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scary 12-02-2011 09:11 AM

What has happened to P-WRX?
What has happened to Perth WRX??

When did this community become filled with self riteous wankers who find the best way to make themselves feel better is to abuse and ridicule others?

Don't get me wrong those that know me are fully aware that taking the piss out of mates is one of my favourite pastimes - but of late there is a huge amount of threads that point out the shortfalls of others, bag out newbies etc unless as per usual it is a select group of individuals that seem to have "Taken over P-WRX".

Fuck me I just don't think that is it required to repeat "search is your friend" 50 times in every newbies thread.

If you don't like answering dumb questions then don't open the thread.

My post count is not huge, but look at the join date (and that is the date I joined here) I was on Yahoo egroups, I was a founding commity member of AFARCC - way way way before most of you had cars ie before IWRXOC, before P-WRX, hell when alot of guys on here started playing with cars the WRX was a mythical car that you caught a glimpse of once in a while and at rally's, I have owned turbo subaru's since before some of you were old enough to wipe your own ass.

Just because people don't have a wank thread, a post count bigger than most email inboxes and don't felate whoever is the latest "in" person does not mean they do not have anything to contribute, this goes for newbies as well - keep in mind the vast majority of you have asked plenty of very dumb questions over time.

And finally to a number of moderators who feel the need to wave the "Ban Stick" inssesently - do you not hold any type of managerial experience?? I think you don't because this appears to be the only power you have and you like to use it at every opourtunity.

Anyway that is my rant - I would be interested in others opinions.

Disclaimer - this thread is for discussion, In no way do I condone the use of this thread to turn P-WRX into a nanny state non piss taking homosexual group hug with puppies - just food for thought

tuna 12-02-2011 09:20 AM

stereotypes are always going provoke a response,

if a kid has attrocious grammar, makes wild claims or openly ignores/rejects advice, then inevitibly they were never going to hang around.

Mister Two 12-02-2011 09:24 AM

gc8 WRXs are getting cheaper and cheaper and are being purchased by younger people. As a result we get more and more immature little douchebags.

apg39 12-02-2011 09:31 AM


Rossco 12-02-2011 09:51 AM

I'm guilty of berating people from time to time, I don't appologise for calling a spade a spade though.

RichX 12-02-2011 09:57 AM

Hah @ tagz.

Kato 12-02-2011 11:20 AM

Problem is it is the internet. People can hide behind a keyboard and have whatever act they want. Actually have real life meetups and most people who contribute are decent normal people.

Who are the mods 'waving the banstick'? Very few people get banned and it's normally people who come on to just use the forum to hock their shit. Everyone's been posting up that I'm waving the banstick, yet I've only banned 1 person for not following the for sale rules after multiple warnings.

I do agree with the heroes who have to repeat the same thing 'search ffs' etc is bloody annoying.

scary 12-02-2011 12:28 PM

John there are a few over zealos people on here at times - maybe they are not mods I didn't bother to check, just an observation over recent history.

I would hate to be a newbie on this site, you get slammed for asking any questions and treated like you know 2 bits of fuckall.

Way back when this site was for sharing info and having a community that was not as regimented as being in a "car club", having a bit of a laugh - you are probably right it's just the way the internet is - more about beating your own drum than being part of something.

DEDLYWEPN 12-02-2011 12:48 PM

100% in agreeance with you scary

apg39 12-02-2011 12:51 PM

The only reason most of them are picked on is bcoz thay tlk lyk dis nd r a gnerl payn in d arss. Most ask really really stupid questions too, kids of that age & knowledge of what the internet is should know about searching google at a bare minimum.

