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assembly of the donor engine p2

Posted 09-12-2009 at 07:50 PM by tuna

reassembled, wheels etc on the donor motor, (yes that is a recycled timing belt!)

timing covers on!

smothering the threebond goo around the seals.

probably a bit too much, oh well!
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assembly of the donor engine p1

Posted 09-12-2009 at 07:48 PM by tuna
Updated 09-12-2009 at 07:51 PM by tuna

So, been a few weeks, working feverishly to get the car running again...

So here's the engine, ready to go...

Heres some interim STI heads, (thanks scotty)

here is a bucket, and its shim!

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Stripping down the donor engine

Posted 13-11-2009 at 01:26 PM by tuna
Updated 13-11-2009 at 03:27 PM by tuna

Donor engine is a glorious piece of history, a sti version2ra -vlimited long motor, took a very direct hit straight to the front of the vehicle and made a mess of the remainder of the driveline.

Anyhow, with the manifold stripped, i set about removing and discovering the rest of the damage...

So far discovered the plastic, timing covers, crank pulley, crank timing belt drive, oil pump, oil filter mount and the exhaust manifold all need to be replaced.

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Why stop at two bar?
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Two months to Motorvation 2010

Posted 10-11-2009 at 08:11 PM by tuna

Its two months to motorvation, between now and then I have to diagnose an engine fault in the RA, remove it, strip it and refit!

Never personally rebuilt an engine before, interesting times ahead.
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Build threads, your daily happenings and Perth-WRX

Posted 24-10-2009 at 07:52 AM by tuna

Quite often I've read build project threads on the forum and wished there was a way to read about the progress of each car without being to distracted by other posts between updates.

We've all seen them and probably use them daily already for other topics. Blogs; this style of update is huge in Japan- and I beleive will suit this forum well.

So, finally for Perth-WRX I have optioned in the blogging module.

Looking forward to seeing people embrace this...
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Why stop at two bar?
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