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stinga 07-01-2009 10:27 PM

Huy and his datsun

V3 RA 08-01-2009 07:15 AM


Jaded 08-01-2009 09:49 AM

slow ass people doing their grocery shopping holding everyone up. Its food shopping! I dont want to make a day trip of it! Get in, get what u need, get out! Food shopping sux.[/QUOTE]

dont ever go grocery shopping on pension day - worst thing EVER. The thing I like about qld.. is woolies is open till 9pm every night... so its not so busy. not everyone crammed in trying to do weekly shopping all on the same night.

I also hate parents who have screaming kids who dont make any attempt to shut said screaming child up. give it a lollie or a smack or something.. I dont care. JUST SHUT IT UP!

wannabox 08-01-2009 09:58 AM

[QUOTE=Jaded]dont ever go grocery shopping on pension day - worst thing EVER. The thing I like about qld.. is woolies is open till 9pm every night... so its not so busy. not everyone crammed in trying to do weekly shopping all on the same night.

I also hate parents who have screaming kids who dont make any attempt to shut said screaming child up. give it a lollie or a smack or something.. I dont care. JUST SHUT IT UP![/QUOTE]

You serious 9PM every night? I CANT BLOODY WAIT, only a couple weeks now :), late night shopping FTW!

Jaded 08-01-2009 10:11 AM

[QUOTE=wannabox]You serious 9PM every night? I CANT BLOODY WAIT, only a couple weeks now :), late night shopping FTW![/QUOTE]

where we are .. yes ! might be because its classified as a tourist area (Beerwah - near Australia Zoo) - but Im sure thered be places in brissy and gold coast etc that would be the same. killa !

Foxymophandlmama 08-01-2009 10:28 AM

I also hate parents who have screaming kids who dont make any attempt to shut said screaming child up. give it a lollie or a smack or something.. I dont care. JUST SHUT IT UP![/QUOTE]

OMG! i hate these do gooder gits that try and make out smacking ur kid is the same as beating them to a pulp!

One open hand tap on the ass for being naughty is NOT the same as a closed fist punch to the head! And I'm convinced these do gooders are the same people I see at the shop with the screaming kid that wont stop til they get thier way and mummy just says in a sweet little voice "oh little Johnny dont do that" thats not gonna stop the kid from doing shit! And giving him a lolly to shut him up is just rewarding the bad behaviour. This same kid will steal my car in a few years!

Wanna know why my kids are angels when I shop? Coz when they tried that shit the first time I said in no uncertain terms no you're not bloody having it and if you keep this shit up you're gonna find my hand wrapped firmly round your ass and you absolutly will NEVER get what ever it is you want! think I've only ever smacked them about 3 times each. They now know that behaving themselves will not only avoid getting in trouble but will also result in getting that lolly at the end of the shop coz you did the right thing.


end rant.

wannabox 08-01-2009 10:28 AM

[QUOTE=Jaded]where we are .. yes ! might be because its classified as a tourist area (Beerwah - near Australia Zoo) - but Im sure thered be places in brissy and gold coast etc that would be the same. killa ![/QUOTE]

Indeed, now I just need to start drinking XXXX and I will fit right in :P...

wannabox 08-01-2009 10:29 AM

[QUOTE=Foxymophandlmama]OMG! i hate these do gooder gits that try and make out smacking ur kid is the same as beating them to a pulp!

One open hand tap on the ass for being naughty is NOT the same as a closed fist punch to the head! And I'm convinced these do gooders are the same people I see at the shop with the screaming kid that wont stop til they get thier way and mummy just says in a sweet little voice "oh little Johnny dont do that" thats not gonna stop the kid from doing shit! And giving him a lolly to shut him up is just rewarding the bad behaviour. This same kid will steal my car in a few years!

Wanna know why my kids are angels when I shop? Coz when they tried that shit the first time I said in no uncertain terms no you're not bloody having it and if you keep this shit up you're gonna find my hand wrapped firmly round your ass and you absolutly will NEVER get what ever it is you want! think I've only ever smacked them about 3 times each. They now know that behaving themselves will not only avoid getting in trouble but will also result in getting that lolly at the end of the shop coz you did the right thing.


end rant.[/QUOTE]

Maddoxx summed it up perfectly


teejay 08-01-2009 10:57 AM

I hate it when you fart and its wet

phizzle 08-01-2009 10:58 AM

ZOMG Where can I get several of those^^^ !!!!!!!!


phizzle 08-01-2009 11:04 AM

[QUOTE=wannabox]You serious 9PM every night? I CANT BLOODY WAIT, only a couple weeks now :), late night shopping FTW![/QUOTE]
I used to 'live' in a little town in Victoria called Ararat. Not only did it have a pedestrian crossing (with lights) from one pub to another (The Rex Hotel to The Ararat Hotel) but the local Safeway (Woolworths) was open until MIDNIGHT every night except Sunday when it shut at 9pm. And that is with a population of around 11,000 at it's peak!!! Plus there was Black & Gold which turned into IGA as well so it's not like there wasn't competition or anything.

teejay 08-01-2009 11:09 AM

Yeah but mining towns are different, they know they need to cater to cashed up shift workers.

phizzle 08-01-2009 11:11 AM

[QUOTE=teejay]Yeah but mining towns are different, they know they need to cater to cashed up shift workers.[/QUOTE]
Well the world's largest Gold nugget was found near there (The Welcome Stranger) but it hasn't been a mining town since the early 19th Century and it never really was (Ballarat is, maybe it was that you are thinking of?). All sheep, cows and yokels now.

