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Old 14-02-2010, 11:36 AM
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daveygravey daveygravey is offline
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Location: da mutha fkn back streets of ellenbrook!
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daveygravey at standard level

Best day- was leaving the uk for a new life here...

Worst day- after having some cards and things to send back to my family (2 1/2 yrs of having) yes i know im a slack ass, i got them ready to post was about to post them an then got a call sayin my nan had died who i was about to post gifts an a card too, i still have them here as a constant reminder to always do what i gotta do an not just leave it till later...

Asbestos is real bad shit, i had to weld some plates on beams in the ground so they could put up a new building site was an ex-asbestos factory aparenly the grounds were fine they had a special carpet down, i notice it was pretty dusty when the wind blew a bit at the end of the day i noticed that the carpet was split just up form where i was laying the dust was from under the protective carpet, i really hope i dont get asbestosis, i have see what it can do, hope ur dads ok. that sux mate so there is no come back because they marked the sheets?
[COLOR="Blue"]If anyone needs T.I.G or M.I.G or small custom fabrication jobs done PM me.[/COLOR]
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