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skeptic 15-05-2007 08:52 PM

[QUOTE=WRP10]Either way but hes still a fat whingey cunt!

Years of bullying should have given him the appropriate motivation to lose weight but nooooo, he keeps on eating and getting fatter

Then blames other people that he was to glutinous and piggish that he couldnt stop eating the crap, Fat bitch![/QUOTE]

Helps to have a fucking clue before making posts like this.

The kid was actually bullied when he was in year1/2 - when he was of 'normal' size.

It's morons like you that just add to it. Grow up mate.

Adz 15-05-2007 10:34 PM

[QUOTE=skeptic]Helps to have a fucking clue before making posts like this.

The kid was actually bullied when he was in year1/2 - when he was of 'normal' size.

It's morons like you that just add to it. Grow up mate.[/QUOTE]


He's waiting for puberty.. close tho!

Brendan08 15-05-2007 10:40 PM

[QUOTE=BLUES]That fat fucking retard needs to harden the fuck up! Fatty Boomba Nancy Girl four-eyed sissy!![/QUOTE]

you bully

Mat 15-05-2007 11:30 PM

[QUOTE=STi Tuned]It's a pretty interesting topic really..

This thread kinda shows that most people don't have a grasp on what bullying really is. It's not just missing out on playing kiss chasse or getting called names. It's constant harassment.. I mean now they have cyber bullying with SMS and MSN. Fark me.

I’m pretty normal.. but I still clearly remember sitting in my room with this disused light switch. I use to flick it pretending it was the detonator of a bomb blowing up the kids house, I did that a lot. Luckily the only impressions it left on me is I farken can’t stand mob mentality and I’m passionate about sticking up for friends.

But what I endured is nothing compared to this kid. I come from a 2.5 family and had a really fortunate upbringing but you can see why these school yard shootings are getting more frequent. And given the alternative I think it’s better the kid sues for a mill rather then head into school with a glock.[/QUOTE]

I think a few of the "toughen up princess" crew (me included) got a solid bullying at school but these days WTF you expect the teachers to do? Its not their responsibility anymore. Joe can tell u first hand that Mandee cant do SFA in situtations like this. My mrs is in the same boat and they cant even give a kid panadol if they have a headache FFS...

You can warn the kid, can make them pick up rubbish but its just gonna get worse until the person being bullied sticks up for themselves. The teachers are powerless cause the do-gooder parents carry on and whinge when their kids get in trouble ;)

I can go on and tell u how i was bullied at high school, skipped school for almost a term, had meetings with a counsellor etc but then i realised only way to stop these fuckers were to grab them in the middle of class and drop them in front of their mates. Kids ARE cruel, thats never going to change so i suggest the weak toughen up. My old man always told me to stand up for myself and looking back now, it worked and i only regret not doing it straight away all those times it happened. I'll make sure my kids stand up for themselves.

Or if u guys that whinge about being bullied that much, why didnt u take self defence / attack lessons and fucken used them. At worst the schools gonna give u suspension and from my 3 or 4 experiences, its fun :)

Fanta Pants is just taking the easy way out IMHO (and mums probably laughin as we speak ;)) and if you guys all got bullied that much, then why dont u take the education dept. to court and see what happens?

Edit, if your being bullied on MSN (and im sure there are many kids who are) and cant stop it, then u really are a weak sod who deserves it. Turn off the internet and go make some friends. Lots of places available to find some mates!

ndfourspd 16-05-2007 03:01 AM

[QUOTE=STi Tuned]Hey ok.. first off paragraphs my friend, we need more paragraphs.

Second I dunno if this Macca’s/fast food analogy is the same? I gave you an example where parents have spoken to the parents of a bully and that’s just aggravated the situation. Your analogy is kinda like the parents dropping the kid off at the bully’s house after school. So yeah that would be the parents fault… but as you can see that isn’t really what were talking about

This one you answered yourself here….

You know here at Telstra we had to do a two hr online course in bullying for EEO (equal employment opportunities). At 28 years of age I’m getting taught how to identify bullies, what to do if I’m subject to bullying, what constitutes bullying… the kinda stuff would have been good about 18 years earlier.

