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Cooper89 06-01-2009 09:49 PM

People in the gym who barge in and use your weights or equip when your resting! And people who dont know what they are doing and use incorrect form but will NOT take friendly advice!

WHITEMY08 06-01-2009 09:52 PM

[QUOTE=Evo2]Geez mate, your game. :p[/QUOTE]
What are you trying to say?
I was born in Meeka and grew up Midland area
Swan View SHS rocked in the early 90's
And before you ask I am white........

Evo2 06-01-2009 10:11 PM

^^^ Just had bad past experiences thats all.

Each to their own. :)

Golding 06-01-2009 10:22 PM

[QUOTE=JA50N]Muslims who believe in all that rag head shit and try to get the Aussie National Anthem band from school assemblys because their kid go there and they aren't Australian. FUCK OFF ALREADY![/QUOTE]

that's one of my main ones.

Im not racist, people can believe in what / who they want to. Its a free country.

But to try to change others opinions and change the Australian way of life is bullshit.

Wanting to ban Christmas trees in schools, no more prayers (im not catholic or religious but when to a public school for 4 years and before every assembly everyone said hail mary), and as said above about the National Anthem. Things like that really piss me off.

And people who believe that when they die they will go to paradise with 40 virgins. Its thats what you believe then go for it, but dont take innocent people with you!

fobz 06-01-2009 10:55 PM

People who protest in Australia about country "A" going to war with country "B".
That shits me.

Leave your fucking problems at the door. This is Australia. If you hate country "B",
then fuck off back to your country of origin and join the army.

[REXPLOIT] 07-01-2009 01:27 AM

[QUOTE=fobz]People who protest in Australia about country "A" going to war with country "B".
That shits me.

Leave your fucking problems at the door. This is Australia. If you hate country "B",
then fuck off back to your country of origin and join the army.[/QUOTE]

^ Having been spat on during an Anzac day march through Perth... because someone of middle eastern descent saw my medals from Iraq and the middle east... And started yelling at our group - saying we were killing their families, I feel your pain Fobz....

(The irony being, having now been to numerous countries in the middle eastern region, 99% of muslims we had dealings with, were thankful we were there, and were very thankful for providing financial stability to their countries). As soon as they saw we werent american (and absolutely no offence to any americans on here), they were very accepting of us?, Go figure.

And hippies who dont want any wars either... and think cos they watch the news, read a paper, that they know everything about said country. Unbelieveable. Talking about what life is like over there... yet, when questioned... theyve never been there? ? ?

- And people who drive at 10k's under in the right lane.
- And for wrx's/sti's being VOI. When bunkies with blown lights, bald tyres, blowing smoke drive right on by.
- Tailgaters.
- Druggies that attempt to tax my satnav and RX65.

I could go on... rant mode off... Time for bed...


PsYcHeD 07-01-2009 03:33 AM

1) Posers - blokes that think they're hot shit. Especially ones in the gym that grunt when lifting weights, then do a bog lap of their area after doing a set, puffing and panting in an attempt to get attention. YOU ARE GAY!

2) Chics that think ur tryin to hit on them just cos u strike up a conversation with them. (Disclaimer - i am trying to hit on u tho).

3) Real Estate Agents.

4) Automated, monotonous, superficial sales ppl, i.e - "Hi, how are u today, sir?"

5) Cats. Useless.

6) General Nurses

7) Ghetto suburbs

8) Druggies - oxygen thieves, burden on society.

9) Ppl who push in queues. Regardless of whether they are oblivious or doin it cos they wanna be served asap, its just plain rude.

10) Teejay. Nah, just kidding, i luv ya :P

Grayzee 07-01-2009 07:14 AM

I hate:
1. kings of leon... so f'n gay!
2. People who think listening to trance music is a lifestyle.
3. Tax
4. Imigrants who make no attemp to fit into society
5. All the aboriginals who give the decent ones a bad name (I work with a lot of black fellas who are top blokes)
6. People who claim to be from some disadvantaged minority just to get attention.
7.15yr old girls who think they are all grown up
8. "V8's are the only decent car" guys
9. Kings of Leon... Still f'n gay

Jaded 07-01-2009 08:28 AM

- people who claim to be 1/16th aboriginal just to get the benefits.
- people who stand to close to you in queues .. why does this mainly happen in the bank?
- "property managers" who couldn't manage their way out of a paper bag.
- the optus automated voice recognition system that doesnt recognise the word 'yes' .. give me strength

perthzed 07-01-2009 09:46 AM

Tools that abuse* each other on internet forums.

