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EvilCabbage 13-03-2006 12:21 PM

Working with assholes (rant).
Anybody else caught in an environment where they're forced into close proximity with utter, utter smacktards?

I work corporate IT support for a resources company. The tasks that cross my desk are many and varied, unfortunately they often only involve plugging in a cable.

Long story short, on Friday someone wanted a cable plugged in while I was in the middle of something else. She got upset because I didn't panic and apparently didn't appreciate how important this cable getting plugged in was, even after I stressed to her that it would be done in less than five minutes (and it was), giving her a full half hour before she needed it running for her meeting and for some reason this still wasn't good enough.

She cannot seem to grasp the concept that some problems crossing my desk are more urgent than hers. She works in Public Relations for fucks sake, she shakes hands and kisses babies all damn day then struts around the office as if this place simply couldn't turn out the millions of dollars of ore without her valuable input. If I had a shovel and a bag of quicklime she'd already be in a shallow ditch out the back....

Anyway, when I'm told by somebody that I [i]"Clearly don't understand how urgent the situation is"[/i] and [i]"This just can't carry on"[/i] after kissing her ass and calling it ice-cream, I get cranky. First though, I laughed in her face. This probably wasn't wise, but holy hell it felt good. I laughed in her face and walked out of the room. It was either laugh, or grab the coffee cup she had just filled, breaking it over her fucking face while screaming; [i]"You fucking ingrate, you go to hell and you die!"[/i]

Here's an email I sent to my boss on the subject just after the event (names removed obviously..)

[quote]Just a heads up for whenever you're available again. I can imagine Stupid Bitch(tm) will be putting in some form of complaint about me and I thought I'd pass on the details of the little event before it spirals into some larger story.

Ticket (we use tickets to track jobs) came through late Thursday regarding some trouble with the training room A monitor.

Friday morning I get caught up organising a phone for a meeting and various other things with various other people that required immediate attention.

Aforementioned Stupid Bitch(tm) walked into my office and explained the ticket. Realising that someone had unplugged it I said something like:
"No problems Bitch, if you'll give me five just to finish this email off to Cool Guy I'll be right there."
She explained it was urgent and should be my top priority, I assured her it was and I just needed to get this message out. Knowing full well how big the bees in her proverbial bonnet can get I spoke calmly, chose my words carefully and basically just didn't want to push her panic button any further that it already was.

On my way out the door I was stopped by a couple of Groovy guys asking some laptop related questions. I asked them to put a ticket through with the details and we'd get to it as soon as we could. This probably delayed me by a minute, maybe two at a stretch.

I ran up to the empty training room and plugged the monitor back into the correct socket, everything was fixed. On my way out of the room I ran into Stupid Bitch(tm) again and attempted to explain that everything was A-OK, she ignored me and wandered off to make a coffee. I followed her into the little kitchen area and again explained that everything was good to go and she said:
[i]"I can't work like this"[/i], then proceeded to tell me that my reaction to her demands was not good enough, that I had not reacted with enough alarm at the situation. I was somewhat dumbfounded by this, I explained again as gently as possible that I didn't want to panic anybody, that after seeing the ticket I was fully aware of what the problem was going to be and that I really did just need to finish the email I was writing (regarding some fairly important stuff for Cool Guy over east) before I went into the training room. She got rather 'huffy' and said that it wasn't good enough (or words to that effect) and that I clearly didn't understand how important this was, and re-iterated again that she simply could not work like this.

Now, the internal customers are clearly important to us. Without them you and I just wouldn't be here. With the history Stupid Bitch(tm) has with some of her demands I made sure I put in the extra effort to make her happy and still it wasn't good enough.

I will put up with a lot sir, but I will not be ignored like a scolded child in the workplace and I am afraid I cannot bend the laws of time and physics for Stupid Bitch(tm), as much as I may like to.

So, just a heads up. She seems eager to complain that I was not in a panic state, that I did not drop everything on everybody else to plug her cable in and generally doesn't appear capable of treating me as a colleague.

