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Old 12-03-2014, 10:45 PM
dangriffin87 dangriffin87 is offline
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Default 2011 STI brake nightmare

Where to start,

So my stock original brake pads wore down after about 30k kms. I didnt mind the compound as i dont do track days and its a daily drive.

So i got a quote of subaru 700 for fronts and 800 for rears!! So i ended up speaking to a tuner he said 400 and he will get me ebc reds which are street/race. So i installed these without machining stock rotors, these brakes squeeled like hell. I then took it back told him they squeeled and he changed them for yellow ebcs, race compound. They squeeled even more!! Then i went back again and i said i want as close to stock as u can get so he got me rda golds. I had never heard of these so didnt realise how terrible they where. They still squeaked so i then went and got my rotors machined and this solved the problem. 2 weeks later squeak came back as pads full of metal and glazed rotors. I then changed for bendix gtc these are not performance pads. Squeak come back. Machined rotors again and now AGAIN my brakes are starting to squeak. Only on the rear is the squeak always has been.

As you acn imagine im about $1500 down and my brakes are annoying the sh#t out of me!!!

I cannot understand what is going on how 4 types of pads are all squeeking im now thinking about changing all rotors and pads but having spent alot already i want good rotors for money and also pads aswell as a assurance the squeal will go for good!!!

This car is coming very close to being sold as recently i got a full invidia tbe and a tune and it made 239 awhp!!! Plus squeeky brakes!!!

Any help is greatly appreciated!!
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