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Old 15-05-2007, 05:57 PM
AC Schnitzer AC Schnitzer is offline
Sir AntiLag
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AC Schnitzer at standard level

For those people who said, "He needs a can of harden the fuck up"

Not everybody is as strong as you. Just because you have the will to punch someone back because you were bullied doesn't mean everyone can do the same.

For those who weren't strong enough

The following is a list of people who have committed suicide after being victims of bullying.

Curtis Taylor, 14, committed suicide on 22 March 1993, when he went into his bedroom and shot himself in the head after three years of bullying.

Jared High, 13, was brutally assaulted by a known schoolyard bully. After he and the bully were both suspended, he became depressed, and eventually committed suicide in September 1998.

Dawn-Marie Wesley, 14, took her own life in Mission, British Columbia, Canada, 10 November 2000, leaving behind a note to her familiy that referred to the bullying to which she had been subjected:

"If I try to get help, it will get worse. They are always looking for a new person to beat up and they are the toughest girls. If I ratted, they would get suspended and there would be no stopping them. I love you all so much."

Jokin Ceberio, 14, jumped from the highest point of the small fortified town of Hondarribia (Basque Country, Spain), on September 21, 2004. He became depressed a few days after the beginning of term, refusing to attend to school because he was suffering bullying from his classmates. He decided to commit suicide rather than return to his school.

Nathan Jones, 12, hanged himself on 7 April 2005. Fellow students at his school in Romford blame bullies for his death.

Ryan Halligan, 13, committed suicide, as a result of bullying:

"Ryan Halligan hung himself after prolonged bullying at school and at home through the Internet. He was repeatedly taunted online. Due to the continued bullying, Ryan latched on to the idea of killing himself as vengeance against those who had hurt him."

A schoolboy, 14, hung himself in Honjo, Saitama Prefecture, on 12 November 2006, following an incident of extortion.

The following is a list of victims who were killed by bullies.

Reena Virk, 14, was brutally beaten and then drowned in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada on 14 November 1997 after years of bullying. On 12 April 2005, Kelly Ellard was found guilty of second degree murder causing Reena's death.

The following is a list of other bully-related deaths.

Ben Adams, 14, from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, was pushed to the ground by a bully. He lost consciousness due to a preexisting condition (neurofibromatosis) and died in hospital on 22 February 1991. In response, his mother, Hetty van Gurp founded Peaceful Schools International, an international organization to end violence and bullying in schools.
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