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Old 25-08-2010, 08:38 AM
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Originally Posted by cameltoemcgee View Post
Yeah, I know the NWO exists, but who cares! We can’t stop it, so just live your life and have fun while you can:
Nihilism is the worst kind of mental illness because it allows a person to constantly fulfill his own prophecies by doing nothing. When it comes to cultural progression, there is no such thing as the insurmountable scenario. Anything can be accomplished with the right amount of intelligence and effort. Nihilists make no effort to fix the problems they are confronted with, then claim they were right to be nihilistic because nothing changed. We have a responsibility not just to ourselves, but to the future. We have a responsibility to deal with the problems of the present, instead of pawning them off on the next generation.

No church groups here, i'm an atheist and a skeptic. At the risk of inciting a riot and offending most peoples sensibilities, i'm a firm believer that the blind faith that religion fosters is not helpful to our society, its not a wonderful thing that should be treasured above all things, its an opiate for the masses, and that kind of social conditioning is no small contributor to why we've ended up in this sorry state, people don't do anything about it because they think its not their responsibility, god will sort it out, its gods will, whatever, its the ultimate cop out for taking not responsibility of you're life and for whats happening around you. Don't just be thankful that you can survive, thinking that its just how it is and theres nothing you can do. Be angry that the reason for half the world being unable to feed themselves is not because their country doesn't have the capability to produce it, but in most cases, a UN funded economic growth encouraging organisation like the IMF of the World bank has loaned them money, lots of money, privatised the water supply(that is actually a requirement of a loan from the IMF or world bank for countries that don't have a good credit rating) and then upped the interest rates so they can't afford to pay it back.... and noone except the polititions and their benefactors who have embezzeled large portions of the loaned money can afford to use the now expensive water for food production or drinking....
Then once you are aware of all of this, Vote accordingly and educate others as to why they should also.
Without these companies and societies of the ultra rich having power over individuals then the chances are quite good that ~70% of the worlds population wouldn't be living on less than $1 a day...
You really have no clue......

Why do you own a subaru?? why not sell that car and give all the money to those less fortunate and catch a bus into work..

Your ideals are so flawed....
I'm a jockey kunts...