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Old 30-04-2006, 12:39 AM
ImPreSiV ImPreSiV is offline
Perth WRX Old Skool Cool Dude
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ImPreSiV is a guruImPreSiV is a guru

man ive taken the doors off my 06 plenty of times.. one screw in the door handle, one in the thing where u pull the door closed with... then just pop the elec windows out (from right to left as ur looking at the door trim) and pull the door handle surround out (right to left, be careful at its very fragile) then just pull the door trim from the bottom, its all those plastic lugs and clips n shit so it just pops out. all that will be left is the top near the window seal (PS its best to have the window down during all of this) then just lift the door trim out from the bottom, slide it to the right away from where the wing mirror sits and it will just come away. Its a 1 minuite job once u get they hang of it... if there was a comp, who can get their 06 door trim off the fastest, i recon i could win it...

Ps: its a fucken bitch undoing the wireing for the elecy windows... be patient it will unclip eventually... cursing doesnt help...

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