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Old 20-09-2012, 07:32 PM
RJD RJD is offline
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Unhappy New to scoobs by wifes project

Hi forum.

Well. I always wanted a scoob.
Now the wife has decided that she wanted a black Silver Edition GC8. Only with one HUGE problem. She does not want to get her manual licence so am stuck with an auto WRX. But, that is not even the beginning of turmoil.

I have rebuild and refurbished a few cars and she has always been keen on helping out. So she found this car and wanted it to be a project for her and I.
Awesome... I thought I had struck the lotto there... With Minister of Home Affairs that is, until we went to fetch the car.

Worse for wear is not the words. It was on wheels (different sizes) and had a motor and auto box in. As for the rest... Well... That is why I have to start educating myself in the world of GC8's.
Took it to a bunch of fundies and a scooby workshop. Guys knew their stuff there. Unfortunately but not unexpected, I left my hopes binned. Everything they chatted about seemed like a project that would be financial unfeasible and cost more that to have bought a running rex with a definite potential of not even getting it going as an auto.

At the moment we have a HUGE paper weight. But I am still in hope that we can get it running and moving as that is the most NB part.

So, let me get started. :-)
So I have joined the best place to find info/help/parts/what-have-you.
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