*There is some room for abuse if wit and humour is thrown in. Saying "you're a dickhead maiite" and "well I fucked your mother" don't count. Take note Fozzy :)

Cooper89 07-01-2009 09:55 AM

[QUOTE=PsYcHeD]1) Posers - blokes that think they're hot shit. Especially ones in the gym that grunt when lifting weights, then do a bog lap of their area after doing a set, puffing and panting in an attempt to get attention. YOU ARE GAY!


So dont you train to failure? Im sorry i push my self. But i do not cut laps of my gym haha!

Alternate 07-01-2009 10:05 AM

[QUOTE=perthzed]Tools that abuse* each other on internet forums.

*There is some room for abuse if wit and humour is thrown in. Saying "you're a dickhead maiite" and "well I fucked your mother" don't count. Take note Fozzy :)[/QUOTE]


edmands_3 07-01-2009 10:24 AM

I hate when a mate gets fined $700 for doing 95kph just before the 100kph sign on a fucking freeway onramp. If everyone went 60kph up to the sign, then tried to accellerate to 100 to merge imagine how fucked up the traffic flow would be. Some pigs just need to get a life.

How abos complain about being discriminated against and all that shit, but they get a bunch of benefits that I don't get. Why should they get paid for schooling, get free public transport etc. because of the colour of their skin, yet they accuse us of being racist?

EDIT: Oh yeah, and also how I work hard on site for a whole day to earn a living, then on my way home I see abos driving brand new (or near new) cars and sitting under trees drinking. But none of their drinking/health/abuse problems are their fault or anything, its all white mans fault.

[REXPLOIT] 07-01-2009 11:07 AM

[QUOTE=edmands_3]I hate when a mate gets fined $700 for doing 95kph just before the 100kph sign on a fucking freeway onramp. If everyone went 60kph up to the sign, then tried to accellerate to 100 to merge imagine how fucked up the traffic flow would be.[/QUOTE]

^ Hutton St onramp heading south onto Mitchell.....????? :D

Ive had 2 little incidents of this exact thing... Were the po po have been sitting around the corner of a building, on the last road before 'the freeway'. I mean Ive learnt, ive just been lucky I guess.... lol. ;)


jzr 07-01-2009 12:56 PM

i hate that when i first started wearing skinny leg jeans i was mocked and beaten up and now i see the same people who were the teasers or beaters wearing them.
hypocrites. for once in their life they should be a leader and not a follower.

GOOSE 07-01-2009 01:26 PM

I fukn hate EMO's!!

Grayzee 07-01-2009 01:41 PM

[QUOTE=jzr]i hate that when i first started wearing skinny leg jeans i was mocked and beaten up and now i see the same people who were the teasers or beaters wearing them.
hypocrites. for once in their life they should be a leader and not a follower.[/QUOTE]

I hate skinny legged jeans (unless they are on a girl). In all fairness dude you were asking to have your ass kicked wearing those things. They look rediculous...

gorotsuki69 07-01-2009 03:19 PM

[QUOTE=GOOSE]I fukn hate EMO's!![/QUOTE]

they fukn hate themselves too!!

GOOSE 07-01-2009 03:58 PM

[QUOTE=gorotsuki69]they fukn hate themselves too!![/QUOTE]

well said

wannabox 07-01-2009 04:06 PM

Secretary at my work, every time I walk past she is on facebook, I am thinking of making redirect to some dodgy porn site on her machine for a laugh and see if she says to anyone facebook won't work.

Remnant 07-01-2009 04:12 PM

Oh, the guy I work with, has no problem with picking his nose while having a conversation with you.. stupid english man.

EYEZ 07-01-2009 04:18 PM

We had an apprentice that used to pick spots on his face and then put it in his mouth while he was talking to you ........... just plain nasty !!

edmands_3 07-01-2009 04:28 PM

[QUOTE=sleepR]^ Hutton St onramp heading south onto Mitchell.....????? :D

Ive had 2 little incidents of this exact thing... Were the po po have been sitting around the corner of a building, on the last road before 'the freeway'. I mean Ive learnt, ive just been lucky I guess.... lol. ;)


Dunno which one it was. I have been down the hutton st one at a fair bit more than 60kph too though. I will have to be careful in the future :p

V3 RA 07-01-2009 04:53 PM


5. Pissed chicks who scream and laugh when they see a friend. STFU already, you haven't won Powerball.

6. Muslims who believe in all that rag head shit and try to get the Aussie National Anthem band from school assemblys because their kid go there and they aren't Australian. FUCK OFF ALREADY![/QUOTE]

completely agree.

i also hate italian stallions
metro cunts, collar up pink shirt shit


fat people who just sit there and wallow in their self pity and think its everyone elses fault but their own they are overweight. put down the fork and get off the couch! the hospital beds these people will eventually fill could be used for people who have no choice in their health.


