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wikid_sticks 04-08-2012 04:26 PM

2012, the year of bad luck!
hey guys, im writing this while im laying in hospital.

Some of you know me, some of you dont. but those of you who do know me, know that im a bit of a rev head, whether it be a subaru, nissan, ferrari, aston martin, porsche, chevy, bmw, merc, toyota, ford, holden, i love em all

ive had my sportswagon for a few years now and i love it.. but unfortunatly i need to sell it because i want to buy a house and im trying to save as much as i can.

so i had it advertised on here and on gumtree, just as my girlfriend crashes her car. so it was no longer for sale


my girlfriend had fixed her car and at the time, our lease had ran out on our house. we ended up breaking up because we were fighting too much and i basically had enough, so we went our seperate ways. long story.

if you can remember the storm we had at the start of winter, a tree in my brothers backyard blew over and landed on my wagon, causing damage to bonnet, so no big deal, but unfortuantly i cant get around to fixing it, so im thinking i might just sell it cheaper with the damaged bonnet.

ok now the real bad luck. i ride a 2010 kawasaki kx450f. i phoned a few mates and organised to go ridingin on the 15th of july out at metro road (50k's down brookton hwy). had a great ride all day and perfect weather, but at the end of the day, i hit a bump flat out in 3rd gear and was flicked over the handle bars and was knocked out. woke up about 20 seconds later and noticed i couldnt get up or feel my legs. so im freaking out thinking ohhh noo im pretty much fucked. mates are trying to calm me down. they phoned an ambo. after an hour of waiting, police rock up, and are helping out, trying to find out where the ambo is. 3 hours of agonising pain, they finally rock up and get me straight on a drip and rush me to hospital. turns out they organised the wrong ambo and got lost :S so anyway, i get straight in there and get x-rayed, they didnt tell me much but they said ive broken my back and ill have to go to rph.

i was transfered to rph, where i got about a million x-rays. and after being put in the trauma ward, im waiting for the doctor to tell me the bad news. my face looked pretty bruised up, so ive definatly hit my head, apparently my helmet is stuffed. broken back in 2 places, 2 broken ribs, broken sturnum, and a broken finger. so i had to wait a day to go into theatere, where i was told theres a good chance i might not walk again.

woke up in intensive care, where i spent 2 days learning how to breathe again, with a million drips and drain tubes sticking out of me! i was told it costs $20,000 a day to be in there! One of the head surgeons came over to tell me the good news, surgery went well and im proberbly gonna walk again :D

3 weeks later and here i am, in shenton park rehab centre, my first week, i had to lay flat for 10 days, which you could probably imagine what that would do to your bowels. lol. so basically ive had a crook guts, up untill yesterday, where it has finally has come good. also, im learning to walk again, i think i've lost about 10kg, so i feel pretty weak, but i can sit up with a brace on and ive walked about 4 metres with the help of physios standing next to me. i know its not much, but its a start

so im gonna be stuck in here for a few months, but ive really gotta sell my car. do you think im better off just selling it as is, but get rid of it cheap or get another bonnet and get someone to wrap it. i need some ideas of what to do

ohh yeh, ill post up a few pics soon :P


tuna 04-08-2012 04:32 PM

Bad luck dan, rph and shenton park are somewhat the most frustrating places to be stuck in, organised chaos, without the organised part :)

Hope you get a speedy recovery

mattmy99 04-08-2012 04:35 PM

Dan bro! That's crazy to hear. So good you're coming good though, and will make a full recovery.
GF/GC's are worth very little these days mate (even ones as nice as yours), so I'd recommend finding a new bonnet cheap, and wrapping it so you can sell the car for as much as possible.

REXXXED 04-08-2012 04:48 PM

Sorry to hear about everything mate. Hopefully everything becomes good luck from now on!

ImPreSiV 04-08-2012 04:53 PM

I'm sure someone here has a bonnet you can have, and someone knows someine or can wrap it for you. Could get it fixed for free! Would be nice of pdiddy to rally around! I'll do what I can to make it happen!

