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Stripping down the donor engine

Posted 13-11-2009 at 01:26 PM by tuna
Updated 13-11-2009 at 03:27 PM by tuna

Donor engine is a glorious piece of history, a sti version2ra -vlimited long motor, took a very direct hit straight to the front of the vehicle and made a mess of the remainder of the driveline.

Anyhow, with the manifold stripped, i set about removing and discovering the rest of the damage...

So far discovered the plastic, timing covers, crank pulley, crank timing belt drive, oil pump, oil filter mount and the exhaust manifold all need to be replaced.

Not to mention this is a V2, so the heads have to come off to match the V5/V6 heads and manifolds.

Timing covers, cam wheels and crank pulley came off relatively easily, the crank belt drive was wedged tightly over a deformed keyway in the crank, a lot of belting with a cold chisel and pullers, it came off- all be it destroyed, subsequent damage to the oil pump and adajcent water pump means they will need to be changes out also...

Next to discover the oil water cooler/oil filter mount has been cracked off clean from the block... in any normal circumstance this is a deal breaker and would usually need a replacement block... since i'm doing it on the cheap, i'm going to cheat+improvise+not spend a cent... dug around the shed for an old oil cooler sandwitch plate, repo'd the adaptor fitting from it. cut to size, then recut the filter tube. screwed it back together- goodish as new

Lathered the block in acid, soaked for 15 minutes, pressure cleaned it, then a reapplication of acid and bit more pressure cleaning before I removed the heads- crikey they were some tight 14mm bolts...

Anyhow, heads off- no damage in sight, no marks on pistons, or valves and everything still turns nice and easy. dropped the remaining fluids, admired the closed deck, covered the block and went home for the night.

4 hours burnt! (pictures soon).
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  1. Old Comment
    American Dave's Avatar
    good start Stace but stay off the acid
    Posted 13-11-2009 at 02:18 PM by American Dave American Dave is offline

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