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Rossco is a guruRossco is a guru

Rossco Rossco is offline

Perth WRX Old Skool Cool Dude

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  1. juen.shyan
    01-09-2018 04:13 PM
    Hi Rossco,

    I was just wondering if you could help me out. i have a gc8 99. with power fc. The car is having issues with starting. I cranks and struggles to start. after a few goes with the gas pedal it start and doesnt hold, unless i keep the throttle on. I thought it be the fuel filter and spark plugs replaced and still doesnt fix.

    But the funny thing i put the stock ecu back in it starts. but injector 1 isnt running. also diagnostic mode doesnt work either.

    Can you help me out?

    Much appreciated,

  2. wubba52
    20-08-2018 12:24 AM
    Hey Rossco, do you still sell NGK Spark plugs? I'm currently after a set of 4 of either:

    Whats your best price for these?
  3. zephyro
    22-08-2017 10:55 PM
    hola rossco , siempre te leo tus comentarios en apexi power fc, la cosa es que tengo una power fc pero no puedo meter mi programa no me pesca el registro de apexi, quiciera saber como lo hiciste tu para abrir el programa o si tienes algun mapa base para un wrx 99, si me pudieras ayudar con eso te estaria muy agradecido
  4. ZiN
    19-01-2016 07:32 AM
    Hi Rossco, Amtrapid says your the one to talk to about data cables, Torque and a 1998 MY99. I've done a lot of research and from what I can tell my car is pre-OBD2 compliant and only has the connector for it but can't communicate over it. It should however communicate over Subaru Select Monitor II. I've seen reports of various cars as old as a MY00 working with OBKey in SSMII mode, but they weren't Australian cars. Do you know if anyone has tried running the OBDkey in SSMII mode on an MY99 or know of a working solution?
  5. whiterabbitrexy
    30-07-2015 06:46 PM
    Hay rossco my name is Sam nice to meet u... Every time I look up gc8 forums your always helping out people with strong advice and I was hoping to ask you a question.... My gf8 wrx 98 ej20 engine is in need of a new turbo..... I'll cut long story short and show you my fourm and see if u can answer the final question? Also please tell me your in Melbourne lol I would love to ask u heaps more questions as to Subaru docklands and other so called Subaru specialist like Tony at URD had butcherd my car and made it worse so I can only rely on people with experience like yourself.....


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  • Last Activity: 29-05-2022 06:00 PM
  • Join Date: 23-04-2007


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Posted 26-12-2009 at 12:53 AM by Rossco Comments 8
Posted in Uncategorized
Today I fitted up the GD Sti topmount I aquired from Brent.

All went swimmingly as I had modded my mounts to fit a GD Wrx cooler (my v6 sti one was covered with bent fins).

One small drama ....The Sti's factory strut brace no longer fits... Bugger!

Time to buy a whiteline one........

Posted 24-12-2009 at 09:57 AM by Rossco Comments 6
Posted in Uncategorized
Thought I'd better bring my blog up to date in regard to the bits & pieces I've added more recently:

Process West Cold Air Intake
Prospeed Silicone induction tube
GD top mount cooler
05 Sti front seats ('cause I'm fat!):happy2:

Now running 1.5 -1.6 bar with AFR's of 11.4 @ 1.6 bar.

Posted 22-12-2009 at 12:26 AM by Rossco Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
I stumbled across an excellent tool to aid in the adjustment of fuel mapping on the power Fc.

It's an Excel spread sheet that allows you to drop your current fuel map, target AFR map and logged AFR's into their respective cells where by it spits out a corrected fuel map to correspond to the target afr map you have specified....

Original fuel map

Posted 22-12-2009 at 12:16 AM by Rossco Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
Here are some screen shots of the Datalogit data, wide band logs & Fc edit maps.

Wideband log, with live displays

Fc Edit sensor data window

Fc edit fuel map (vertical column is load, horizontal is RPM)

Posted 21-12-2009 at 11:35 PM by Rossco Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
After enjoying the cars new found power & responsiveness for a couple of months........I wanted more!

Having previously tuned my own cars (predominantly Mazda rotories, both N/a & turbos) using either Microtech or Wolf ecu's, I began to look into a PC based interface to allow me to see all of the hidden settings in the Power Fc and to log things like lambda, boost, injector duty & temps for track days....and tweak my tune as I add more to the car.

Recent Comments
its all in the inlet...
Posted 04-01-2010 at 10:54 PM by jEstEr? jEstEr? is offline
very odd that the factory...
Posted 01-01-2010 at 01:38 AM by pmh pmh is offline
How much damo/ross??...
Posted 31-12-2009 at 03:11 PM by SPEC IV SPEC IV is offline
I've got one for sale...
Posted 29-12-2009 at 12:03 AM by damo damo is offline
form over function ...
Posted 28-12-2009 at 12:27 AM by Jezza Jezza is offline

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