Were all in agreeance that the amounts out of whack, but shit like this brings attention to it so whatever.. good on him. If my kid had a teacher that responded like that and I thought that the systems in place were negligent for something that’s hardly a new issue. Then Fark yeah I’d go for a mil as well.[/QUOTE]

thats a good idea. i got bullied at school too mate. so here is what i suggest. let everyone sue the government. let them close the schools and have the parent school there kids from home. there you go.... problem solved. no more bullying at school.

so what do you do about the kids at the local deli or shops that call you names?? do you ask for his details and say "see you in court"?? like swapping insurance details after a car accident.

all i'm trying to say is that giving this kid a million dollars is going to fix anything. coz i can garantee he'll blow it and will be looking for a handout again. thats what these people do. once they start getting handout, thats how they live.

my suggestion was to offer counselling and maybe someone to help this kid lose weight. so your telling me this kid is going to solve his issue by getting this money?? sure mate. hes not going to turn around and say to himself "i've got a million bucks and now i can get my issues resolved". no way. he'll more than likely brag that he has this money, get a couple of penny pinching friends, and when there no more money. he wont have any friends either. and guess what he's still that same bullied little boy.

i'm just saying "i would love to see these people's faces" that are suing, if the judge turned around and gave them indefinite counselling and some personal training, instead of the money. it all about the money.

dont get me wrong.....had the bullies broke the kid's leg or arm or something like that. then yes he would need to be compensated for inconvenience. but what would you do if this happened outside of school ground??? whos at fault then?? do you stil sue the government coz it happened in a park or on the footpaths that actually owned by the government?? its only coz theres a chance at money that these people go to court to sue. if the judge started handing compensation to resolve the problem instead of just money. thing would be alot different....

STi Tuned 16-05-2007 09:53 AM

[QUOTE][I]“I think a few of the "toughen up princess" crew (me included) got a solid bullying at school but these days WTF you expect the teachers to do? Its not their responsibility anymore. Joe can tell u first hand that Mandee cant do SFA in situtations like this. My mrs is in the same boat and they cant even give a kid panadol if they have a headache FFS...”[/I][/QUOTE]
So this kids suing the school/government right? If your saying the school is powerless and it’s ‘not their responsibility anymore’. Then don’t you think a case like this will change that for the better. What I’m saying is that teaches should be able to do “SFA”, there should be more education in schools about it. Campaigns, systems.. picking on a kid, in particular physically shouldn’t have a boundary of in school hrs and the schools clearly need more power to control this.

[QUOTE][I]“I can go on and tell u how i was bullied at high school, skipped school for almost a term, had meetings with a counsellor etc but then i realised only way to stop these fuckers were to grab them in the middle of class and drop them in front of their mates. Kids ARE cruel, thats never going to change so i suggest the weak toughen up. My old man always told me to stand up for myself and looking back now, it worked and i only regret not doing it straight away all those times it happened. I'll make sure my kids stand up for themselves.”[/I][/QUOTE]
What if the kids bigger, what if the kids got older brothers.. what if the kid is a nut job that’s capable of much more then just smacking ya around. This isn’t the farken wonder years, you can’t just tell ya son ‘son you have to smack that bully down and you’ll earn his respect’. Fark that, if a kids bullying he should be suspended/expelled. Bullying should be seen as that much of a problem that all kids know the clear and harsh consequences of doing it.

[QUOTE][I]“Or if u guys that whinge about being bullied that much, why didn’t u take self defence / attack lessons and fucken used them. At worst the schools gonna give u suspension and from my 3 or 4 experiences, its fun”[/I][/QUOTE]
A martial art is one of the things I always regret doing. My parents didn’t push me into it and because I was such a runt (and only 11) I didn’t think it was for me. I'm not a phsyical guy, I don't have a fighting bone in my body so no I wasn't thinking I'm going to go eat pasta 4 meals a day work out on the bags and then smack the fark out of him. Thats just not how 12yo's think mate.

This kid was only in year 1 so I don’t really see how this would have helped him tho? Then in later life his self esteem would have been so low that he couldn’t stop eating let alone plan a chuck Norris style revenge attack.

So you boys both got bullied at school… and matt you smacked him in the head in the end? … but what about when it’s more then one, maybe it’s a few kids in a few different years? And what if they’ve been smacking you in class? You really think that you getting just 1 up on them would make any difference.

[QUOTE][I]“so what do you do about the kids at the local deli or shops that call you names?? do you ask for his details and say "see you in court"?? like swapping insurance details after a car accident.”[/I][/QUOTE]
Dude I don’t know how to answer that… it’s so far removed from constant physical abuse when your only 5-11 years old that I really don’t know what you mean?

ndfourspd 16-05-2007 10:51 AM

Dude I don’t know how to answer that… it’s so far removed from constant physical abuse when your only 5-11 years old that I really don’t know what you mean?[/QUOTE]

alright.....i'll put it this way! you say "why dont they suspend / expell them". but dont you just think that will make things worst for the kid in question?? dont you think that the other person wont just wait for that kid to step off school grounds?? then the teachers have even less power.......if that is at all possible.

sorry i am trying to understand where you are coming from!!! correct me if i'm wrong but its usually like 1500 students and like maybe 70 teachers. kinda hard to supervise at those odds 1 would think. i know i wouldnt want ot be a about you??? thats just me

STi Tuned 16-05-2007 12:07 PM

[QUOTE=ndfourspd]alright.....i'll put it this way! you say "why dont they suspend / expell them". but dont you just think that will make things worst for the kid in question?? dont you think that the other person wont just wait for that kid to step off school grounds??[/quote]
Ahh... well yeah if the kids going to another school he'd have to ride a pretty mean treddily in order to get back to his old school and cause shit. And if kids knew the outcome of bullying was suspension the older brother might also think twice.

