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Old 15-09-2011, 01:57 PM
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Slap Dash Slap Dash is offline
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Originally Posted by MY99GT View Post
Having always used Nvidia cards in the past.. last year i finally bought an ATI, what a fcuking crock of utter shite. Didn't work from day 1, was replaced and then I had to RMA the replacement. Vertical lines, shit driver updates and more. In the end they sent me a brand new replacement which has never been installed (which i ended up giving to Jason cos the sight of it pissed me off) - i just couldn;t be fucked with the constant driver roll-backs and re-installs. Will never, ever, ever buy ATI again. My current Lappy (Asus G73JH) has an ATI card, but i am not able to update the drivers because when i do it causes the same vertical lines and shit that my previous desktop ATI card did.

When i spoke to someone about it, they basically said that the whole range of cards was pretty much broken, and it was a lottery whether the card would work without shitting itself.

Suffice to say, i'm back to Nvidia GTX285 at the moment.. my new build will have SLi 560 TI's or -580's.
Glad of Someone else that shares my same sentiment & views towards ATI/AMD Graphics Cards. Absolute Pile of shit! with Poor Driver support, The list literally goes on.

My experiences go back quite a while ago 6+ years ago, but have steered away from them since. Wont go to much in detail about what occurred, reflecting on about it just pisses me off.

Currently have EVGA GTX 580's in SLI under water-cooling. Never had an issue with them, insane FPS results too so would recommend them hands down.
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Last edited by Slap Dash; 15-09-2011 at 02:02 PM.
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