Thread: Noob question.
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Old 09-08-2012, 07:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Shaun View Post
I own both, a Vt SS 5.7 and an 06 wrx and they were standard when I got them, the Ls engines are very vague as they were detuned in production but they have legs, Standard Rex's will own an SS to 140km then the Commo will real them back in, For bang for buck the Ls is a great motor but spend the same coin on supporting mods I'll back the EJ any day, At the end of the day a Commo is a family bus, They can be quick by feeding them gas, fitting a cam and slicks, But the quater mile is all they're good at, Show them a corner and thay'll bend their own struts.
But this is comparing apples to oranges.
Yeah I'm quite pleased with the performance that my SS puts out, had a bit of fun on the straight with him now and then just mucking around from lights to the speed limits and what not. But yes as you said, "Apples and Oranges" I have always liked the WRXs though, so clean and sexy, but then again I love my SS I'm so torn as to what to do. But as mentioned before, my real bargaining chip is my SS I don't have spare cash to just openly buy another car at this very moment in time. So looking to hopefully swap/sell the commy. It will be a sad moment, but also excited to see what the future WRX holds. There's always the option of going back to an SS but the hard part is finding one that has been looked after like mine has, and hasn't been molested. They way some people treat their cars is shocking.

I've dribbled on long enough...
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