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jasonmurray 30-10-2011 04:42 PM

Guys... as you all know about the Qantas issues of late I thought I would just say that I am offering my services to help family and friends getting to their destination, whether it be home or abroad, for [U]cost [/U]price.

Some of you know that I work at Flight Centre in North Perth so if you have someone who is stuck or if you are stuck yourself let me know and I can try and sort something out.

My contact details are:

Jason Murray
Flight Centre North Perth
+61 8 9319 4111

I am doing this for the p-wrx community as a kind gesture and wont be making any money off any of the bookings. I am only helping out my fellow mates so please do not take advantage of this. Since I will be doing this at cost price I wont be making a single cent from this :)

If you have any questions please either PM me, call/email me tomorrow.


RSR-WRC 30-10-2011 04:46 PM

But I need help right now.... I need to get to newzealand tonight or tomorrow night!!!

jasonmurray 30-10-2011 04:50 PM

Then call 9385 3466.

phizzle 30-10-2011 05:52 PM

Just saw QANTAS Fokker-100 flying over my place. As far as I know these are mainly used by QANTASLink to service minesites but I would assume they would do rural flights as well. Maybe they are going again?

DanFranko 30-10-2011 05:53 PM

Hmmm cheers for that...currently stuck in London...although they do put you up in a nice hotel at least!

May give you a call tomorrow depending on outcome of trying to get a flight today!


DAN682 30-10-2011 06:29 PM

Qantaslink and Jetstar are not affected.

Joyce MUST go. Fucking irish potato farmer

red dragon2002 30-10-2011 07:18 PM

am i the only guy on here that works for qantas? poor me not certain if i will have a job

anyone here know or have any work for me? sick of this bloody qantas bs. i need a new job...

phizzle 30-10-2011 07:39 PM

[QUOTE=red dragon2002;622295]anyone here know or have any work for me? sick of this bloody qantas bs. i need a new job...[/QUOTE]
BHP Iron Ore need about 4000 people over the coming year ;)

red dragon2002 30-10-2011 08:00 PM

[QUOTE=phizzle;622301]BHP Iron Ore need about 4000 people over the coming year ;)[/QUOTE]

hey phizzle, thanks for that. this is the kind of comments i am looking for. do you work for them yourself?

mayby i could be 1 of those 4000 people :)

nixwrc 30-10-2011 08:22 PM

I work at the airport up north for bhp we lookin for ppl

red dragon2002 30-10-2011 09:10 PM

[QUOTE=nixwrc;622324]I work at the airport up north for bhp we lookin for ppl[/QUOTE]

really? where do i sign up? :)

seriously though more information? what do you do pay ect... if you want just give me a pm, appreciate it...

worked for qantas for too long now i think...

guys don't be shy please keep my options open, thank you :)

i can't be without a job will loose my house ect :(

red dragon2002 31-10-2011 08:35 AM

ok so now i turns out there will not be a lockout for me at work, which is good i guess becasue i would not have been paid for the days that i was not at work.

anyhow still want another job as i want job security. will look into the two above mentioned jobs and anyone else who is willing to help, cheers.

and to jasonmurray, sorry to go off topic in your thread, but it kind of relates to me and plus don't really want to start another qantas thread

phizzle 31-10-2011 01:11 PM

[QUOTE=red dragon2002;622307]hey phizzle, thanks for that. this is the kind of comments i am looking for. do you work for them yourself?

mayby i could be 1 of those 4000 people :)[/QUOTE]
Yes I do work for them. I swing the big diggers around and around and sometimes a truck pulls in underneath for a load of dirt. There are 3 sites starting up in the next 18 months if everything goes well. The first to kick off will be week on, week off.

red dragon2002 31-10-2011 01:34 PM

[QUOTE=phizzle;622539]Yes I do work for them. I swing the big diggers around and around and sometimes a truck pulls in underneath for a load of dirt. There are 3 sites starting up in the next 18 months if everything goes well. The first to kick off will be week on, week off.[/QUOTE]

that would be something that i would look into. i have a young daughter and have done 1:1 before

if anything comes up, could you please let me know, thank you

tuna 31-10-2011 02:51 PM

joyce has done the right thing, the problem is with the unions and their demand for pay cheques that are out of parity with other airlines.

imho, unless your working for the minimum wage and in unsafe conditions, there isnt a reason to strike.

if it werent for labor abolishing AWA's we wouldnt have had half of this mess.

johnvk7 31-10-2011 03:07 PM

True enough, although, too get a 2mil bonus when share prices are down and then close the airline the next day is not on.
I really think it shouldn't have got this far.
Fair work Australia should have been involved months ago

GTB Liberty 31-10-2011 03:16 PM

That "bonus" has so many performance criteria he'll probably never get it. I think we also have to remember that Joyce took numerous salary hits post GFC.

apg39 31-10-2011 07:07 PM

And the provision of this pay rise he has gotten was that it be in stock options not in cash. Plus it all went ahead in early September not this weekend as the press reports. Probably brought it up at the AGM but was approved a while ago.

