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Old 30-10-2009, 01:00 PM
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Jaye Jaye is offline
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This was certainly not an advertisment for alternative mechanics, it was simply an "im not impressed at the way my car was treated while it was in being fixed". and has anyone else here, being subaru owners had issues? At the end of the day i want my car to be looked after by people who 1. Know what they are doing and 2. Have some respect for cars. I dont want my car being trashed by a P plater who wants a change from driving his Barina so gets his kicks from driving performance cars flat out art work.

The truth is i generally dont let anyone else drive my car, i am mildly protective over it and if anyone i did trust to drive it rung its neck, i would react in a similar fashion.

And if i choose to drive my car hard and something breaks, then i have to wear it. If i have to fix something that someone else has done, or it gets confiscated under the "hoon laws" while someone else is driving it then of course im gong to be angry.

I would be interested to hear from anyone that has had their car trashed or impounded as a result of someonelses actions that doesnt feel the same way.
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