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mARC 18-10-2010 03:59 PM

As its getting serious and in some instances down right dangerous, I'd have a serious chat with local law enforcement, local council, as well as getting some legal advice to see what can legally be done to protect yourself and your property. There's no point implementing any preventative measure if its going to put you in the firing line if something goes wrong.

RUSSGT 18-10-2010 04:28 PM

I would also lodge every single thing that happens to you and your property to the police! Even if its hard they will then see the ongoing problem!

VETTETOREX 18-10-2010 06:09 PM

Thanks heaps.

All I will do is record everything (though all they have to do is cut wires) and then present that to the police.

Luckily all the crime has been theft/Vandalism - nothing more really.

I'm just worried one day they will come in and just demand for money or keys......
(have come home to find people on the property in the middle of the day, not being racist but were natives (thankyou homeswest since you've been across the road.)

I want to live somewhere where as soon as someone enters your property with ill intent it's a free for all.......IT SHOULD NOT HAPPEN!!

American Dave 18-10-2010 06:13 PM

Texas allows you to own multiple fire arms, drive around in your truck with them and definitely shoot any MoFo who enters your property without your consent...would I live there, hell no.

Jezza 18-10-2010 06:13 PM

Things I would do:

1) Dogs. Real big mean ones, that will hurt anyone that comes close.

2) Follow up with local council, police etc. One report wont be enough, make sure you stay on it until something is done.

3) Contact other local residents and get them into the action. One person whinging wont achieve as much as half a community.

4) Contact media. Get your story heard. Newspapers, Today Tonight/ACA, they love this kind of stuff. This will also motivate your council and local police!

5) Bear traps, electric fences, spotlights, sirens. Fort Knox!

6) Build a moat. Lol

VETTETOREX 18-10-2010 06:26 PM


I have no neighbours for at least 5-6 blocks either side.(Commercial - who have also had many break-ins) Thing is most small burglaries are not reported because it's futile and the police can't really do anything after the crime.

Once I have enough footage...... ACA - Today Tonight... here I come.....

I have a new hunting.... I will catch the next bastard that tries to rip us off and hopefully they will be on the news. Still doesn't account for all the people that got away with it.

Jezza 18-10-2010 06:33 PM

I have no neighbours for at least 5-6 blocks either side.(Commercial - who have also had many break-ins) Thing is most small burglaries are not reported because it's futile and the police can't really do anything after the crime.

I'm sure business owners would also be more than willing to participate in anything that stops the vandalism to their properties also.

Even if justice cannot be served for a petty burglary, the local police & coucil etc should implement measures to put a stop to these happenings. Increased security presence, more lighting etc.

VETTETOREX 18-10-2010 06:45 PM

Once the 4 cameras are setup I think I will bait them with items of obvious value in the open. (Is this wrong?)

I know most hooligans will grow out of this stupidity but they need to be taught a lesson. As long as our safety is not at stake -That is the main thing.
I can see idiots like this holding a grudge and reciprocating....In which case I'
d rather the petty crimes.

VETTETOREX 18-10-2010 06:53 PM

I saw a guy 3km down the road on M***le street build a nice wall to stop intruders and within 2 weeks the nicely rendered wall was filled with 15-20 graffiti tags. Poor bastard. Then I saw him helplessly trying to remove it.

Even if they are caught. Slap Slap thankyou Mam.

Meanwhile he's stuck with $$$$$$$ repair bill.

Martial Law anyone.

If I was in Texas I wouldn't mess with anyone, as I would be served. I heard they have a very high firearm possesion/ low crime rate...

I think in WA it would end in a high murder rate.

Lesson 101: Year 1 primary school - RESPECT!

Okibi 18-10-2010 06:58 PM

I'm repeathing others but here's my thoughts ..

Sounds like your place is a sitting duck as they can approach (and escape) from all angles.

The usual trick is to make your house harder to break into than the ones around it, that won't work here.

Lock your gate, then people can't wander onto the land, they have to trespass (which isn't worth a pinch of sh*t legally) but at least you know their intentions.

Bolt a cow bell onto your gate(s), it will make a lot of noise if someone is trying to open it.

Cut back trees, bushes, low hanging branches etc so there's nothing they can hide behind.

Put in motion detector spotlights (with covers so they cant throw stones at the globes or remove them) on all sides of the house, they give you good warning someone is moving around outside.

Look at the Swann video camera systems, there's one that will even let you watch online or via iphone.

Put trellis along the tops of your fences, it makes it a lot harder for people to jump over and a lot louder too.

Put roses and boganvillia along the trellis, it's natures barbed wire.

I had mates glue glass into the lip around his fence so anyone who put their hands over to climb the fence cut their hands.

Get a safe for anything that you really couldn't deal with loosing and having to replace under insurance.

Get a dog, if you're worried about it getting let out, tie it up on Friday/Sat/Sunday nights when the problems are worse. The dog will bark and warn you or scare away the crims. Get the "guard dog" signs, your dog is allowed to attack people if that's what it's been training to do. A dog will make the biggest difference to your family's safety than any of my other suggestions.

Get a shed/garage, it will reduce the amount your cars get vandalised, if you have a carport/driveway then people can tell if your home or not, if your cars are garaged then they're not sure.

Given your in the middle of no where would the criminals call the cops if you fired a warning shot into the air? At least it would mean the police would hang around a lot more. Most of these kids know they can get away with anything and don't care much about getting caught. They do care about getting mauled by a dog or falling into a wood chipper and getting used as burly.

Put the local police station (and council security if there is any) into your phone so you can call them quickly.

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