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Old 27-07-2009, 03:06 PM
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Originally Posted by deviant View Post
Now respond like a grown adult capable of holidng a conversation without resorting to name calling and swearing to force your point across. Grow up.

I'm not American.

I was aware I was not picking on a native population. I am just getting at the basic facts that a country has gone from repressing a race of people to having a black president inside one did they achieve this? Decendants of slaves and decendants of people that lived in fear of a KKK lynch mob are now productive members of society, why is this? Without saying "Cos they are lazy karnts" why don't aboriginal people integrate in to the community as well as the immigrants the communities are made from? Why do they cause problems in those places you mention instead of going there to enjoy it or support it or make it a better place?
If you want to quote bullshit like there was slavery 40yrs ago then you can expect to be called names and like I said there are just as many problems in the US as there are here with their natives, no matter what anyone says to you you will not change your point of view........unless you put yourself in a position to be affected by these people, they are the biggest racists in the world, trust me, 90% of them hate you for no other reason than you are white, they refuse to let go of the past even though most of them have as much white blood as they do black if not more, The government needs to do like they did in the States where there is a cut off point at which you can call yourself Aboriginal, say 60% white then you are classed as white & receive the same treatment as everyone else, no hand out's, no free university, no cheap loans etc etc.
It's a constant excuse for the poor me attitude the majority have........oh I'm aboriginal you took my country, NO we took your ancestors country a couple of hundred years ago, when you get over it you'll be a better person, you weren't born, neither were your parents, grandparents, great grandparents etc etc. you wanted an apology, you got one, has it made any difference........No not a bit yet you harped on about it for years. They do not want to help themselves because they expect whitey to do it for them.
Why do they destroy the places they live?.......because they have no respect for anything and because they know stupid courts, governments & do gooders will slap them on the wrist then re build it for them, I'd suggest you do as I said before and go and mingle with them before you defend them.
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