Pablo668 12-02-2011 01:01 PM

Well I'm not sure exactly how bad it may be compared to how it was, but it can be daunting to post in here for a Newb, such as myself.

lad 12-02-2011 02:02 PM

[QUOTE=Pablo668;535616]Well I'm not sure exactly how bad it may be compared to how it was, but it can be daunting to post in here for a Newb, such as myself.[/QUOTE]

For Christ's sake it's spelt "newbie." Ban him...ban him now!!!!


karina2009 12-02-2011 02:13 PM

copped my fair share :( but end of the day like u said, keyboard warriors...
the ones you do get a response out of in the end is what you should take notice of and ignore the rest of the crap.
but true eg: sms talk... its the fkn internet, get with the times.. if ftw is acceptable the so is u and tru etc etc

MattuZ 12-02-2011 02:32 PM

internet, serious business.


Pablo668 12-02-2011 02:38 PM

Ha ha, seriously though, If you want your forum to grow, or at least not stagnate too much, you gotta be kind to your newbies.
Of course there's always gonna be exceptions (cough! yesterdays effort cough!)

SyncSubaru 12-02-2011 02:39 PM

[QUOTE=MattuZ;535634]internet, serious business.


Fuck yearrrrrrrrrh. Uncle Chop Chop. Went to the live show, best thing ive ever seen. "*Sniff* Smells like deadshit.."

haydn_wolf 12-02-2011 02:53 PM

I agree with most of what you are saying/ getting at Scary. Being a newbie or let alone a girl you will cop it badly for asking the same sort of questions. I believe that's how it will just be, times are constantly changing and for little things like literacy I believe that just reflects the upcoming generation.

From meeting at lot of members through work and friday lunches they aren't at all what you have described and each have their own legitimate input/advice which certainly helps for the some not as mechanically minded folk.

But saying that some people do take it a little to far.

DAN682 12-02-2011 03:23 PM

I must agree, in the past 18 months the forums have taken a turn. I wouldn't say for the worst but it definitely isn't the same old forums of yesteryear.

I must say as far as I can remember (I think 2004/5 when I joined) you were berated for being a newbie. It was almost some kind of initiation. This will not change and I don't think it should, it is fun and it separates the men from the boys (sorry Karina).

P.S John, get some real life management skills you ban stick wielding nazi!

Kato 12-02-2011 04:12 PM

[QUOTE=DAN682;535654]P.S John, get some real life management skills you ban stick wielding nazi![/QUOTE]

Lol... I couldn't manage my way out of a wet paper bag.

BOMB3R 12-02-2011 04:30 PM

I can't see that the forums have changed at all in my 5 years on the forums. Jesus when I first logged on I got flamed harder that 99% of the people on here I guarantee and not just for my intro or for my vampire fmic (well that was a major flaming)...........It will always be a part of the forums and those that can keep their cool and take advice will always have a place in P-WRX.

The only thing that's changed is the traffic the forum gets, from memory when I joined in 06 the average users online at any 1 time would be 20/30, now it's consistently 50/60 and I bet double the amount of logins as well. That is always going to bring with it a certain element of different people and people who just won't fit in.

If kids or new members are going to log on and start throwing accusations around and abuse long term members or any member for that matter who contribute to the everyday forum then I don't see an issue with seeing them get an absolute (no pun intended) flaming and eventually getting banned.

If you go into the introductions section have a look at how many intro's there are and how many actually get flamed or abused there really isn't that many.

As far as the dumb questions go and the same threads over and over, I think if the information has been covered before and the new member hasn't bothered to search then it should be pointed out to them they should search first after all it is the correct etiquette on a forum is it not? Personally I click the new posts button at work on an average day probably once every 3 minutes if not more when I am at my desk and it's good to see new threads with new information rather than a new thread with the same old question.

As far as members post counts and the so called in crowd, you have to remember that P-WRX is not just a car forum it's a community and the active members who are friends and socialize as part of Perth WRX are going to have higher than average post counts because they interact highly in each others threads whether it be a relevant post or not. A few members can be too quick to judge and I am one of them, occasionally you get it wrong but this is the internet and you can only read and interpret what is written in your own way and occasionally people will get it wrong.

Oh and as far as the text talk goes (not having a go at your post Karina), the day that becomes acceptable is the day I will log off for good. There is a written English language for a reason.