Foxymophandlmama 08-01-2009 11:39 AM

[QUOTE=wannabox]Maddoxx summed it up perfectly


eddie said it better :D (maybe NWS)


edmands_3 08-01-2009 02:01 PM

[QUOTE=Foxymophandlmama]One open hand tap on the ass for being naughty is NOT the same as a closed fist punch to the head! [/QUOTE]

I agree, a closed fist punch to the head is far more effective at keeping them in line :p

Alternate 08-01-2009 03:13 PM


One open hand tap on the ass for being naughty is NOT the same as a closed fist punch to the head! And I'm convinced these do gooders are the same people I see at the shop with the screaming kid that wont stop til they get thier way and mummy just says in a sweet little voice "oh little Johnny dont do that" thats not gonna stop the kid from doing shit! And giving him a lolly to shut him up is just rewarding the bad behaviour. This same kid will steal my car in a few years!

Apparantly, years ago before i can remember, i was throwing a tantrum in a supermarket cause i didnt get something, and with one hand my dad lifted me by the arm to make me stand up, and the other hand belted me hard enough to get off the ground.

And from then on i never mucked up in a shop.

And i turned out just fine :D

wannabox 08-01-2009 03:16 PM


phizzle 08-01-2009 03:42 PM


wannabox 08-01-2009 03:44 PM

ROFL that one is gold...

Foxymophandlmama 08-01-2009 05:55 PM

i want one! where do i get it???

jEstEr? 08-01-2009 07:53 PM

i think you have to root an asian man

Mister Two 08-01-2009 08:08 PM


*Raises hand up*

jEstEr? 08-01-2009 08:30 PM

[QUOTE=perthzed]Tools that abuse* each other on internet forums.

*There is some room for abuse if wit and humour is thrown in. Saying "you're a dickhead maiite" and "well I fucked your mother" don't count. Take note Fozzy :)[/QUOTE]

but you ARE a dickhead

Fozzy 08-01-2009 08:35 PM

and... I fucked your mother.

Alternate 08-01-2009 09:36 PM

Thats what she said!


Another hate of mine is when customers call up with a problem and say "Well, i bought the machine from you" as if to imply its my fault its broken.

OR they say "It was just serviced by you" and you check the history and it hasnt been looked at for 12 months

JTR 08-01-2009 10:16 PM

when ppl hesitate at giveway or stop signs then finally decide to go and take off really slowly and you gotta put the brakes on hard. or during peak traffic no1 will let you in either while merging or pulling out of a side street. or when something isnt priced up yet customers say "it must be free" nothing free in this world buddy, oh and i hate ppl who tailgate while driving and at lights

Evo2 09-01-2009 01:34 PM

That guy's voice on that FUCKING HOLDEN AD.

" yes times are a bit tough, but australians and holden are tougher"


Remnant 09-01-2009 02:59 PM

I love when young drivers seem to have a middle seat in their car because theyr leaning over so much..
|n :cool: n|

Craig 09-01-2009 03:06 PM

[QUOTE=Remnant]I love when young drivers seem to have a middle seat in their car because theyr leaning over so much..
|n :cool: n|

Its Not only "Young" drivers.

lebrunt 09-01-2009 03:08 PM

fuckin liers ....hate them with a passion ! !!

[REXPLOIT] 09-01-2009 03:09 PM

[QUOTE=Craig]Its Not only "Young" drivers.[/QUOTE]

Or when u drive past... and you see a head looking at you... from south of the b pillar.... just a head in the back window.... cos the seat is so far back....

Sit up ya f**kers! lol. Take control.


Craig 09-01-2009 03:12 PM

[QUOTE=sleepR]Or when u drive past... and you see a head looking at you... from south of the b pillar.... just a head in the back window.... cos the seat is so far back....

Sit up ya f**kers! lol. Take control.


haha i hate that hey, aswell passengers put there seat way back. often in lancers with diff backs, and ralliart stickers.

Remnant 09-01-2009 03:17 PM

[QUOTE=Craig]Its Not only "Young" drivers.[/QUOTE]

:p I meant "young" as under 30

TopGear 09-01-2009 03:28 PM

lol I hate that and Because im so tall I need my seat far back I think people think I put it back on purpose :(

Evo2 09-01-2009 03:34 PM

[QUOTE=TopGear]lol I hate that and Because im so tall I need my seat far back I think people think I put it back on purpose :([/QUOTE]

x2 !

because im tall people think im gankstar. :mad:

jzr 09-01-2009 03:41 PM

[QUOTE=Foxymophandlmama]Jzr - man up and wax dude wayyyyy less itchy than shaving.


my ex gave it a go. screw that. once is enough for me.

rubasu 09-01-2009 03:45 PM

[QUOTE=JTR]when ppl hesitate at giveway or stop signs then finally decide to go and take off really slowly and you gotta put the brakes on hard. or during peak traffic no1 will let you in either while merging or pulling out of a side street. or when something isnt priced up yet customers say "it must be free" nothing free in this world buddy, oh and i hate ppl who tailgate while driving and at lights[/QUOTE]

Dont even mention merging traffic or someone will start a whole 'nother thread on it (again)!!

Remnant 09-01-2009 03:46 PM

The more you shave, the worse it is when you finally wax. Once youve done it, less grows back and its finer so easier next time. That or youll end up like a 40 year old virgin.

jzr 09-01-2009 03:51 PM

sweet as ill keep shaving for another 17 years and then wax a smiley face into my torso.

Jezza 09-01-2009 03:57 PM

how about people that dont mind their own business and stick their nose into other people's affairs, unwanted....

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