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Old 01-05-2007, 07:33 AM
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Originally Posted by skitzyrex1
This is the part where you tell them the 100 names. My friend is a cop, he has no reason to lie to me.
And this is the part where you get a $1200 fine + the original fine + the demerit points. Great idea. Then as Giddy said, the police can do you for perverting the course of justice. Really fantastic idea your police friend has come up with there.

It may be easy to identify the driver from the Police photograph, but if the Police ask you to identify who you allowed to use your car, and you cannot tell them, or refuse to tell them, you are liable for penalties.

First, you will receive the demerit points for someone else’s bad driving. (These could be double demerits at holiday periods.) Second, you will have to pay the fine as you will be presumed to have been the driver.

Third, if the Police ask you to identify the driver and you cannot; and if you cannot show that you took “reasonable measures” or made “reasonable arrangements” to ensure you knew who was in charge of your car, you also could be fined. For individuals, the penalty is $1,200 for a first offence and up to $2,400 for subsequent offences.
A long time ago you used to be able to slide out of a fine by not being able to identify the driver. The new law stops that by making the owner of the vehicle liable unless they can identify the driver at the time.

Please try the 100 names thing and if it works, let us all know.
[COLOR="Gray"]550Nm off a 2L... Just wish it was in the dak dak...[/COLOR]
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