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Old 17-07-2008, 09:46 PM
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It wont run on WII without substantial loss in graphics. However Sqenix do make FF games soley for Nintendo (Crystal chronicles series) that take advantage of nintendos specialties.

And still even though they were released later the PS3 had the potential to be the quickest selling console ever. Somehow Sony screwed up. I remember thinking when I had my ps2 and xbox that the moment ps3 was released I'd buy it. By the time it came around I just couldn't justify it, but thats just me.

I guess its like Xbox vs PS2, at one point I never wanted an xbox then Microsoft realized what they were doing wrong and it turned out to be an awesome console.

I guess I also go by the fact that I don't know anyone who owns one. I dont really keep upto date on sales just go by the fact I know alot of gamers and none own a ps3, most were going to buy one for FFXIII.

I'm not a fanboy - far from it. I've owned just about every console made and enjoyed them all and I dont see the point in limiting myself to one IF the other has a load of great games and value.

Also the WII is awesome even just for Nintendo made games
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