Also, apparently by satisfying 2 of the 3 unions it would cost about $300million + these 'guarantees' of work. Pretty certain the carbon tax rort will cost them a bit of money too. Sounds like handing out more money is impossible for Qantas.

Pilots protesting are working 16-17 hours a week, getting paid $230k a year, 6 weeks leave, 25 sick days & discounted travel. I would gladly work for that & won't complain at all.

Master D 31-10-2011 07:12 PM

[QUOTE=GTB Liberty;622624]That "bonus" has so many performance criteria he'll probably never get it. I think we also have to remember that Joyce took numerous salary hits post GFC.[/QUOTE]

So he deserved a 70% payrise?

My pay didn't go up 70% post GFC

BLUES 31-10-2011 08:10 PM

Yep. He just proved why the Board's decision was justified.

He doesn't set his own salary btw.

Kato 01-11-2011 09:47 AM

[QUOTE=Master D;622779]So he deserved a 70% payrise?

My pay didn't go up 70% post GFC[/QUOTE]

He didn't receive a pay rise. He was basically given a bonus for doubling the companies profits last year. CEO's of large companies usually get a performance based bonus in their package.

The media is doing a good job of making out these CEO's are taking all the money and leaving nothing for the 'workers'. I'd like to see some of these workers take on the legal repsonsibilities a CEO or board member (go to jail spec) has without wanting a large amount of renumeration.

Riggs 01-11-2011 10:08 AM

Businesses are not fucking charities. They are there to generate money for its shareholders and will do so however they see fit provided it is within the constraints of the law. The uneducated, socialistic opinions of the masses give me the shits.

Master D 01-11-2011 10:12 AM

So profits doubled.
Workers ask for payrise.
Couldnt get payrise because they are asking to much.
Joyce shuts down company.

So he is still a couple of million richer, workers, not so much.

I honestly cant wait for the 28days to pass, they go to arbitration, qantas & the unions wont be happy.
No more qantas.

red dragon2002 01-11-2011 10:17 AM

[QUOTE=Master D;622992]No more qantas.[/QUOTE]

no more job

anyhow will be interesting to see how this turns out

reconus 01-11-2011 10:31 AM

supposed to be flying to melb in dec with qantas ....

Riggs 01-11-2011 10:33 AM

Workers would paid more if the company deemed them worth the payrise. They are already getting above the award rates.

Joyce, makes them more money than anybody else so he is worth the bonus.

DEDLYWEPN 01-11-2011 10:34 AM

In my opinion, if companies give in to union tactics and give out unwarranted pay rises, they inturn set a precedent that the unions know they can take advantage of again, and that all they have to do is strike.

What should be in the spotlight so these workers see the real picture, is what the union leaders are pocketing from them for doing SFA! (There's a reason Kevin Reynolds lives in a riverfront penthouse at the Raffles!)

Totally agree with what Riggs has said, they are in business to make money and keep shareholders happy. They would factor in pay rises each budget but it seems in most cases the unions are asking way too much.

And in response to Master D:

If they give in and pay aus workers more, there is virtually no chance of them retaining their jobs long term. It doesn't seem too much of an educated decision asking for a mass pay rise from a company looking at sending a vast portion of its international operation offshore to save money!!

Yeah let's give them even more reason to send the jobs overseas!!!

I see the overseas move as a positive, Qantas lowers overheads, making more profit so they can employ a larger aus workforce for domestic operations...

apg39 01-11-2011 10:56 AM

Wow, nice to see others properly understanding the situation with Qantas & not just repeating BS seen all over twitter & sensationalist news departments.

Business is business. Harsh for some but thats life.

Master D 01-11-2011 10:57 AM

I get the whole idea of joyce making the most money so he gets the biggest bonus, yep makes perfect sense but if the company keeps delivering huge profits why cant their be payrises for the people who help keep the profits coming?

As for the award wage, the award wages are null and void, the award wage in my trade is $10/hr less than what im on, in the current market im still regarded as being underpaid.

If everyone was on the award wage, we would all be broke and living in the rich peoples rental properties making them more rich and us on the bones of our ass.

Award wages were developed ages ago and havent kept up with the market.

Just like redbook for cars - people know what their car is worth but redbook has a generic value for it.

MY99GT 01-11-2011 10:59 AM

[QUOTE=reconus;623001]supposed to be flying to melb in dec with qantas ....[/QUOTE]

Me too mate :( Going to my brother-in-laws wedding.. not something I want to miss.