Although I disagree with most of what you said I think you started a great thread!

STI325V6 12-02-2011 04:34 PM

I say we have a PWRX meet and all have a big group hug...:D

Then belt the shit out of each other!!

mark1 12-02-2011 05:00 PM

This forum is one of the tamest and generally level headed forums I've ever browsed. Like PIGSTi said it is a community and the people who have been here the longest are going to be mates. Joining a forum and expecting to be best buds with everyone is like going to a pub and sitting at a random table of people expecting to be accepted straight away. But if you put in the time and contribute to the forum or the table at the pub than eventualy you should be accepted. The few people I have spoken to off the forums in real life have all been friendly and helpfull. Thats my 2 cents.

ImPreSiV 12-02-2011 05:01 PM

I got flamed when I was a n00b, told to search and given a hard time... fuck I still get a hard time from the guys who have been around longer than me. Altho, as I see it, myself, Jaron, Dave, Stace, John and the other 'nazi's' you are pointing the finger at, contribute more to this forum than the average user, and we have been around for a long time. Merchandise, track days, general knowledge, help with engine builds and spend a lot of our own time doing these things.

I get your point Scary, and it might be valid, but you will notice something. There are poeple who come and go, Wai, Polar, Ray Ray, etc yet you'll notice it's the same core group who stick around.

Plus, we pay to use this forum, so we should be able to have it the way we like it. As do you, so hence you get your opinion out there, and it creates discussion. Things might change, they might not...

apg39 12-02-2011 05:10 PM

Oh and as far as the text talk goes (not having a go at your post Karina), the day that becomes acceptable is the day I will log off for good. There is a written English language for a reason.


Seriously disturbing when high school teachers accept it, even in the exams.

Master D 12-02-2011 05:13 PM

I tend to agree with scary but also find p wrx to be ever evolving with people as they come and go.

I personally have used the forum as hub to meet the people behind said keyboards and have found alot of the guys/girls ive met are awesome people.

For N00bs - as i once was - asked a question then was flamed into oblivion. I promptly found the search function.

I generally find most of the shit that people talk on here i take with a grain of salt. Big woop someone said your a f wit or whatever. Grow a pair and get over it.

Keyboard warriors shit me, but i find laughing it off and not feeding the shitstorm that brews from it is an easy solution.

Mods - they have their place on this forum. I dont agree or disagree with what they do / dont act upon. As i see it, they act like the big brother/barney of the forums.
Cool yet impartial. If they see a noob is clearly copping a flaming for no REAL reason, then step in and act on said group and get them back in line. Same if its the other way round. Shoot the offending person a pm, tell them what they are doing isnt approapriate, pull their heads in or be banned.

I mean really it is the internet and it is serious business but the way i see it. If i see something i dont like or whatever. I hit back or log off.

Life goes on - dak dakks still rock and if some two bit keyboard warrior wants to flex said muscles then mods need to act accordingly wether the post count is 1 or 4,000.

We are all on here for the same reason. Lets not over look this.


karina2009 12-02-2011 05:58 PM

[QUOTE=DAN682;535654] This will not change and I don't think it should, it is fun and it separates the men from the boys (sorry Karina).
aha i'd be worried if I took offence to that

GTB Liberty 12-02-2011 06:01 PM

I've only been here 18 months and I still consider myself a newbie but I enjoy the interaction that the P-WRX community has provided in that time. My introduction really came about at the recently demised "Hydie" lunches where the likes of American Dave, Jimmy S, you Scary and Ramon (as examples) gave me a brief and intense realisation that I knew nothing about my car in reality. Since then I've done everything I can to change that , by searching, and reading and following some of the "wank threads". The reason for my thread is I hope that it helps someone in the same way Dave's thread helped me with mods decisions.

I found that the more I became involved the more and more that the community has rallied behind the cause. The help from members can be extraordinary when needed whether it be advice, support when an engine fails on a cruise, support when a member's car hits a tyre wall, parts needs, best prices, "what the F^$^ is that noise", etc.

