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jzr 06-01-2009 11:27 AM

i hate when you shave your balls and in the heat you sweat. this causes quite an itch and when your in a public place its hard to scratch.

V3 RA 06-01-2009 11:34 AM


wannabox 06-01-2009 11:36 AM

[QUOTE=jzr]i hate when you shave your balls and in the heat you sweat. this causes quite an itch and when your in a public place its hard to scratch.[/QUOTE]


SKYHIONPSI 06-01-2009 11:49 AM

haah jzr.

Yeah Chad i hate getting raped at work by bosses and just anythnig in general. Kudos to you for being a hard worker though mate.

jzr 06-01-2009 11:51 AM


wannabox ill get a photo next time i get ingrown hairs. haha

i also hate the smell of ingrow go.

wannabox 06-01-2009 11:56 AM

[QUOTE=jzr]wannabox ill get a photo next time i get ingrown hairs. haha

i also hate the smell of ingrow go.[/QUOTE]

Hahaha I made the mistake once I had freshly shaven mine and thought mmm when I shave my face I slap on some after shave it must be the same. Put it all over and I was screaming for hours, had a nasty rash for ages.

Also the time I covered my knob in deep heat for a giggle, man that burned for ages never doing that one again :P...

V3 RA 06-01-2009 12:25 PM

you two are fucking keen.

I hate fat loud drunk chicks :violent1:

jzr 06-01-2009 12:38 PM

[QUOTE=wannabox]Hahaha I made the mistake once I had freshly shaven mine and thought mmm when I shave my face I slap on some after shave it must be the same. Put it all over and I was screaming for hours, had a nasty rash for ages.

Also the time I covered my knob in deep heat for a giggle, man that burned for ages never doing that one again :P...[/QUOTE]

deepheat is a bitch. i passed out one night and woke to a burning sensation on my scrotum. my mates put denco on my nuts. im still scared ill never be able to have kids.

i now cringe when i walk into changerooms and can smell the stuff.

wannabox 06-01-2009 01:19 PM

[QUOTE=jzr]deepheat is a bitch. i passed out one night and woke to a burning sensation on my scrotum. my mates put denco on my nuts. im still scared ill never be able to have kids.

i now cringe when i walk into changerooms and can smell the stuff.[/QUOTE]

ROFL I would do it again if you paid me or I was really drunk :P.

Jim621 06-01-2009 01:22 PM

Hahahahahahah, you guys are hilariously funny!

Pet hates, hmm.

It would have to be drivers on the road that are doing everything EXCEPT concentrating on driving. Eg, mobile phone, radio, makeup, kids or just not concentrating!

wannabox 06-01-2009 01:28 PM

On a serious note, mine would be people that tailgate and then get angry when they get a brake check, people who do 80 in the right lane and won't move over.

perthzed 06-01-2009 02:05 PM

lady-boyz. Nothing worse then finding out afterwards. Not me of course, my er mate Dave. Yup, Dave. That's the man.

vyper 06-01-2009 02:19 PM

[QUOTE=jzr] my mates put denco on my nuts. im still scared ill never be able to have kids.[/QUOTE]

Haha ouch.

Similar to cooking with chilli and taking a piss without washing your hands first.

wannabox 06-01-2009 02:24 PM

[QUOTE=vyper]Haha ouch.

Similar to cooking with chilli and taking a piss without washing your hands first.[/QUOTE]

Tabasco down the pee hole I heard it hurts, had a mate once he put some on his finger and touched his lady friends little man in the boat, lets just say she was a screamer that night :P...

ninjawrx 06-01-2009 02:40 PM

What pisses me off are people at intersections thats when the light goes green they wait 5-10 seconds take off slow as then look in there mirror at you then look right and left as they go though the intersection slow as all fuk looking around everywhere then take 2klm down the road to get to the speed limit!

jzr 06-01-2009 03:23 PM

[QUOTE=wannabox] he put some on his finger and touched his lady friends little man in the boat, lets just say she was a screamer that night :P...[/QUOTE]

that is brutal. ill remember that one the next time i pick up a girl i dont want hanging around.

