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Master D 16-02-2011 01:50 PM

Work Matters
Ladies and Gents.

I thought i would throw it out here to see what opinions are and whatnot.

Basically, my boss has noted to me a couple of weeks ago my lack of ability to "get jobs 100% complete" which i understand is fruatrating blah blah blah, but in the same breath pulls me off jobs to go fix other problems - ie working in freo, go to mundaring @ 230. Which is fine dont care. But the problem ive got is that im refusing to re-schedule meetings with clients onsite, which ive re-scheduled 2 & 3 times previously because i have been pulled off for these other jobs & its down right rude in my opinion.

Its taking me longer to complete original jobs because of these screw arounds and the fact that im not fully capable of doing some of the jobs im sent to.

My arguement to him is to let me finish jobs right off or to a point where i require further assistance then move onto next job. He agrees with me one day and says he will stop but the next day hes back at it again.

So i have simply started letting him schedule my work load and where to go when so that he cant complain about jobs not being done because he is organising it for me and sees my workload in real time.

Yesterday i recieved a text sayin to meet in my office for a chat about my poor performance - i agree & see him this morning. I get told i was having my " informal" chat now and all that was said is that i was having a performance review once i return from holidays and that i should bring a witness to overhear everything.

Now i questioned what would be the nature of this "meeting" he replied with youll find out when you return.

Now im f)cking pissed off because of a couple of things.

1- why couldnt he tell me about the nature of said meeting
2- i dont class the "informal" meeting as anything because there was no notification or intent to informally discuss any issues.

Now i have seen this as a precurser to being screwed over.

So im wondering if i rock up with my resignation to the meeting and juat resign on the spot - said meeting is over and im outta there?

What is the witness there for? Can they imput into the meeting or are they there just as a pair of ears?

I havent had this happen to me before and i dont really have much of a backround in arguing to save myself - im just as likely to tell the boss to FO insted of being gratious in my demise.

No im not a part of a union.


Damo69 16-02-2011 01:54 PM

quit, find a new job where they can organise an orgy in a brothel

sounds like u have a NFI boss.

shot from the hip. not knowing the full story

Master D 16-02-2011 01:56 PM

Thats what im thinkin.....

BOMB3R 16-02-2011 02:00 PM

If it's going to be hard to find another job I wouldn't quit, I would wait until he fired you then you can claim Gov assistance straight away. Also it sounds like you could have a decent unfair dismisal claim against him.

nauli 16-02-2011 02:02 PM

1. He's your boss/employer...he doesn't neccessarily [U]have[/U] to tell you anything
2. If you have performed to the best of your ability, you have nothing to fear...tell him so
3. If he's unreasonable, discuss the issues with him calmly and sensibly...if he remains unreasonable there's not much you can do about it.
4. [U]Do not[/U] burn any bridges....there is nothing to be gained from telling him to fuck off
5. If neccessary be gracious in defeat and live to fight another day
6. Don't pre-empt what he may prepared for all possibilities
7. He will not say anything unreasonable if he's asked you to bring a witness
8. Stay cool

Master D 16-02-2011 02:09 PM

[QUOTE=nauli;536777]1. He's your boss/employer...he doesn't neccessarily [U]have[/U] to tell you anything
2. If you have performed to the best of your ability, you have nothing to fear...tell him so
3. If he's unreasonable, discuss the issues with him calmly and sensibly...if he remains unreasonable there's not much you can do about it.
4. [U]Do not[/U] burn any bridges....there is nothing to be gained from telling him to fuck off
5. If neccessary be gracious in defeat and live to fight another day
6. Don't pre-empt what he may prepared for all possibilities
7. He will not say anything unreasonable if he's asked you to bring a witness
8. Stay cool[/QUOTE]

I have been more or less singled out at work & im finding their sights have been stuck on me for quite a while.

Who would be an approapriate witness to bring into said meeting??
Someone whos completely disconnected from the situation or a fellow workmate?

mARC 16-02-2011 02:15 PM

Sounds interesting as I've never been asked to bring a whitness to a meeting before 'to all the HR/Business Owner/Managers out there is this a new procedure?'

Totally agree with nauli, approach the meeting openly as you may not have an absolute understanding of what its all about. Remember that Perth is an EXTREMELY small place so there's no point going at him hammer and tong.

I've been in situations myself where I've tried to pre-empt a meetings contents and have been totally wrong and on the other foot I've been in situations where I was expected to cover a lot of different activities outside of my job description as well as daily undertakings 'yes I understand that this is a part of everyday worklife but I am talking to the extent that I'd have to work an excessive amount of overtime each day as well as weekends 'where I wasn't paid for overtime and weekend work'.

[QUOTE=Master D;536781]I have been more or less singled out at work & im finding their sights have been stuck on me for quite a while.

Who would be an approapriate witness to bring into said meeting??
Someone whos completely disconnected from the situation or a fellow workmate?[/QUOTE]

Depends if you have someone that can verify your work practices thats willing to come with you, I'd say someone impartial would be a better choice such as a close friend etc.

johnvk7 16-02-2011 02:17 PM

If you in a trade, ring up the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) and ask for some advice. They will probably be able to help you out. May even provide said witness.

