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TROLLEY 16-08-2010 11:58 AM

Aww, look at all the blessed darlings who think their interest rates, home loans and job security will automatically be better off with a Liberal Government.

If you really want to make your vote count, go here - [url][/url]
Rather than just vote straight Labor/Liberal, try educating yourselves on preferences and take the time out to do the lengthy, numbered vote. Regardless of who you support, Labor or Liberal having complete control of the Senate is a mistake. You will want opposition in the Senate when these arseclowns start trying to push through policies and laws that you disagree with.

[i]edit: for those of you that care about the broadband issue - [url][/url][/i]





Sayers 16-08-2010 12:45 PM

I lived through the Hawke/Keating labor years with mortgages at 19%, and businesses going bust left right and centre during the 'recession we had to have'.

Then the Libs got in, and while there were some policies I didn't like at least they managed the economy well.

When Ruddya Comaneci got in with the new labor shower I just knew the country was in for a walloping. The idea of a stimulus after the GFC was fine, but they went way too far and started splashing cash out for everything. I don't hold pollies in high regard at the best of times, but the backflips and community talkfests we've had over the past three years are a total joke. Cap it off with the ill-advised mining tax and you have a bunch of chairwarmers who seem to have no idea how the real world works.

I'm also in IT and I'm flatly against the NBN and (most definitely) labor's proposed internet filter. I don't want a bunch of unelected public servants deciding which sites are not suitable for their precious little nannystralians.

Will the Libs be any better? No idea, but they're promising to ditch the NBN, the mining tax and the internet filter, and that sounds like an excellent start. I'd trust them to manage the economy too.

Plus having a PM who could punch, run, swim and ride his way out of trouble would be a nice change.

Kato 16-08-2010 12:52 PM

Craig H, do you actually understand the pictures you are posting? Or are you just a blind Labor follower?

The internet filter that Labor will introduce will kill your net faster than anything in the world. And if Labor actually does bring in 1Gbps net connections that do not cost $1000 per month for 5 gigs of download, I will eat my boxer shorts.

AJAYJAY 16-08-2010 12:53 PM

Which party are giving apprentices 5grand for finishing there apprenticeships??

apg39 16-08-2010 12:55 PM

^ Oh you poor misguided fool.

Even if they do bring that in they will hold it off for a year or 2, have some sort of other crisis that money needs to go to & will instead offer Happy Meal vouchers at your local McDonalds.

TROLLEY 16-08-2010 01:04 PM

[QUOTE=Kato;480205]Craig H, do you actually understand the pictures you are posting? Or are you just a blind Labor follower?[/QUOTE]
You will notice that I haven't mentioned anything to do with Labor's ideas regarding the internet, as both parties' ideas are flawed to bits. The Liberals just don't have any funny meme's floating around that I can see ;)

You would probably be surprised at how my vote will be spent actually. Definitely not blind either, as my vote isn't being cast on pretences set down by the general media like most of white collar, deep-pocket, economy worshiping drones will be doing.

[i]edit: and if a Liberal Government handles the economy in such a way that doesn't increase the rich-poor divide, doesn't create another class of CUB's and artificially inflated housing prices, I too will eat my shorts.[/i]

Kato 16-08-2010 01:15 PM

[QUOTE=Craig_H;480216][i]edit: and if a Liberal Government handles the economy in such a way that doesn't increase the rich-poor divide, doesn't create another class of CUB's and artificially inflated housing prices, I too will eat my shorts.[/i][/QUOTE]

Rich - poor divide? Sorry, but if you want the poor to have money, the rich have to get richer. All that says is you hate that some people are successful. Want to get rich, put your doodle on the line and go work for it.

CUB are not a derivative of government. Just the 'poor' getting paid more than the rich due to a lack of people wanting to work in this country.

High housing prices are because of the CUB's. As people can earn more money in this state, people move here and want to buy houses. Supply vs demand.

From that, I read that you want a government that don't want people to earn money, which will remove the CUB's and lower house prices?

TROLLEY 16-08-2010 01:20 PM

Wow, all about $'s isn't it.
Thanks Kato, you proved my point.

ps. the rich/poor divide or the haves/have nots doesn't always equate to money (in an earning capacity). Government incentives, support agencies, social issues... etc.

Shodown 16-08-2010 01:21 PM

Then the Libs got in, and while there were some policies I didn't like at least they managed the economy well.[/QUOTE]

Just because its libs, doesnt mean they are going to do the same with the economy as the Howard Era.... Costello is long gone.

Something that I cant get over though is that Libs are going to spend nearly 15% on a NBN that delivers a maximum of 12% of the minimum peak speaks or 1.2% of the maximum peak speeds recently announced for the current [URL=""]NBN[/URL].

How is that not financial mismanagement? And when asked about it.... "I am not a tech head". You dont need to be to do simple mathematics.

The problem is and always will be you must pick the lesser of the two evils.

And with dimwits like Ajajayayasyasfjsf voting for 5k in their pocket, or trashville people expecting the baby bonus for their 14yo daughter, the country is in trouble!!

More and more of this shit make me want to vote green. Except that fucker has an open door policy for boat people......

I hate election time.

phizzle 16-08-2010 01:25 PM

Tony Abbott = No farkin idea

Julia Gillard = Post Tortoise

phizzle = Preffered PM by millions [URL] Perth-WRX&[/URL]

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