I completely agree that on a medium that involves the English language it would be appropriate to post with at least an attempt to use English correctly. Hence, if it turns into "twitter" or SMS P-WRX then, like Jaron, I'll log out as well.

It did seem obvious to me our latest departed member wasn't going to last long. His first post was an attempt to sell - [URL=""]First Post[/URL]. His follow up threads were a troll from almost beginning to end. His final thread speaks for itself. I honestly spent some time trying to work out why I got the honour of being an "owner of a family car". In the end I'll never know and don't care - although I had seen enough of said past member posts to know not to care.

I would have like to see how long he would have lasted at a Friday lunch if he had spoken to members as he did when in keyboard warrior forum mode - not very long I'm sure. Just as I'm sure if I had behaved like that - neither would have I.

One of my most vivid post memories was a stupid one about "beating speed cameras" and I got hammered - deserved it, sucked it up, took on the advice, and learnt from it. Seems to me that most new members seem to do the same - some don't.

I think P-WRX is an exceptional site with a dedicated group of members who will help anyone in need BUT as in most of Australia if you come in and straight away act like the tallest poppy of them all someone will come and cut you down.

Luckily, in the time that I have been here I have met people who I consider friends with common interests.

trainwrex 12-02-2011 06:52 PM

bah its the internet FFS if you cant take shit by keyboard warriors if and when it happens to you in real like your going to off yourself...

IMO its all friendly banter,

but i do think people do take this searching blast a little too seriously.. if you dont want to contribute to a thread just dont say anything, the OP will wonder why no1 replies and then will eventually search to find the answer themselves. If they are smart enough they will update their own thread so that if it happens again the info is all there..

there is really no point saying search or putting in gay images unless you post where to find something..

rant off...

rant on..

fk you who put the tag about me... hahahahah Wheres my gun im coming for you..

TROLLEY 12-02-2011 07:08 PM

[QUOTE=apg39;535671]Seriously disturbing when high school teachers accept it, even in the exams.[/QUOTE]
You know why?
You can get into University (I forget which one) to do Teaching (second round offer) with a raw (unscaled) average score of 46% for each of your TER subjects. I shit you not. Scary.

Anyhow, in regards to my experience on p-wrx; I don't really offer a great deal except for cheap/lame gags and piss-takes, the odd photo when I get a chance and some waffle in the Off Topic Discussions. I however quite enjoy reading about and watching people's projects come together (eg. Rossco's recent engine build). It gives me a chance to learn shit since I know two-fifths of fuck all mechanically.

In relation to spelling, grammar and sms speak... I am of the opinion that if you can't communicate properly on a forum - fuck off. I am an educator and spelling/grammar is something I hold as being extremely important, no matter the medium. While you may save three-poofteenths of a second typing, you're drastically increasing the read time for other people trying to decipher your drivel. Save it for your phone and friends.

Kato 12-02-2011 07:17 PM

Oh hell yeah! I've now been reminded me of Jaron's original FMIC...

Wonder where those pics went :D

RichX 12-02-2011 07:19 PM

In terms of how the forums have changed .. Forum Supporters are only the long timers, none of the 'newbies'. In order to continue the Forum Supporter stuff .. newbs need to feel welcome.

mARC 12-02-2011 07:19 PM

I'm all for using proper english and grammar it makes someones help request and post that much easier to read.

Regarding searching before posting I think the flaming is well justified in some cases as when I was at uni/started working in Accounting lecturers/Directors always had the same philosophy 'I don't mind if you ask me a question but at least prove to me that you've done some research or at least attempted to come to a viable answer', I also think the same approach is used here.

The flaming here and reading of others being flamed has led me to do my own searching and added resources to my knowledge base, which in-turn has enabled me to better phrase my questions.

With a little thought put into some of the diagnosis threads started as well as proper use of sentence structures and spelling I can guarantee they'll go over a lot better and easier for the more technically minded.