We'll chat more about it when you get back.

Cameron Jones
Technology Support and Maintenance[/quote]

So... anybody else work with people that just seem hellbent on making your life miserable?

I either need a new job, or a good criminal lawyer to help me plead down to manslaughter for dropping this bitch.

I should mention this isn't the only problem I've had with this woman, it's just the proverbial straw on the camels back. Constantly unreasonable demands on our time and resources, a real snooty fuckin' attitude and committing the department to things without even checking with us first, as well as calling me on my personal mobile on my fucking days off to ask stupid questions, this bitch needs a bullet. :mad:

BALISTC 13-03-2006 12:25 PM

Yes I work with someone hellbent on making my life, and the lives of everyone else in the vicinity, difficult. I wont get into details, because it'll make your epic post look like a simple query ;)

Put it this way....we have a large vessel of sodium hydroxide out the back (a coupla thousand litres), and oh how I'd like to accidentally push her into it one day..

EvilCabbage 13-03-2006 12:27 PM

[QUOTE=BALISTC]Put it this way....we have a large vessel of sodium hydroxide out the back (a coupla thousand litres), and oh how I'd like to accidentally push her into it one day..[/QUOTE]

I'll bring my bitch down, we can make a party of it.

[I 86 I] 13-03-2006 12:34 PM

I work in the mines...........

enough said!!

mr_psi 13-03-2006 12:38 PM

that farken suks dude.... u should have enough experience to get another job surely?????

is there many jobs atm in the IT industry?

EXPLICIT 13-03-2006 12:46 PM

Be your own boss, at least when u put up with fucktards you get paid for it.

Josh 13-03-2006 12:47 PM

I work in IT, I sit smack back in the middle of an open plan accounts department consisting of only 3 males, including myself. We're outnumbered about 4:1. It's crazy!

I feel your pain.

PS - If I hear that moaning bitch next to me whinge about someone calling her husbands maintenance service at night I'm going to slash her fucking tires!

EvilCabbage 13-03-2006 12:54 PM

[QUOTE=mr_psi]that farken suks dude.... u should have enough experience to get another job surely?????

is there many jobs atm in the IT industry?[/QUOTE]

The IT industry sucks nard at the moment. If I left here I could have another job tomorrow but the pay just wouldn't be able to match up. Shit, most places I'd be looking going down to about 65-70% of my current payslip, others would be half that. It's just not realistic to leave unfortunately, no matter how miserable the job is.

Not until we have some sort of nest egg sifted away and I can invest some time in my own business... there's plenty of freelance IT work around this town, but taking the plunge with a new wife and house on the line would just be totally insane. I could make a lot more doing that and the work is far more satisfying, but just way, way too much risk right now.

[QUOTE=EXPLICIT]Be your own boss, at least when u put up with fucktards you get paid for it.[/QUOTE]

I would love to sir, believe me. :(

[QUOTE=Josh]PS - If I hear that moaning bitch next to me whinge about someone calling her husbands maintenance service at night I'm going to slash her fucking tires![/QUOTE]

Next time, ask her how much her $18's an hour would cover of the mortgage without her husband working his ass off, that should shut her up.

Not trying to sound sexist, but shit if the dude's working as hard as that then she shouldn't be bitching about it.

DAN682 13-03-2006 01:06 PM

I think you need to take one for the team mate.

She probably just needs a good root.

We have them here too, they are a bunch of fucktards but what can you do.

I worked for BHP Iron Ore for close to 4 years and only had a few fucktards which everybody else on site hated so it was good.

EvilCabbage 13-03-2006 01:08 PM

[QUOTE=DAN682]I think you need to take one for the team mate.

