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Old 19-11-2013, 11:15 AM
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Default P-Plater insurance tips?

Hey guys,

I've had to be weened of my pretty little $80 a month insurance cover as a secondary learner driver and move onto primary driver insurance as a P-Plater and god damn. I was expecting a lot, but some of these prices feel like robbery.

I've got a couple of quotes:
RAC are the cheapest, but I have been strongly advised against going with them. Do any of you guys have any experience with them?

With them it will be around $230 a month with $22800 value and $1500 excess.
Justcar - $22800 value $280 a month $2000 excess
AAMI - $22800 value $270 a month $2000 excess

That's just going off the top of my head with prices I've been looking at but it's pretty damn close to actual figures. Are there any better insurers out there for P-Platers or is this just as good as it gets?

Thanks for any help!
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