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Smokey 10-05-2007 04:12 PM

How to become a cop, judge and jury without passing year 12

next up is one of us for "it was loud so it must have been going fast"

also, its good to see they have their priorities right, i rang up the cops not too long ago to report a drunk driver who nearly cleaned me up, they said they were too busy and didnt care

Kato 10-05-2007 05:08 PM

Interesting there is no mention of 'video evidence'.

Does this mean if you have enough complaints you can be charged? Where has the old 'innocent until proven guilty' gone to?

It's probably easier to rob a bank in Perth and get away with it than drive down the street anymore.

Lawyers of Perth must be rubbing their hands together.

depresso 10-05-2007 05:27 PM

there never was innocent till proven guilty - not in this state - especially not with these hoon laws

depresso 10-05-2007 05:29 PM

i almost got done in my old car for being 'too loud' granted it was before hoon laws...
'88 MR2... basically a straight pipe from the engine out the rear... a whole meter of exhaust piping in total if not slightly less :P

could hear the bastard for km's away :P

werticusness 10-05-2007 05:42 PM

ahh reminds me of the days of the Stasi 1/4 people were informants in east germany.

Fabs 10-05-2007 05:55 PM

what is the world coming to? at least it was a commowhore. :D

phizzle 10-05-2007 06:06 PM

While stupid shit like this is going on in the media, no-ones keeping an eye on the pollies or corrupt cops. Talk about deflecting the heat. Is anyone actually still looking for the claremont serial killer?

earmuff man 10-05-2007 06:07 PM

these new laws have also removed the aggravated circumstance.

which means if your caught 45km/h over the speed limit you loose your car where as previously it had to be aggravated (racing, excessive noise etc.)

Also remember its only part of the officers job to provide evidence, the magistrate is the one that decides if they really committed the offence. just because your car is seized doesn't mean your guilty :P :confused:

RichX 10-05-2007 06:16 PM

This is good for me, as i refuse to burnouts in the WRX, and you'll have to be a fuckin good shot with your camera phone to snap me doing a bit of a drift around a corner.

Doubt your phone would be able to tell how fast I am going too! Only reason he got busted in that pic is cause you can clearly see he's doing a burnout, that is the only reason.

This law is more of a problem for Trev's, not WRX owners.

phizzle 10-05-2007 06:34 PM

what if they get video+audio of said 'drift'? As soon as those tyres make noise on the road you'll be labelled a hOOn, smoke or no smoke.

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