Alternate 06-01-2009 03:31 PM

People who dont know the width of their cars, so when they goin into turning lanes they stay 50/50 in each lane, or dont move past cars that are waiting to turn because they think they cant fit when theres a gap big enough for Ken Block to do a heli in

wannabox 06-01-2009 03:46 PM

[QUOTE=Alternate]People who dont know the width of their cars, so when they goin into turning lanes they stay 50/50 in each lane, or dont move past cars that are waiting to turn because they think they cant fit when theres a gap big enough for Ken Block to do a heli in[/QUOTE]

I have an excuse for that I have no 3d depth perception due to my eyes (lazy eye), so I can not actually accurately judge distances and have no sense of depth. I have to guess most times so do not take the risk, I have no idea how far my left side of the car is where as normal people like my brother in law can put the left hand wheels an inch from the kerb and know it, I guess and hit the curb :P

Jaded 06-01-2009 03:57 PM

+1 for the 80km people. Usually old farts who have read somewhere that 80kms an hour is the most fuel economical speed. who gives a shit.. SPEED UP! and even worse are the 80km/h 4wds towing a caravan. christ almighty.

+1 for dumb bitches in korean cars driving and smoking while on phone and trying to show off fat boobs to other bogans in commonwhores.

- retarded drivers full stop. How hard is it to indicate when required/ do the speed limit/ follow one way systems in carparks etc ? not really rocket science!

- mosquitoes and flies. and people who dont shut fly screens/doors to stop the flies coming in and harassing you in the supposed haven that is inside!

- flat batteries in any kind of device is just damn annoying
- tourists. enough said.

- when maccas/hjs/kfc etc fucks up your order. HOW HARD IS IT TO BASH SOME LETTUCE/MEAT/SAUCE IN BETWEEN SOME BREAD??????????????? Im not expecting an exquisite culinary experience.. just want what i goddamn ordered!

thats prolly enough for now. lol

meatbag 06-01-2009 04:08 PM

^^ When KFC run out of original recipe! - how do you do that?!

- Housemates who want the air -con on, but leave they're windows open.

- Anyone thats not me touching controls in my car.

-^^^ especially skipping songs on my c.d.!

- The fact that even if its 40 degrees, the water at the beach is still going to freeze your balls off.

- Working up a sweat in the 5 minutes from your car to a meeting.

Angry_viet_man 06-01-2009 04:12 PM

people with no brake light.......

klass8wrx 06-01-2009 04:13 PM

...mothers braking at a green light and waiting for it to go red
...people who don't know how to form 1 lane
some old man in NB on James street asking for $2 for a hot dog..for a smoke..for $2! Must be rich by now...

Remnant 06-01-2009 04:14 PM

[QUOTE=Jaded]- retarded drivers full stop. How hard is it to indicate when required/ do the speed limit/ follow one way systems in carparks etc ? not really rocket science![/QUOTE]

Must definately agree with indicating especially on roundabouts, I live near a large 2 lane roundabout and when I pull up wanting to go around, I look to the right. I swear about 85% of the cars don't indicate when theyr coming from my right to go down the road im on without even slowing down.. You have to guess and some of the time you end up pulling out infront of someone actually going straight through.. INDICATE PEOPLE!!

Alternate 06-01-2009 04:14 PM

[QUOTE=wannabox]I have an excuse for that I have no 3d depth perception due to my eyes (lazy eye), so I can not actually accurately judge distances and have no sense of depth. I have to guess most times so do not take the risk, I have no idea how far my left side of the car is where as normal people like my brother in law can put the left hand wheels an inch from the kerb and know it, I guess and hit the curb :P[/QUOTE]

You are excused


wannabox 06-01-2009 04:24 PM

[QUOTE=Alternate]You are excused


Hehe the funny thing is I have gone my whole life thinking I was an idiot, until late last year was getting glases again and had it explained to me. I can't even see 3d movies for example, explains why as a kid everyone was seeing the magic eye books and I saw nothing at all :\

phizzle 06-01-2009 06:18 PM

[QUOTE=wannabox]explains why as a kid everyone was seeing the magic eye books and I saw nothing at all :\[/QUOTE]
"Oh look, a schooner"
"Hahahaha you dumb bastard, it's not a schooner, it's a sailboat"
"A schooner is a sailbait"

Ah, Mallrats.......

