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trainwrex 16-05-2007 01:27 PM

AND WHAT U PPL fail to remember was that this all started in yr 1 and 2. who knows if he had a weight issue back then. And u cant tell me that a natural tendency of a kid is to fight back at that age.

boostED82 16-05-2007 01:58 PM

This news headline made me angry. Bloody ridiculous. No way that $1million is fair. Should have been more... NOT!

STi Tuned 16-05-2007 02:57 PM

so i dont understand why the kid isn't suing the other kid instead of the school. if it happens at a local park, do you still sue the government. is it coz this other kids has nothing. i will keep saying it "it comes down to money". let the judge offer compensation in a non-monetary form. thats what i'm saying. [/QUOTE]
Dude I think your really missing the point.. this isn’t like a kid going to the shops, eating at McDonalds or going to the park. You can’t boil this down to any other examples or analogies because it’s unique. It’s this kids life, it’s every day, it’s him having to go to an institution which has a duty of care for him and his safety. You say we agree they need more power but it seems we disagree they should take more responsibility… remember tho as Peter Parker said.. “with great power comes great responsibility.”

And dude what’s with all these totally irrelevant analogies.. home self defence? How does that relate? I think the point your trying to make relates to societies increasing propensity to blame others, like when you get a coffee and sue the seller for it being too hot. But that isn’t what this is about… there’s fault here and it’s not just the legal, buricratic, mubo-jumbo type, the system didn’t protect this kid. No different then if he was in foster care and he was subject to child abuse.. that’s the systems responsibility.

as for thinking have no idea mate. i am just so sick of people looking for a payout coz there life is crap. coz they never got off there butts to make something of there life. i have been on the other end and thats why i say i'm sick of it. if you had any idea what i have been through. you might think differently. so maybe you should think before you just assume that i am talking rubbish and know that i have been on both end of it..... [/QUOTE]
If you’ve been on both end’s I don’t understand your position. Remember that kid in the states that got abducted and then stayed there for 4 years. There were people that were saying that part of him wanted it, he could have just got up and left after all… catch a bus for fucks sake. But the human condition is a funny thing, trama affects people in different ways. I’m not making any assumptions about what you went through. I’m just stating facts such as…. you don’t know what this kid has been through or how it’s affected him.

maybe when i get back from my trip we could catch up and talk about this. it would probably be easier to talk face to face......but i have no further intention on responding to this thread anymore...[/QUOTE]
Buddy I’m not having a go at you or anything like that. It is an interesting topic & I appreciate the offer but I’m not sure if I want to catch up and talk about it.

nasty sti 16-05-2007 05:11 PM

I got teased mercilessly in high school for having no boobs ! (go figure lol) .. my nickname ended up being surfboard ! went home from school crying n shit.. but high school ended.. boobs sprouted overnight and hey presto I was over it.. but not everyone can bounce back so well. and now its oh so fun to run into those fuckers these days!!! NOW LOOK AT MY SURFBOARD CHEST FUCKHEADS !! hahah

-my 4cents

I love boobs, big or small :D I wouldnt have teased ya lol

BLUES 16-05-2007 05:31 PM

[QUOTE=Jaded]I got teased mercilessly in high school for having no boobs ! (go figure lol) .. my nickname ended up being surfboard ! went home from school crying n shit.. but high school ended.. boobs sprouted overnight and hey presto I was over it.. but not everyone can bounce back so well. and now its oh so fun to run into those fuckers these days!!! NOW LOOK AT MY SURFBOARD CHEST FUCKHEADS !! hahah

-my 4cents



nasty sti 16-05-2007 05:36 PM

good stuff BLUES, now i'll probably avoid gettin in the shit.

Jaded 16-05-2007 09:40 PM

some kids are cruel.. always have been and always will be ! lil fuckers ! we just gotta make sure there are safeguards in place to make sure the other kids are all safe. end of story.

FFOUR 16-05-2007 09:51 PM

We need guns in schools - USA style.

Mat 16-05-2007 10:12 PM

Yep, all it takes is one bully to be nailed (even those taser things they use in the US) and other bully's would quickly learn to respect others and be shit scared to do anything :)

ndfourspd 18-05-2007 03:44 AM

i really dont think you guys understand where i'm coming from. i'll try to do this as simple as possible......

1. was the "so called victim" the original bully that got his own medicine. did he think that coz he might be a bigger kid that he could pick on older kids....i dont know.
2. was he bullying this other kid's younger brother or sister and get his butt kicked for that.......i remember back when i was about that age some kid was picking on me (but i cant remember if he was my age or not). and my older brother saw this and came over and fairly drop this boy.

anyway all that aside, i think the big question is this "do i think the school or education department is responsible"...... to a certain extent ..... yes. but a school is there to educate kids not babysit. you can only act on things you see. i'm sure if the teachers actually saw this stuff going on that they would have intervened. i would a agree that the school was at fault had they singled out this kid and made him sit in the corner and didnt teach him. then definitely sue.

as for who i think is responsible.........well obviously the kid's parents. as a parent you first and foremost job is to raise your kids. you send your kids off to school for an education. you dont send them there to babysit your kids coz you are an incompetent parent.

if your kid is struggling at school coz he is getting bullied. you dont just sit there and say let the school / education department deal with it. as the kids parent, if i got not result from the education department, then i would keep going up the chain until i found someone who cares and was willing to make sure things were acted on......

still dont think its his parent's fault.....if it was my kid and i wasnt getting any joy from the school / education department or government i wouldn't just let him stay home and hide in his room. be a parent. change his school. the fact that his parents didn't do enough for there son to get an education makes them at fault in my book.

i know if that was me my parents would have kick me in my ass and sent me to school. if i was struggling with that school, then they would have found another. i find it hard to believe back when the kid was like 6 or 7 that that was the only school around his home.

so thats what i think. he's parent have no 1 to blame but themselves. the fact that he doesn't have and education is his parents fault. if your kid grows up to be anything like this other kid....well guess what you have failed at being a parent. the teacher didnt fail coz they were there at the school waiting to teach your kid. the fact that you let your kid determine that he was going to sit at home and become a mindless moron is the parents fault.

so you are going to try and tell me that the school is at whatever. look at these parents. they waited 12 odd years befoe they decided that something wrong. excellent parenting skills i have to say. i dont know about you guys but if my kid sat in his room longer than a week then i would be taking him to see someone.....makes sense right!!! i wouldnt wait 12 years. if i did. then maybe i might be in for a group discount at a specialist.

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