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SpitShine 04-03-2008 02:56 PM

haha my bad mate.. *screwed on* i know wat your saying and i do agree that there are worse things happening in this world.. but honestly for an animal to be killed intentionally is just kinda overboard... didn't mean to attack ya:)

BALISTC 04-03-2008 02:58 PM


TopGear 04-03-2008 03:01 PM

Im sure after shooting people in Iraq throwing a puppy off a cliff wouldnt be the worst thing for there Mental state, I say fake though.

IMPRESHER 04-03-2008 03:27 PM

It would be alive with broken bits..

I remember a vid clip my mate showed me of a US Soldeir in hands of Bosnians back in war how they tied his hands and legs up put him on the street ppl walking passed and shit then this guy pulls out a knife and goes for the neck then its all over in seconds head and body seperated lol he just chucks it on the ground ...

Honestly was cruel but the hell with the US millitery.

American Dave 04-03-2008 03:27 PM

no way everything you see on teh intranets is real ;)

waxdass 04-03-2008 03:45 PM

back in the old country, the oldies put the puppies in a barrel of water to drown em. cant afford to keep em everytime a dog has a litter.
get over it.

TopGear 04-03-2008 03:50 PM

not saying its right, But they are trained to kill people and are killing people so I guess you cant expect much more from them :( heard stories of them coming back and killing there families n stuff cos there so messed up in the head.

jEstEr? 04-03-2008 04:46 PM

mmmm puppy


IMPRESHER 04-03-2008 05:20 PM

Jester thats chicken or Duck or something NOT DOGS..

ImPreSiV 04-03-2008 05:56 PM


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