Thread: Religion (cont)
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Old 28-03-2006, 03:52 AM
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Default Religion (cont)

Sorry but I spent 30 mins writing a post just before the thread was locked. So can we just let a few post & lock this one cuz posts about religion or politics are bad news.

Cameron, you know what’s just as bad as Jehovah witness’s trying to bash Christianity down your throat... atheists doing the same thing.

Hairy muff you don't believe in Jesus, father Christmas, the Easter bunny or anything else without hard evidence of it’s existence. But others believe life has a greater meaning.. a purpose. Life to me seems too special for it to just be all one big coincidence.

You don’t believe in what can’t be proven, science can explain life & all it’s mysteries. But I can't see love, I can’t give you any proof that evil exists but I know they both do... this is know as 'faith'.

You say that those that need to believe in things such as the afterlife as weak. First, that’s kinda a messed up thing to say, insulting probably three quarters of the members on here. Secondly how much reality do you really need in your life? Is everything in your world just black & white, proof or no proof? Are you going to tell your kids that what they do doesn’t really mean shit, rob banks, rape whores, do drugs.. you only get one crack & there an’t no repercussions so go crazy.

Reality is the world needs religion.. any religion, people need to feel that their actions have consequences whether that’s karma, the afterlife.. whatever. Sure we might not have as many wars, but there’d be a whole bunch of people living in some shitty ass countries with absolutely nothing to live for without it.
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