LTDGC8 06-01-2009 06:43 PM

[QUOTE=klass8wrx]...mothers braking at a green light and waiting for it to go red
...people who don't know how to form 1 lane
some old man in NB on James street asking for $2 for a hot dog..for a smoke..for $2! Must be rich by now...[/QUOTE]

hahaha funny enough i think i know which dude on James St ur talking about...LOL

rubasu 06-01-2009 07:10 PM

[QUOTE=LTDGC8]hahaha funny enough i think i know which dude on James St ur talking about...LOL[/QUOTE]

The same bloke that hangs around Leedy and Subi I think isn't it? Walks all bent over and stuff...? "g'day mate, ya got 2 bucks on yer to spare"

My ex gave him $2 once even after I explained I've never seen without a packet of smokes in his hand.

p.s you guys need to take it easy with the denco rub eh. Giving me nightmares just thinking about it.

teejay 06-01-2009 07:30 PM

[QUOTE=wannabox]Hehe the funny thing is I have gone my whole life thinking I was an idiot[/QUOTE]

Carry on with this train of thought please

wannabox 06-01-2009 07:31 PM

[QUOTE=teejay]Carry on with this train of thought please[/QUOTE]

No worries cheers, I always thought the internet was full of tossers, but that confirms my initial assumptions.

teejay 06-01-2009 07:33 PM

If youve always thought it its a pretty long initial assumption.

Thanks for playing taking the bait!

wannabox 06-01-2009 07:34 PM

[QUOTE=teejay]If youve always thought it its a pretty long initial assumptions.

Thanks for playing taking the bait![/QUOTE]

Haha I was just playing mate :P, I take everything with a grain of salt on here, and I like to stir myself sometimes...

Rossco 06-01-2009 07:47 PM

........People who don't look or indicate their impending random lane change on the freeway!

.......people doing 80 in the outside lane........whilst on the phone

......people who think they have to yell into their mobile phone to be heard

......... 4wd's that think sitting 30 cm off your ass is going to make you move over

..........4wd's in the outside lane at a set of lights.

...........not winning the 30 million saturday mega draw!

Jaded 06-01-2009 08:35 PM

and oh my god... those idiots who walk around with the bluetooth headset thingo in their ear.. WHILE THEY ARE NOT ON THE PHONE. how hard is it to just put it on your ear when the phone rings?

also boys who cannot aim properly and persist to piss ON the toilet seat. if you have poor aim, lift the seat. i dont mind putting it down..thats no probs at all... far preferable to cleaning up your whiz of the damn seat before I have to sit ! :mad:

Jaded 06-01-2009 08:55 PM

[QUOTE=meatbag]^^ When KFC run out of original recipe! - how do you do that?!


worse is when they run out of chicken full stop. how the fuck does a chicken fast food joint RUN OUT OF CHICKEN??!?!

WHITEMY08 06-01-2009 09:01 PM

[QUOTE=Jaded]worse is when they run out of chicken full stop. how the fuck does a chicken fast food joint RUN OUT OF CHICKEN??!?![/QUOTE]

Easy... ask Chicken Treat in Midvale, they never have any.

Oh yeah, fuckers that always complain :p

GX-REX 06-01-2009 09:03 PM

[QUOTE=WHITEMY08]Easy... ask Chicken Treat in Midvale, they never have any.

Oh yeah, fuckers that always complain :p[/QUOTE]

Wanneroo does this also.. What is chicken treat without chicken?
Not exactly going there for the treat!!!

Jezza 06-01-2009 09:07 PM

ppl who think life is so hard and spend their whole life whinging about it

when u realise something you bought is cheaper a few days after

guys who think their dick is bigger cos they drive a v6 or a v8

seedy guys who try and pick up your gf while shes holding your f***ing hand - are they looking for trouble???

kids these days... (why am i hearing about 14yr olds charging for bj's in the school toilets?!!!! what has this world come to!)

mobile phones.. only lasting a year b4 they die


ppl that key cars

randoms that try and tell you how to do your job

rant over :P

JA50N 06-01-2009 09:32 PM

1. FUCKWITS who cut it front of me when I'm in the truck JUST so they can get 2 cars ahead. 14-18 tonne doesn't stop in 15m quick.

2. Idiots who try and overtake me when I have a oversize load and a pilot behind me. Unlucky, your NOT getting past.


4. McDonald's drive through when you repeat your order 3 times and they read it back to you and it's still NOT right.

5. Pissed chicks who scream and laugh when they see a friend. STFU already, you haven't won Powerball.

6. Muslims who believe in all that rag head shit and try to get the Aussie National Anthem band from school assemblys because their kid go there and they aren't Australian. FUCK OFF ALREADY!

Evo2 06-01-2009 09:38 PM

[QUOTE=WHITEMY08]Chicken Treat in Midvale[/QUOTE]

Geez mate, your game. :p

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