I mean this bullying is all about power, if the victim has the power (eg the power to get a mill out of it) then the cycle will change.

And I'm not just talking about expelling or suspension I'm talking about education. We heard from a teacher earlier on, maybe he can tell us what kind of programs are in place at schools. Are the kids being taught how to identify it, are they being equipped with coping mechanisms to deal with it?

The answer may not be to give him a million bucks but it's also not "ahh it's all part of schooling", "There just kids" or "just punch him back". Teachers need more power and to take on more responsibility, kids need to be better educated on it and systems that work need to be put in place.

No kid should have to spend every day in fear while he's trying to get an education. And if your telling me there's no answer for that then fark me... think harder.

ndfourspd 16-05-2007 01:16 PM

[QUOTE=STi Tuned]Ahh... well yeah if the kids going to another school he'd have to ride a pretty mean treddily in order to get back to his old school and cause shit. And if kids knew the outcome of bullying was suspension the older brother might also think twice.

I mean this bullying is all about power, if the victim has the power (eg the power to get a mill out of it) then the cycle will change.

And I'm not just talking about expelling or suspension I'm talking about education. We heard from a teacher earlier on, maybe he can tell us what kind of programs are in place at schools. Are the kids being taught how to identify it, are they being equipped with coping mechanisms to deal with it?

The answer may not be to give him a million bucks but it's also not "ahh it's all part of schooling", "There just kids" or "just punch him back". Teachers need more power and to take on more responsibility, kids need to be better educated on it and systems that work need to be put in place.

No kid should have to spend every day in fear while he's trying to get an education. And if your telling me there's no answer for that then fark me... think harder.[/QUOTE]

it comes down to will have your opinion and i will have mine. and nothing i say will change how you think and nothing you say will change my mind. 1 thing we do agree on is that teachers need more power. i'm thinking tazer guns myself or rubber bullets.

so i dont understand why the kid isn't suing the other kid instead of the school. if it happens at a local park, do you still sue the government. is it coz this other kids has nothing. i will keep saying it "it comes down to money". let the judge offer compensation in a non-monetary form. thats what i'm saying.

things just seem to be getting out of hand. you cant even protect yourself in your own home. if someone breaks into your house and happens to hurt himself, he can sue you. even though you never invited him in to your house.

as for thinking have no idea mate. i am just so sick of people looking for a payout coz there life is crap. coz they never got off there butts to make something of there life. i have been on the other end and thats why i say i'm sick of it. if you had any idea what i have been through. you might think differently. so maybe you should think before you just assume that i am talking rubbish and know that i have been on both end of it.....

maybe when i get back from my trip we could catch up and talk about this. it would probably be easier to talk face to face......but i have no further intention on responding to this thread anymore...

trainwrex 16-05-2007 01:25 PM

Tell me what other way this kid can try to have a normal life. If the judge believes that this person could not work for the rest of his life then 1million over 30-40 yrs is really not much at all. Really works out to be 30-40gs a yr.

The payout is justified if there is no way that the boy could be normalised back into society which such a trauma. The system failed him on many grounds and moving schools did not eleviate this problem.

The bully should have been punished by the system but it didnt. The boy dosent have a case against the bully as it is all heresay with most probaly no circumstancial evidence to corroborate the story. Especially with the many yrs passed the bully would likely not recolect what his has done.

The education department on the other hand has documented proof which has been used in the judgement.

[QUOTE=ndfourspd]it comes down to will have your opinion and i will have mine. and nothing i say will change how you think and nothing you say will change my mind. 1 thing we do agree on is that teachers need more power. i'm thinking tazer guns myself or rubber bullets.

so i dont understand why the kid isn't suing the other kid instead of the school. if it happens at a local park, do you still sue the government. is it coz this other kids has nothing. i will keep saying it "it comes down to money". let the judge offer compensation in a non-monetary form. thats what i'm saying.

things just seem to be getting out of hand. you cant even protect yourself in your own home. if someone breaks into your house and happens to hurt himself, he can sue you. even though you never invited him in to your house.

as for thinking have no idea mate. i am just so sick of people looking for a payout coz there life is crap. coz they never got off there butts to make something of there life. i have been on the other end and thats why i say i'm sick of it. if you had any idea what i have been through. you might think differently. so maybe you should think before you just assume that i am talking rubbish and know that i have been on both end of it.....

maybe when i get back from my trip we could catch up and talk about this. it would probably be easier to talk face to face......but i have no further intention on responding to this thread anymore...[/QUOTE]

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