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theprotest 03-02-2008 09:03 PM

Every fine someone receives should result in certain amounts of driver training.

EG> 0-9km/h over = 30 minutes driver training

wild_rx 03-02-2008 09:03 PM

I agrre with you totally Nik, they keep telling us that the population is booming and they want less accidents.....:confused:

the first thing would be better driver education, when you go for your licence they just teach you how to pass. They dont teach you how to control a car in a potentially dangerous situation!

BN01 03-02-2008 09:06 PM

[QUOTE=SilentKilla]I like the mobile one, i see so many people talking on mobiles its not funny.


This ones all well and good, but unfortunately its something an officer has to actually pick you up for, and i personally dont think most officers can be arsed pulling people over for it (or are even looking for). They can increase the fine all they want, it wont stop me using my phone. Luckily i concentrate on the driving rather than the talking, unlike the stupid "soccer mums" i see that are clearly so caught up in they're conversation, they couldnt care whats going on around they're 2tonne of Merc M-class.

BN01 03-02-2008 09:10 PM

[QUOTE=Wiiha]Honestly mate, do u think this generation will actually listen to what the govt. has to say about SAFE DRIVING? think about it when u first got your P. You've just received your liscense and now your going to get educated??? you straight away want to get behind any vehicle and drive.[/QUOTE]

Im not talking about a safe driving advertisment. Theyve been there, done that. Im talking mandatory advanced driving training. None of this, do a multi choice test, driving around for 20mins, reverse park a couple of times, click and few buttons on a mouse and "Here you go, enjoy killing yourself in your daddys Monaro, heres your licence champ". Get P-platers out there at AHG on the skid pans. At least that way when they go out and act like a hero infront of their mates, theyve got half a chance of correcting it when they fuck it up.

Of course the bigger issue will always be the mindset of the driver. If they wanna drive like a knob, they will. But at least this way, somewhere in the back of their mind, they might remember what they were taught that day on the skid pan and correct their mistake, hopefully saving a life.

theprotest 03-02-2008 09:13 PM

This is always such a charged topic, it's good to see three pages without any mud slinging.

Honestly, I just want to see the real figures, adjusted for driving population over the last 20 years.

I will eat my hat if the number has actually increased.

my3_wrc 03-02-2008 09:14 PM

what i am trying to get at is its alot easier to kill your self in a hi powerd car and no knowledge. so if you start in a car like a charade and work your way to a sti you will have the knowledge to handle the power but everyone has the right to there own opinion

BN01 03-02-2008 09:18 PM

[QUOTE=my3_wrc]what i am trying to get at is its alot easier to kill your self in a hi powerd car and no knowledge. so if you start in a car like a charade and work your way to a sti you will have the knowledge to handle the power but everyone has the right to there own opinion[/QUOTE]

I think thats a terrible comparison personally. How many airbags does your average Charade have? ESP? TC? AWD even? Its lacking in the safety department, not to mention its a tiny tin can of a thing. At least if a young driver is in a new car, with many airbags, and all the safety mod cons, regardless of the power, surely they're going to be safer when they do inevitably put the boot in and get it wrong?

theprotest 03-02-2008 09:19 PM

I don't really see that as cut and dry, a high powered car more often than not has better safety features than a POS... so it's really all down to the driver mentality.


EDIT: Basically reiterating BN01's comments - just a second or two too slow.

Mat 03-02-2008 09:24 PM

[QUOTE=my3_wrc]what i am trying to get at is its alot easier to kill your self in a hi powerd car and no knowledge. so if you start in a car like a charade and work your way to a sti you will have the knowledge to handle the power but everyone has the right to there own opinion[/QUOTE]

Then you get the flipside of that.

Young guy buys an MY02 STi (getting cheap now) and while it might be heaps faster than mums charade, i bet when the young guy hops in mum or dads car he will push the boundaries more as mum and dad will foot the bills, whereas if it was his car he might look after it more?

my3_wrc 03-02-2008 09:34 PM

like i said everyone has the right to there own opinion you could have all the same safety things in both cars and i think it would be better off in low powered car

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