She probably just needs a good root.[/QUOTE]

Thanks a lot, fucker. Coffee and shit shot out my nose then. :D

methd 13-03-2006 01:22 PM

if i don't like someone here, i get them fired :)

DAN682 13-03-2006 02:09 PM

[QUOTE=EvilCabbage]Thanks a lot, fucker. Coffee and shit shot out my nose then. :D[/QUOTE]


*2 dots to make minimum 5 char limit :p

Jaded 13-03-2006 02:20 PM

I feel your pain mate ! While my current job is ok... previous ones have had similar ppl at them. Though it wasnt so much rudness as down right complete and utter stupidity. Makes work drag out so much longer :(

DAN682 13-03-2006 02:31 PM

We are in IT, they should respect our authoritare!

Just disable the fuckers' accounts it always gets your respect! Nothing like a fucktard coming grovelling to you to get their account re-enabled
oh and if they have to ring a helpdesk then thats even better cos then they are on hold for 40 minutes before they get through, just keep doing it heheheh

or just "login" as them 3 to 5 times depending on group policy and lock their account out :)

jEstEr? 13-03-2006 02:44 PM

as per first post, i have a person here exactly the same.

PM me where you work for ?

REXXX 13-03-2006 02:58 PM

i've experienced the same disrespect - it's everywhere i go. people amaze me daily.

ring ring..[QUOTE]"hello?"
"are you playing with the servers and stuff again?"
"playing with the servers? no, i would alert everyone of any scheduled downtime. is there a pro..."
*cut off*
"...cuz i can't open anything, this means i can't do my work! i'm too busy for this!...
wait, this blue plug - is it meant to be connected?"[/QUOTE]end of convo.

i love to hear my profession described as "playing" with "stuff". yep that's right, all i do every place i go is play with stuff all day and do my best to cause inconveniences...

take a few deep breaths and watch some The IT Crowd episodes...

EvilCabbage 13-03-2006 02:59 PM

[QUOTE=REXXX]i've experienced the same disrespect - it's everywhere i go. people amaze me daily.[/quote]

It's not like I even command a heap of respect, I'd just like to be treated as an equal, not some $5 an hour servant boy.

[quote]take a few deep breaths and watch some The IT Crowd episodes...[/QUOTE]

Funny you should say that, I only *just* watched the first episode. That red head chick is fuckin' hot as.

stinga 13-03-2006 03:07 PM

Throw some porn into her computer ....
Sure you have a policy on no porn... :D

REXXX 13-03-2006 03:08 PM

[QUOTE=EvilCabbage]It's not like I even command a heap of respect, I'd just like to be treated as an equal, not some $5 an hour servant boy.[/QUOTE]likewise! by lack of respect i was referring to the discourteous, uppity attitude so many people have. asthough IT people are simply a "service" and not people at all...

[QUOTE=EvilCabbage]Funny you should say that, I only *just* watched the first episode. That red head chick is fuckin' hot as.[/QUOTE]fuckin hillarious shit, moss cracks me up to no end.
love the IT helpdesk phone recording, too.
she is indeed of high quality... :)

EvilCabbage 13-03-2006 03:16 PM

[QUOTE=REXXX]she is indeed of high quality... :)[/QUOTE]

I'd let her sit on my face and wriggle around a bit.

But that's for another topic ;)

Darken 13-03-2006 03:21 PM

Now say after me with a deep breath... WOOOSAAHHHH!!!

Narchi 13-03-2006 03:22 PM

customers will be customers. Its the way i see it. Internal or external. Ull have some awesome ppl where u wont mind doing anything for em. then u got others who make u so annoyed the only reason u help them is coz u dont wanna get fired. I just love the ppl who exaggerate the time they have waited. 30mins wait = Them telling u 2 hours wait

DAN682 13-03-2006 04:19 PM

2 Words for you all: IT CROWD!!!!!!!

Download it off bit torrent, we can learn alot from these 2!!

geoff 13-03-2006 04:28 PM

When you work in IT, finance, office services, catering or any other 'service' type division in any organisation you are the scum of the earth.