[QUOTE=trainwrex;535687]there is really no point saying search or putting in gay images unless you post where to find something..[/QUOTE]

I'd post some gay images for you but I'm sure you've got enough :D

BoxorBeast 12-02-2011 07:32 PM

lol @ tags

Tommosaurus 12-02-2011 07:49 PM

In the real world, if you're an annoying cock and talk bollocks all day long, you will get told to piss off.

Can you imagine if some pimple faced punk came up to you and your mates and started spouting shit about how cool he is, and how his car is fully hektic?
You'd tell him to fuck right off.

So I don't see why the internet would be any different.

The verbal abuse maybe slightly more harsh, but that is only because the internet lacks the ability to throw things.

monkeee 12-02-2011 07:56 PM

I am not for senseless bagging/flaming towards other members but I do agree with the use of correct grammar, it just makes life a little easier by putting everyone on the same page.

Personally this club as a resource and a way of meeting other scooby owners has been just great to me in the 3 years of having my car. Many of the more experienced members are more than happy to help (and I do feel I have been annoying at times towards some of them :o)

Keeping my mouth shut about things I do not know and listening to the advice of those who have been there and done that also helps :D

One last thing...Perth-WRX should NOT be used as a sole source of knowledge (you are lazy if you do that).

Spare a thought for the boys who had to modify their scoobs before perth-wrx and before the almighty google :p
A quick call to a reputed workshop will answer most if not all the questions you have should the internet not help you.

BOMB3R 12-02-2011 08:30 PM

[QUOTE=Kato;535694]Oh hell yeah! I've now been reminded me of Jaron's original FMIC...

Wonder where those pics went :D[/QUOTE]

Haha there is still plenty on the forum if you know where to look :) I was an impatient guinea 'pig'.

[REXPLOIT] 12-02-2011 09:13 PM

Having met Jamie, Ramon and the older salts in 2002/03, and having watched this incarnation of the website grow since 05 or whenever it was, (old account didnt lodge over... sigh), most of it is business as usual. :)

Ask a stupid question....................................... as society says.

I think, (barring the festivities of Absolute-Shennanigans), that most people get the idea.

Saying OMGWTFBBQRIBS I juzz got a GC8... Can I put a fully hectic 3" exhaust on it? Or, what power will I get out of going to a VF34?, doesnt need to be asked.

Yes, people will still do it, unfortunately, but even I have to tell myself, that was me once... long ago. And as someone pointed out, there is a select group of individuals, that will give up their knowledge, tools, time, expertise, beers, whatever, to help out a fellow member.

I think keep on, keeping on.


P.S - Who wants a Courier? :p :icon_flow

WRXRW 12-02-2011 09:27 PM

for the lifer's you have to realise this its not egroups, its not yahoogroups, its not the black forums its not even the V2 forums we remember. perthwrx is something else now and like in any long lasting relationships, for better or worse it is what it is.

i myself have been guilty of suffering from moments of i-rage from time to time but nothing that wont be forgotten in less than 24 hours and that's really the point. have a laugh, have a cry, move on!

i did enjoy vodka boy's 5 minutes in the spotlight, did make for a great friday morning's entertaiment!

trainwrex 12-02-2011 09:59 PM


I'd post some gay images for you but I'm sure you've got enough :D[/QUOTE]

I rekon some of u kunts are gonna come out soon enough... gay pics all stashed in your hard drive waiting for the moment that you can use them and oggle over them... :eek: :D :D


johnvk7 12-02-2011 10:13 PM

I do think some of the long termer's or maybe more active members, sometimes make assumptions when it comes to newbies though. I've been a member for a few years, but only really active on here for the last 6 odd months. I was getting called a pimply faced little punk in my intro thread, I'm 32 years old!
I agree about txt talk, it has no place here, I think its a little insulting to those that do run this forum, at worst its just f***ing confusing.
Every one uses it when they are texting I'm sure, and the younger one's among us even use it in daily convo's, but it states quite clearly in the rules, that its not allowed.

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