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saturation 23-06-2008 11:13 AM

Didnt Rudd abolish those already and hes about to introduce his own ?

Kato 23-06-2008 11:25 AM

Krudd is taking his sweet ass time on the new IR laws. By the time they get put through, I'm guessing most people will be stuffed.

chee 23-06-2008 11:34 AM

labour are cunts. i've always said this.

matthews 23-06-2008 12:05 PM

How does this make sence? I tell you what while people think this is bad has anyone actually looking into the IR laws John howard bought in? If they are a company with less than 100 employees they can fire you for no reason at all, nothing and you cant do a thing about it.

Yeh thats really gonna help us johnny![/QUOTE]

What should this matter any way if you are a good worker. I am sure that if you work hard and and do your best all the time they will not sack you. Only the dickheads have a reason to worry. That is why all the scum (and unions)chucked the shits when johnny made the IR laws.

doadrift 23-06-2008 12:09 PM

[QUOTE=Kato]Yup about time people started to think of the employer for once.

Whilst it is nice having 101 reasons you can't get rid of an employee, another hundred reasons why employees can leave a company at a whim, when the roles reverse everyone gets up in arms.

And by the way, it wasn't as simple as you could just sack people for the sake of it.[/QUOTE]

Actually it happened to me. I was sacked for standing up for other employees that they were trying to make quit. I didn't do anything, i had just been given a big pay rise for working hard and they fired me on the spot with no reason at all. We were already 2 staff downa nd i was working 9-10 hour days to make up for it aswell as weekends.
When I took them to court the commisioner took me aside and told me that I can't sue them for unfair dismissal or fight for my job back because they have less than 100 employees. And even though they fired me for standing up for other staff (Unlaweful termination) I had to prove that this was the reason that they fired me. The only way to do that was to have it in writing or a recording of them saying it.
Neither of which they would give me.
They also decided to fire my boss for no reason and the IT guy and now the secretary.

Now explain to me how that is good? I understand where you are coming from that there are bludgers out there doing as little as possible and cruising through though. Personally The laws before were to for employees and the new laws are WAY to much for employers. Hopefully KRudd will change it to a more overall fair laws.

However this doesn't help me. (And please if you going to say "You probably deserved it, blah blah" don't its a touchy subject and think of how you would feel if this happened to you and almost cost you your house)

[QUOTE=matthews]What should this matter any way if you are a good worker. I am sure that if you work hard and and do your best all the time they will not sack you. Only the dickheads have a reason to worry. That is why all the scum (and unions)chucked the shits when johnny made the IR laws.[/QUOTE]

Its not always so black and white my friend. In my case we were run by a committee. A committee that was voted in every year. A committee of unqualified people with all the control. If they don't like you (as was the case with the staff I was standing up for) they can sack you for no reason. As they did.
Good worker or not you are replacable.

Kato 23-06-2008 12:15 PM

You are the first person that I have heard of ever having this rule applied.

By the way, if 'they' are firing everyone from workers to bosses, maybe there was something else going on that you weren't aware of / not sharing.

Anyways... just wait till the new IR stuff comes through, then everyone will complain about them.

doadrift 23-06-2008 12:21 PM

[QUOTE=Kato]You are the first person that I have heard of ever having this rule applied.

By the way, if 'they' are firing everyone from workers to bosses, maybe there was something else going on that you weren't aware of / not sharing.

Anyways... just wait till the new IR stuff comes through, then everyone will complain about them.[/QUOTE]

Its a long story, i think i shared it on antilag in the motorsport section as it applied to Barbagallo raceway (You would have all seen that the government is taking over).

Basically it all started when last years committee fired the general manager. There reason? Simply they didn't like him so they fired him over a minor building permit.
The thing is these people were normal members before being on the committee. In the 10 years the old GM was there (And took the track from a dusty bushland to what it is might I add) he had rubbed a few of these guys up the wrong way. So what do you do when you dont like someone? You become there boss and fire them :)
He has a pretty good case against them and I'm not sure if the IR rules applied to him or not. I'm still yet to hear how he went.

werticusness 23-06-2008 12:33 PM

It was a master play by the liberals to introduce the ir laws needed to throw the last election and thus get labour into power for the world recession everyone knew was coming, so labour can take the blame from the average idiot who thinks Australia can have any influence on oil prices or interest rates and get the liberals back into power asap :P

I personally think both major parties are crap and wont vote for either.

foxey 23-06-2008 02:14 PM

[QUOTE=werticusness]I personally think both major parties are crap and wont vote for either.[/QUOTE]

But thats the problem with preferential voting, you end up doing it anyway. I though the one vote one value idea was excellent, from what I can see this is a true measure of who should really be sitting in the seat.

Now that labour is federal, how many state governments do you think are going to stay labour? Even with the state the WA liberal party is in I still believe that they have a chance come election time.

One thing I don't understand about fuel watch is why petrol stations are not allowed to adjust their price down. I see no benefit to this rule at all. LCT is a joke with the GST being in place.

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