Shame about your back mate, glad you are set to recover! Defy all odds mate! Stay strong!

V3 RA 04-08-2012 04:53 PM

How much for the wagon? I remember it being seriously cheap when you first advertised it considering the gear in it....

Glad to hear you're alright after the crash, friend of mine lost her bf not long ago in a bike accident down the same way. No wonder my old girl is against bikes!!

Best of luck with the recovery mate.

teejay 04-08-2012 05:03 PM

At least your alive.

Take your time, recover, then get out there and [I]break a leg[/I]

Strubaru 04-08-2012 05:14 PM

glad to hear you're on the mend mate, i'll be keen for your wagon if its still available once i've sold my current daily :cool:

MY99GT 04-08-2012 05:28 PM

Sell me your R32 Stu :)

And for the OP, that's some serious bad juju! Glad your on the mend and you seem pretty positive considering whats happened.

All the best, and get well soon.

TROLLEY 04-08-2012 07:31 PM

I find it really awesome that you're in high spirits through what can only be a frustrating and slow moving recovery. I'd be an emotional wreck. Look after yourself dude, and best of luck.

GX-REX 04-08-2012 08:06 PM

Best of luck with the recovery. With a start to the year like that, things can only get better ..

wikid_sticks 04-08-2012 10:07 PM

thanks everyone, it really does mean alot to know that there are people out there that care. if you guys could keep an eye out for a bonnet or help me track down a cheap one, it would be much appreciated. the bonnet is version 4 - 6. :)

PoktRokt 04-08-2012 10:27 PM

I don't know you but I really feel for you!
Hope you recover well!!! If you stay as positive as you are now then that's worth more than anything!!! Your mind set is fantastic!! I admire you!!!
Keep your spirits high!!!
Kym, if you organize something then let us all know!!

Drivers licence... pfft, Pilots licence!
Drive it like you stole it!!

apg39 04-08-2012 10:27 PM

Fuck that, someone give him a bonnet.

Good luck with a speedy recovery.

Pimpreza 04-08-2012 10:33 PM

Shit a brick, what a crappy year so far, I guess it can only get better from here, I hope so.

I remember coming over to your place with Seagull a few years ago and buying a some parts, I hope the guys here can give you a hand, I'd try but I'm in for an op this week for a few days then off to Thailand the week after, are all the vents ok? may make it easier if they are and can your brother/family sell it for you?

MISSWRXYSTi 04-08-2012 11:55 PM

Woahhhhhh :( not good, however you have amazingly survived and pretty damn positive -so maybe 2012 will make a positive turn here on through!!

Glad to hear your on the mend!!! Good luck and hope you keep going, you will get your strength back and be back to yer old self in no time I'm sure !

wikid_sticks 05-08-2012 12:41 AM

thanks everyone, hey pimpreza, yeh i remember ya aswell :) the vents are in good nick, im lucky its just the bonnet. yeh im gonna get my bro to sell it for me.

heres a few pics off my phone

these pics are thumbnails.




nipple shot for the gay boys. lol


chillin with my nieces (sisters kids)


my brothers first baby, scarlett rose. im 6 foot 4 btw.


thumbnail. this is about 2 weeks ago.


this was taken today, i tell ya, its good to not shit yourself in bed! finally dont have a crook guts anymore.


I know what u guys r thinkin.. God damn im sexy! Lol I've decided to try and grow a goatie.. Why u might ask? Well im bored and im doing it as a dare from the nurses, but the plan is to grow it as long as I can in here, then my cousin tammy is gonna dye it, but i need some ideas on what colour to go for.

wait till i get my dads phone, he's got some pretty awesome photos of me all messed up when i came out of surgery, so ill upload them as soon as he comes to visit next.


Pimpreza 05-08-2012 01:33 AM

Looking forward to more pics.....sort of.....Still shitting the bed eh? and that nip shot should have most of the PWRX girls and some of the guys a bit moist.

Just think how much better off you are than some of the poor bastards in there typing with a stick in their mouth.

P.S., your head looked better 2 weeks ago lol.

All the best mate.