Evo2 07-01-2009 04:55 PM

good bitch'n boys! .. :D

Looks like i've opened up a can of worms!

Foxymophandlmama 07-01-2009 05:00 PM

Jzr - man up and wax dude wayyyyy less itchy than shaving.

Coop - dude,'re looking in the wrong place and 2. you're just not flanno enough for Buno chicks.

I hate...

people that chew on coms on PS3
slow ass people doing their grocery shopping holding everyone up. Its food shopping! I dont want to make a day trip of it! Get in, get what u need, get out! Food shopping sux.

Remnant 07-01-2009 05:24 PM

[QUOTE=Foxymophandlmama]slow ass people doing their grocery shopping holding everyone up. Its food shopping! I dont want to make a day trip of it! Get in, get what u need, get out! Food shopping sux.[/QUOTE]

Especially when they park their trolley in the isle blocking both sides, and are oblivious to anyone around them waiting to get past.
"Hmmm, do I want home-brand or over-priced worse quality brand name!!"

Pinky 07-01-2009 06:22 PM

[QUOTE=evo 298]

i also hate italian stallions
metro cunts, collar up pink shirt shit


Actually saw a man in his mid 50's with his collar up during the Christmas Break. Thought it was only a Gen Y thing...

TROLLEY 07-01-2009 07:08 PM

Saves being burnt on the neck...

Popped collars are alright by me (during daylight hours), as long as the colour ain't salmon pink or you're wearing it like that in a nightclub.

TopGear 07-01-2009 07:26 PM

[QUOTE=Foxymophandlmama]Jzr - man up and wax dude wayyyyy less itchy than shaving.


wax balls? um no :eek:

meatbag 07-01-2009 07:41 PM

The fourth shit of the day. that toilet paper starts to feel like sandpaper!

Taking a shit outside of work hours.

Getting ready for a big grog bog, to just pop out a little unsatisfying nugget.

Doing a big sloppy one after big indian feast and running out of toilet paper.

Foxymophandlmama 07-01-2009 07:43 PM

[QUOTE=TopGear]wax balls? um no :eek:[/QUOTE]


Back, Crack n Sack! its essential and not as painful as u may think, LOTS of blokes get it done.
Just as much as you like her to keep it tidy she likes you to as well.

reminds me of a hate...
pickin pubes off my tounge after givin head

Alternate 07-01-2009 07:43 PM

[QUOTE=TopGear]wax balls? um no :eek:[/QUOTE]

Ive heard bleeding and mass bruising is to be expected in such a practice...



Back, Crack n Sack! its essential and not as painful as u may think, LOTS of blokes get it done.
Just as much as you like her to keep it tidy she likes you to as well.[/QUOTE]

Is a trim not good enough for you ladies? :p

TopGear 07-01-2009 07:46 PM

shave balls trim rest lol

Foxymophandlmama 07-01-2009 07:47 PM

[QUOTE=Alternate]Ive heard bleeding and mass bruising is to be expected in such a practice...[/QUOTE]

Oh alternate lies all lies!

Is a trim not good enough for you ladies? :p[/QUOTE]

no its not.... two words coming to mind... girly men :D

low rider 07-01-2009 07:50 PM

- the optus automated voice recognition system that doesnt recognise the word 'yes' .. give me strength[/QUOTE]

Omg how can u not understand the word yes, and when u finally do get through they hang up on u

wrxfiend 07-01-2009 07:53 PM

going over the pits and all your electric windows fuck up when the inspector pushes all 4 switches on a 35 degree day, today!

perthzed 07-01-2009 08:08 PM

Gay guys that opt to have a boyfriend who has had a sex change, got a fake vagina, taken hormones, got real boobs, grown their hair long, had their adam apple shaved and now looks (Except for the big hands) and sounds exactly like a woman . WTF. Dude do you like boys or girls. Get your shit together.

Rossco 07-01-2009 09:00 PM

[QUOTE=fobz]People who protest in Australia about country "A" going to war with country "B".
That shits me.

Leave your fucking problems at the door. This is Australia. If you hate country "B",
then fuck off back to your country of origin and join the army.[/QUOTE]

Too fucken true!!

Leeroy 07-01-2009 09:29 PM

I hate it when my mrs cooks steak. She has been banned, I have to do it.

The only woman I've ever met who can turn a $20 scotch fillet into an experience likened only to honking on to an inner tube.

The cow died for fkn nothing.

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