Kato 01-11-2011 11:03 AM

[QUOTE=Master D;623020]I get the whole idea of joyce making the most money so he gets the biggest bonus, yep makes perfect sense but if the company keeps delivering huge profits why cant their be payrises for the people who help keep the profits coming?

As for the award wage, the award wages are null and void, the award wage in my trade is $10/hr less than what im on, in the current market im still regarded as being underpaid.

If everyone was on the award wage, we would all be broke and living in the rich peoples rental properties making them more rich and us on the bones of our ass.

Award wages were developed ages ago and havent kept up with the market.

Just like redbook for cars - people know what their car is worth but redbook has a generic value for it.[/QUOTE]

This is all fine in theory, except the workers are asking for more than the whole profit of last year in extras. This is the point most people are missing.

apg39 01-11-2011 11:05 AM

So Master D why aren't you protesting for more money or guaranteed job? They already get 30% more than Virgin & who knows where that sits compared to minimum wage.

Just heard Gillard on the radio joining the Blame Qantas bandwagon. Could be another nail in the coffin, general public will side with but forget by election time, big business wont be so forgetful.

Riggs 01-11-2011 11:10 AM

[QUOTE=Master D;623020]but if the company keeps delivering huge profits why cant their be payrises for the people who help keep the profits coming?

Why? They are doing their job. They don't work any harder, the company makes a big profit and the want a cut but they have not done any more work to earn it.

If it was making a massive loss can the company give them massive paycuts, well below what is fair and reasonable for them to be paid and insist they work the same amount? No they wouldn't, people would be made redundant yes (with whatever payout was due to them) but all those still employed would still earn what they are due as being a fair amount. If they did not the law would soon step in and rectify that.

XT43 01-11-2011 11:10 AM

[QUOTE=apg39;623029]So Master D why aren't you protesting for more money or guaranteed job? They already get 30% more than Virgin & who knows where that sits compared to minimum wage.

Just heard Gillard on the radio joining the Blame Qantas bandwagon. Could be another nail in the coffin, general public will side with but forget by election time, big business wont be so forgetful.[/QUOTE]

yeah, but it was the unions that backed in Rudd / Gillard.

Master D 01-11-2011 11:14 AM

[QUOTE=Kato;623027]This is all fine in theory, except the workers are asking for more than the whole profit of last year in extras. This is the point most people are missing.[/QUOTE]

This is true, i think the amount they are looking for is stupid, ie will ruin the company, thats crazy.

Apg39 - for me, im currently renegotiating my terms because im not happy.

Jeckle 01-11-2011 12:09 PM

Got back from Sydney last night on QF571, fortunately our flight wasn't affected, it flew out 3 1/2 hrs after Qantas got approval to fly again.

Found out while preparing to go to a school reunion out at Dubbo NSW. We made contact with the motel we were staying at Sunday night to tenativley book a room for Monday if it was required, thankfully it wasn't.

I haven't read all of the posts on this, but why is it OK for the boss to make a decision that affects people immediatley, and the unions have to give 72hrs notice? The BS about flight safety. The pilots would have been more concerned about getting home to their families that night rather than being locked out in a few days. Alan Joyce is the boss, but not the owner, the shareholders are, people like I am, and am soon not to be, selling today.

I believe, that if the announcement on Saturday was a lock out to take place at 5pm on Monday, instead of immediatley, the result would have been the same re FWA, and Qantas wouldn't have lost the estimated $100m (would have gone well towards the workers pays) and no-one flying would have been disrupted.

Kato 01-11-2011 12:22 PM

From my understanding it was the workers striking who were saying the planes weren't safe to fly in their comments. Therefore fleet grounded until it was resolved.

Master D 01-11-2011 12:28 PM

[QUOTE=Riggs;623031]Why? They are doing their job. They don't work any harder, the company makes a big profit and the want a cut but they have not done any more work to earn it.

So why does Joyce get one? He's employed to run the company and supply a profit back to the shareholders. He did his job and nothing more!

If he hasn't done anything more, why should he get a cut of the companies profit over Joe blogs worker?

tuna 01-11-2011 12:28 PM

i'll still fly qantas regardless.

Kato 01-11-2011 12:44 PM

[QUOTE=Master D;623061]So why does Joyce get one? He's employed to run the company and supply a profit back to the shareholders. He did his job and nothing more!

If he hasn't done anything more, why should he get a cut of the companies profit over Joe blogs worker?[/QUOTE]

Dave, it is part of his contract to receive renumeration based on performance.

People only bring this up as it is a lot of money for the average joe, but not in a global CEO level. You want a global CEO to run a company, you need to pay the bucks.

It is exactly the same as if they paid their employees the award wage and then gave incentive bonuses based on performance. Then everyone at Virgin complained because the Qantas people made an extra 70% this year for meeting their targets.

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