ImPreSiV 05-08-2012 07:15 AM

Great to see you're in high spirits Dan! Cherry Blossom Red goatie?

magic1 05-08-2012 07:27 AM

Good luck with your recovery & a well written story.

Moving at high speed wether it be in a car, on a boat, riding a dirt bike all have risk. You chose the risk and dirt bikes are high risk fun mode of transport.

Not one to preach, but if your going to do a high risk activity, have insurance to cover it or 'self' insure and foot the risk. (ie: have money aside in case shit goes wrong)

I only see 1 bit of bad luck in your story, your bonnet.

Why would you want to continue a relationship with a person u always fight with.

Yes the machines that saved your life cost $20k a day because they are expensive to buy, run & staff.

Your alive. Despite the high cost of living its surprisingly still popular.

gumby 05-08-2012 09:44 AM

ah man that sucks.
I hope your luck improves and good luck with a speedy recovery!

Kato 06-08-2012 12:10 PM

Best of luck with the recovery!

kamimages 06-08-2012 12:39 PM

Shit man! What a story! Makes all our first world issue crap well quite insignificant! Speedy recovery!!!

wikid_sticks 07-08-2012 11:12 PM

hey guy, i just want to say thanks again for the kind words. through the amount of shit im going through, its awesome to come on here and see the comments.

i wouldn't normally tell people this but meh lol. i spent all day yesterday throwing up and crying my ass off. throwing up with broken bones is shit!!!! i had nausea from about 4am to about 3pm and i really lost it, pretty much had enough ey. i've been really strong up untill this moment where the pain just got too much. had doctors trying to suss out the problem, even had a blood test which came up with nothing. so they think it might be my pain medication which their reviewing my tremadol and oxynorm dossage.

had a really good day today, had a few mates come over and cheer me up. tomorrow is going to be awesome, i get to go to the gym for the first time and start learning how to walk properly again!!! :D:D

i'm thinking about doing video blog to put on youtube on my accident and how i want to get better to inspire kids, to show them that, no matter how tough life is, if you want something bad enough, you can achieve it. in my case i want to come out of here physically fitter and mentally stronger than i ever was. :)

ohh nearly forgot to put this one up.


wikid_sticks 13-08-2012 02:34 AM


:D good to be on my feet again! im sooo lucky to be walking again!!

GX-REX 13-08-2012 06:41 AM

Awesome news dude. Massive step in the right direction.

*pun intended... :-)

PoktRokt 13-08-2012 06:51 AM

Congrats!! Keep the pics and stories coming!!
That back scar is massive!
Here's hoping the saying 'scars get the girls' in which case you will be ballin!!

mrclubspecevo4 13-08-2012 07:33 AM

Wishing you a speedy recovery mate. Keep up the high spirits.

inrextc 13-08-2012 07:51 AM

Congrats!! Must be an awesome feeling!! Good luck with the rest of your recovery!!

trblmkr 13-08-2012 08:17 AM

Good work with the progress. Long way to go yet.
With the goatie...:D

Glad to hear the eventual out come looks to be a good one.


:D good to be on my feet again! im sooo lucky to be walking again!![/QUOTE]

ImPreSiV 13-08-2012 08:23 AM

needs more nipple pics...

Good work Dan

siaw 13-08-2012 07:55 PM

You don't know me, but I've definitely know you now. Good luck with the recovery. After all those bad luck, I'm sure good luck will come around soon. Be Optimistic and Speedy recovery.

DAN682 13-08-2012 08:23 PM

Awesome write up mate. I can't believe I didn't see this thread earlier.

I wish you all the best in your recovery.

Pimpreza 13-08-2012 10:02 PM

You'll be doing triathlons before you know it, keep up the good work :)

PAW582 14-08-2012 07:59 AM

And I thought I was having a bad year... :eek: Sorry to hear but glad you're on the road to recovery. Stay positive! :)

Julz 14-08-2012 11:39 AM

Only just seen this thread also mate, never a good thing to hear someone is in hospital even if i dont know you, we have so much in common reading your story.

Best of luck mate, stay strong!

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