JDM_STYLE 16-02-2011 02:21 PM

Join the Union ASAP and have a union rep come with you to be the said witness.

Fill the union rep in about all that's going on and what has been said to you so far, when you rock up to the meeting just say this is my witness for the meeting today but dont tell the boss who exactly he is, once he starts being a cunt and saying unreasonable things the union rep will pipe up and inform him who exactly his is and probably tear him to shreds for all the bullshit and harassing statements he's made, you'll probably see a dramatic turn around from the boss as you have a reliable witness who can back up your claims of harassment and can even make certain jobs on particular work sites unpleasant for the company if they want.

Nothing to lose really by getting into the Union.

That's my advice anyway as I seen it work many a time before. :D

teejay 16-02-2011 02:36 PM

Start grabbing evidence of their fuck ups - emails, calander changes, save voicemails, whatever.

Wait till he questions your lack of completing jobs

Bam - bust out the evidence

Shit on his desk


Master D 16-02-2011 02:37 PM

Problem ive got though, is i dont particularly agree with alot of what the unions do..... Plus i wouldnt know which industry union to join.... As my trade is a hybrid of 3odd trades haha

Im thinking a good friend with his head screwed on might be the way plus having a chat with cci will
Be the go.

Problem ive got also is morally that i enjoy the work i do and the co workers are great, its just managment couldnt find its way out of a paperbag.

lad 16-02-2011 02:38 PM

So he wants you to squirm about losing your job while you're on holidays - nice bloke. Take this bizarre behaviour as a hint that you should go into business for yourself.

Kato 16-02-2011 02:47 PM

No idea why he wants you to bring a witness. Obviously they have had some past issue with an employee and want a 3rd party to be present in a meeting to back up what is actually said and agreed upon.

There are 2 sides to every story and just picking a few points from your post, you're not completing jobs and taking too long to complete them. That is what they want to discuss. It will be pretty painless, just cop it all on the chin and go away to think about it. You will probably be told to 'do this' and be given a formal warning for not doing your duties or something.

My advice, bringing a union rep in with you will end your career with the company and depending on the industry, end your career completely.

AWDmoke 16-02-2011 02:53 PM

Put your feelers out for another job (easier while you are still working for someone else).

Diarise or make a log of all these jobs you couldn't complete, and the reasons why. Same for late/urgent changes to schedule at the boss's instruction.
Much easier to read or table these at the meeting so you don't get heated & say something you will regret.

Odds are this meeting will be your "formal warning", a precurser to when they decide to get rid of you. Do not argue, but also do not agree with any statements about your performance that you know to be untrue. As you say, take someone level headed with you.

I've been through this many times (from the other side of the desk).
It is good practice to have a witness for each party to prevent misunderstandings, vital to avoid unfair dismissal actions.

Good luck.

tuna 16-02-2011 02:55 PM

do not involve a union!

AWDmoke 16-02-2011 02:55 PM

John beat me to it, but I also agree about the union rep.
That will just muddy the waters.

Soksta 16-02-2011 02:56 PM

Is it illegal to use a recording device in this sort of meeting?

+1 to AWDMoke's post.
Gather & present evidence where possible as to why your having these problems and it doesn't hurt to propose solutions.

Kato 16-02-2011 02:59 PM

[QUOTE=Soksta;536815]Is it illegal to use a recording device in this sort of meeting?

+1 to AWDMoke's post.
Present evidence where possible as to why your having these problems.[/QUOTE]

I believe you need to inform people that they will be recorded.

If you are that worried, slap a recorder on the table at the start. That will ensure people speak 'the truth'. However, doing such things will destroy any relationship that existed. Personally they are last ditch efforts.

Master D 16-02-2011 02:59 PM

Cheers for the help guys.

Kato - i agree with you about the union rep - my industry is a mighty small one, so im a touch hesitant to take this route.

Master D 16-02-2011 03:06 PM


+1 to AWDMoke's post.
Gather & present evidence where possible as to why your having these problems and it doesn't hurt to propose solutions.[/QUOTE]

I would if i was really quite worried about things, i have made alot of good friends in the industry all of which can/will vouch for my not being a dodgy prick.

If worst comes to worst - 2 phone calls & id be employed.

At this stage of the match - ill bring a friend - sit down, hear them out, voice my opinions/ concerns. If we come to some sort of agreement or understanding - great.
If not walk out knowing that thats business in the big bad world.

Kato 16-02-2011 03:08 PM

Just chill out, go on holiday and have a meeting when you get back.

Worst case scenario of you being fired would already be planned and in motion, so nothing you can do about it.

Most likely scenario is you sit down get told off for a few jobs, accept the mistakes, ask how to improve and carry on with life.

Nothing to stress about imo.

Master D 16-02-2011 03:13 PM

Pretty much the plan now.
Cheers john & everyone else!

