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Old 12-07-2011, 05:20 PM
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Originally Posted by RamWRC View Post

But considering by law I'm supposed to have one.. it's not right. And if I just walk off to eat, I look lazy and that I don't care about work. When in fact I do work hard. Same reason why I've only called in sick once in the two years I've been here, despite the fact I've been sick numerous times. They assume I'm faking because I'm young. Being 20, I've gotta prove myself otherwise I'll go nowhere

Isn't there some company that deals with employee relations or come crap
That makes no sense. Walking off to eat is what a lunch break is. So im not sure what youre complaining about.
If its cause you cant get all your work done and have a lunch break as well, maybe youre not priortising yourself well enough so have a look at that instead.
But if youre afraid of people seeing you as lazy cause youre going off to eat lunch but can manage to do all your jobs, then you just have insecurity issues. If anyone says anything pretty much go 'piss off, im eating'