Thread: F1
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Old 16-10-2008, 01:22 PM
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Angry F1

So who here watched it! and who do you support!

I for one watch it passionately and i am a passionate Mclaren/Hamilton Fan.

I am so angry of this shit with the FIA stewards and their favouritism towards Ferrari.

you only need to watch recent races such as the belgium GP or the Japanese GP to see what im talking about./

there were three incidents at japan.

-Hamilton was unfairly given a penalty for a bullshit reason
-Massa spoilt hamiltons whole race when he t-boned him and spun him out.
-Mass turned into bourdais as bourdais was coming out of the pits and massa spun out, only later for the race stewards to penalise bourdais. wtf

What does every one else think, or am i coming across as biased because im a mclaren fan.

and to ass fuel to the fire, drivers such as Alonso (cry baby who didnt get enough attention last year at mclaren) have come out against hamilton vowing to do all they can to help massa win the championship.

Where is the sportmanship gone. where is the fair competition.

I think that they have forgotten that this is a high calibre competiton. SO what if hamilton is aggressive. its his job to win. like schumacher wasnt aggressive.

i remember times when barrichello gave up 1st position so that shuey could overtake and gain max points.

its all too frustrating.
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