe that half u guys dont drive magna's the way u crap on about speeding.

DarkMoose 27-09-2005 06:05 PM

Back in South Africa every time a cop pulled u over u simply handed over a bottle of wiskey ect. All was sorted and every1 was happy

Miggidy 27-09-2005 06:52 PM

[QUOTE=POLARBEAR666]I made some calls miggidy.... you can thank me later.[/QUOTE]

haha yeah no worries, I will... later.

MattyP 28-09-2005 02:07 PM

I can't be bothered to read the entire thread, but changing cars / plates won't do much. Police communications in good ol' Midland ("Hi Ken Walker, I'm still waiting for my summons") are using a system where they can get any details of the owner from the houses they have owned, convictions etc etc in the blink of an eye. I wonder whats under my name atm hehehe

legacypilot75 28-09-2005 05:27 PM

hey dude i know it means spending money but get yourself a voice recorder that uses tapes not digital. everytime you get stopped start it with the time and date then put it in your pocket where it can't be seen, be polite and talk to him. then when you think you've got enough go and see his boss with a copy of the tape, keep the originals.
If it doesn't stop then the nexty step is the ombudsmen with the same set of steps.
Let someone else drive your car like a relative and see if they get stopped and see what happens to them.

And of course I have to ask what you did to piss him off, have you met his wife?

methd 28-09-2005 10:26 PM

[QUOTE=POLARBEAR666]The whole idea of removing the tint carbon etc.... is plain stupid. Might as well have told the jews during WW2, that if they didn't want to be persecuted they should stop being jewish.. DERRRR

Its almost as braindead as the people who write into the paper saying captain obvious shit like "If you don't speed you wont get caught speeding" CLAP CLAP.

INstead of stating the bleeding obvious why dont you try discussing the merits of the road laws OR maybe even how Creepin a fellow wrx owner might get off this bogus charge.

Sometimes, it's hard to believe that half u guys dont drive magna's the way u crap on about speeding.[/QUOTE]

hey polar bear. you're all talk. when we see some ACTION along with all your TALK, then maybe some ppl will give u a bit more RESPECT. greg obviously did something wrong to piss of this ONE police officer. he should just tone his car down a bit and lay low to retify this current situation. the rest of us have every right to modify our cars... but if we drive like idiots on the road, then we can certainly expect to get harassed by the cops. it's only fair.

Intra 28-09-2005 10:43 PM

Police would need to prove beyond doubt that Greg was doing over the speed limit with a "speedcheck". I'm not sure on the procedure of the "speedcheck" but one would imagine that some form of standard controlled method is used.

Anyone want to comment if this is true or know of the procedures indepth for a speed check?

Since you were pulled over by two officers, I am sure they would have gotten their story straight between them both. (I don't mean this in a bad way)

So i don't think this would help you much either.

Do you recall passing any speed signs saying 80? I think you need to be doing 80 at the point of the sign, so if you were in a 100 zone prior to passing the sign, then you could say that you were slowing down to this speed.

Assuming it was a 100 zone prior...

However all that being said, its easier and safer not to speed nor be a leadfoot.

methd 28-09-2005 11:17 PM

Their speed check is basically "I have been a traffic officer for so and so years, and in my experience, he was going at his speed". When the second officer confirms this, as they will do, the judge will lean towards them and usually favour their story...

LegacyGT 28-09-2005 11:18 PM

sending pol air out to chase u would be harrassment :P

methd 28-09-2005 11:21 PM

yes, i totally agree.

and Denver.. Pol Air goes faster than 160km (even without diving)

Darren 29-09-2005 09:07 AM

and Denver.. Pol Air goes faster than 160km (even without diving)[/QUOTE]

Pfft, how would you know hien?? :p

Rexilla 29-09-2005 09:12 AM

cause he tried and failed...................

[QUOTE=technik_wrx]Pfft, how would you know hien?? :p[/QUOTE]

LegacyGT 29-09-2005 10:52 AM

[QUOTE=technik_wrx]Pfft, how would you know hien?? :p[/QUOTE]

coz he did some research

methd 29-09-2005 12:16 PM

some personal experience :)

DAN682 29-09-2005 12:50 PM

I might be wrong, but to speed check, I thought they need to sit behind you at the same speed for something like 500m?

methd 29-09-2005 01:35 PM

I got done recently 110 in a 60 with no radar or anything. So i decided to fight it in court. Got one of the best lawyers in Perth to go to trial, and we still lost. It really depends on the judge, and most judges will sway to the police side of the story, especially when there are two of them.

Rexilla 29-09-2005 01:45 PM

and it doesn't help if it was the twentiest time this year you're infront of this judge..........:icon_fU:

Intra 29-09-2005 02:17 PM

[QUOTE='[PFFT]']I got done recently 110 in a 60 with no radar or anything. So i decided to fight it in court. Got one of the best lawyers in Perth to go to trial, and we still lost. It really depends on the judge, and most judges will sway to the police side of the story, especially when there are two of them.[/QUOTE]

Interestingly how far do you estimate he followed you for to establish a speedcheck?

methd 29-09-2005 02:20 PM

he didnt even follow. he was at right angles to me, and i passed him :) he openly stated this in court too.

at the end of the day, it's up to the judge, some are khunts and some aren't.

deemon 29-09-2005 02:46 PM


creepin 30-09-2005 05:34 PM

how fast can polair travel?
i have heard 160
i have heard 200
i have heard 220
does ne1 actually kow the exact top speed of polair

it would be interesting to know :p

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