XT43 16-02-2011 03:33 PM

Worst part of it is that he's told you just before holidays which is a shit thing to do.

Best way to remedy this is to drink more Bintang.

Rossco 16-02-2011 04:49 PM

What industry are you in? ...I missed that bit!?

phizzle 16-02-2011 04:55 PM

[QUOTE=Rossco;536879]What industry are you in? ...I missed that bit!?[/QUOTE]
Air cons!

scary 16-02-2011 04:56 PM

Take a really hot blonde with big tits along and wearing something low cut.
Boss will forget why he asked you in, in the first place

GTB Liberty 16-02-2011 04:58 PM

^^^WHS or take Dave along. Wait for boss to bury himself - let Dave loose. :)

Master D 16-02-2011 05:17 PM

Hahaha i dont think daves boobs are that great :-p
If i wanted moobs id be callin kato :-p
Burke - already two steps ahead haha!!

mARC 16-02-2011 07:55 PM

[QUOTE=GTB Liberty;536884]^^^WHS or take Dave along. Wait for boss to bury himself - let Dave loose. :)[/QUOTE]

Haha that's GOLD!

Jezza 16-02-2011 08:31 PM

Witness is just to ensure fairness etc. Usually used in a warning system or dismissal meeting.

As others have said, just document each job that the boss has diverted you away from etc; so you can pull it out later.

Master D 16-02-2011 09:06 PM

kinda hard to document it unfortunatly, this has been over 6+months

Rossco 16-02-2011 09:11 PM

Make hard copies of any calender based scheduling changes.
Make hard copies of anything that shows you being diverted from one job to another (even SMS's).
Photocopy your work diary if you have one.

After the interview [U]you are NOT obligated to sign any letters or documents pertaining to the subject of the interview[/U].

Do not be coerced into signing a warning letter......It demonstrates that you agree to the reasons for the warning.

Take notes during the meeting, you are entitled to do so for future reference.

And last of all, your boss/manager will probably try to wind you up if he's lining you up to be dismissed, don't react, keep your wits about you.....Ask for time to process the information he presents to you & keep calm.

Best of luck buddy.

Jeckle 16-02-2011 09:34 PM

^^^ definatley WHS, even if you don't stay there.

Or do you want to stay if you have other options. You have to be happy there, and air cons are big here in WA.

apg39 16-02-2011 09:41 PM

Take your elderly nan (or borrow one), apologise that you had to bring her...her full time carer quit & struggling to replace her & currently scraping together money so she can get necessary surgery.

Master D 16-02-2011 10:22 PM

hahaha thanks guys...

rossco - unfortunatly its only ever subject to change by phone call. ie " you need to go here now" and its not the sort of thing you document rigorusly because ive always viewed it as they'll reward me for doing such a good job and putting in the effort.
For example in october i attended 26 service calls across the month.....
i struggle to remember what i did last month, let alone months ago.

luckily enough for me if i can't come to an agreement suitable for me or can't put up with their shit much longer. Subsequently after a 2 phone calls this afternoon, i now have 2 offers on the table from other companies, both offering better Money, conditions & vehicles that what i have currently.

I'm really not fussed by all this now as i'm wanted else where & i think i'll take this as a shove in the direction i was not going to make by myself.

RichX 16-02-2011 10:26 PM

Working for a great business, with good culture, excellent people etc is worth so much - Good luck with those future employers :)

Jeckle 16-02-2011 10:28 PM

[QUOTE=Master D;536996] Subsequently after a 2 phone calls this afternoon, i now have 2 offers on the table from other companies, both offering better Money, conditions & vehicles that what i have currently.

I'm really not fussed by all this now as i'm wanted else where & i think i'll take this as a shove in the direction i was not going to make by myself.[/QUOTE]

Problem solved, life is to short to put up with a shit boss.

JDM_STYLE 16-02-2011 10:41 PM

If that's the case I'd be lining up one of those new jobs to start soon after this meeting as it sounds like a much better deal on the table, if it was me I'd go to said meeting to see what bullshit he says then hand him a letter of resignation at the end with a massive smile.

Master D 16-02-2011 10:42 PM

[QUOTE=JDM_STYLE;537005]If that's the case I'd be lining up one of those new jobs to start soon after this meeting as it sounds like a much better deal on the table, if it was me I'd go to said meeting to see what bullshit he says then hand him a letter of resignation at the end with a massive smile.[/QUOTE]

Haha you read my mind wayno :D

dtrally 16-02-2011 10:53 PM

[QUOTE=RichX;536998]Working for a great business, with good culture, excellent people etc is worth so much - Good luck with those future employers :)[/QUOTE]

Yep, exactly.

If the place you're at is shit, no point getting some fat union dude to go in swinging for you. Someone I know did that at a couple of jobs because the scaffolding was the wrong colour or the water in the drink machine wasn't cold enough. Now he sits on the couch all day playing video games because he's unemployable. (word gets around) ;)

P.S. If you need someone to go in windmill punching......get Burke!:eek:

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