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Old 02-07-2012, 06:51 PM
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baylee baylee is offline
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baylee at standard level

As per Karl's comments, best bet is to hit up the kx's.
Too be honest we miss them. Cheap day out, LCC are very social, competitive but a good laugh had by all especially if you make a mistake.... Everyone is keen to see you learn.

IMHO Keep your wrx for the road and get a couple of mates to go 3's in a cheap but reliable front wheel drive car. Daihatsu, corolla seca, swift, excel etc etc. gumtree search vehicles less than a $1000
Drive it to & from events. Should something go wrong, there's enough bush mechanics about to give you a hand & it's pretty unlikely that someone wont have a trailer you can lend for going currency of beer..

However if your adamant on using your wrx, don't race anything a) you owe money on or b) your not prepared to through in the bin.. Ie, throwing your $10-$20k car into a tree, walking away and still have something to go to work on Monday in.

My 2c's...
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