Deal with it, or get a job where you're a producer (ie: you make the company money) ... you'll end up with nice offices, respect and perks instead!

Intra 13-03-2006 04:46 PM

[QUOTE=geoff]When you work in IT, finance, office services, catering or any other 'service' type division in any organisation you are the scum of the earth.

Deal with it, or get a job where you're a producer (ie: you make the company money) ... you'll end up with nice offices, respect and perks instead![/QUOTE]

Can't agree more on that.. nicely summed up.

Clint 13-03-2006 05:22 PM

[QUOTE=geoff]When you work in IT, finance, office services, catering or any other 'service' type division in any organisation you are the scum of the earth.

Deal with it, or get a job where you're a producer (ie: you make the company money) ... you'll end up with nice offices, respect and perks instead![/QUOTE]

So true. Just rise above it and do a good job.

Miggidy 13-03-2006 05:25 PM

It must be something about corp IT.

I just did a job for a company that outsources our services, they are based in sysdney. At 11am i was faxed a PO for a POS system at a major retailer in the city, system was down. Fairly important, so I called ahead and tried to talk her through, making sure all cables were plugged in properly. She lost it and claimed I needed to get down asap as she was having to do everything by hand, she wouldn't check any cables. So I drove all the way in, walked into the store, found the pc, plugged the power cable in and happily made her sign my bill for $125.

All you can do mate is bite the bullet and fix thier retarded porblems, maybe put forward legislation for the sterilisation of fucktards all over Australia, or come and work for us, we are looking for a new fulltime techie =)

Miggidy 13-03-2006 05:27 PM

[QUOTE=Clint]So true. Just rise above it and do a good job.[/QUOTE]

But remember this, NEVER fuck with somebody in the service industry... there are always ways to get payback. I accidently made a a Bitch's PC print 100 copies of her diet plan to her Boss' printer, something that can be amusing but they will never know for sure it was you =)

EvilCabbage 13-03-2006 09:39 PM

[QUOTE=Clint]So true. Just rise above it and do a good job.[/QUOTE]

I do a great job sir, which is why I'm upset when some fucking dense tart decides to take issue with me over nothing.

Decided I'm going to lodge an official complaint in regards to her behaviour tomorrow. Should be a laugh....

westoz 13-03-2006 10:22 PM

Damn, one of the best rant threads I've seen in a long time....congrats especially to EvilC for his entertaining intro bordering on literary masterpiece, I must say!!!

I [u]don't[/u] work in IT but have much respect for those that do. Heard MANY a customer-from-hell story from your industry. One of my closest friends down here is what I describe as an IT guru, lectures at TAFE, has his own business & doing very well. I am very careful to ask his advice on computer related things and won't touch on the subject in a social setting unless he brings it up in convo.

Instead, I'm in the building trade, ceramic tiling to be precise. While I have often thought of a change in career (in my mid 40's - yeh right) in the direction of IT I get back to thinking that:

(1) I am my own boss. I say "Sir" to no-one.

(2) My customers are ALWAYS happy. Working to a high standard helps tremendously in the area of customer relations. Voluminous word-of-mouth references is also a big key.

(3) I mostly work by myself. Occasionally I use the services of a couple of very reliable close friends, who I pay well, to help me with the lion's share of a large job. We have a great time.

(4) I am paid immediately on completion of job (often before completion), or within a day or two of completion. Sometimes with [i]in gratis[/i] bonuses which are unexpected.

(5) Over the last two years, earnings have escalated to the point that I can now command a 6 figure annual income...such is the climate of the building industry, especially here in the SW where it is not expected to slow down for MANY years.

Nah, I'll stay where I am thanx :D

mr_psi 13-03-2006 10:29 PM

i love the group policy lockout, a better one is enforce a desktop on the username or ever better get rid of there taskbar..... u should try them there a alotta fun

Adr3naL1N 13-03-2006 10:33 PM

at my work, you have to be a manager to actually be well looked after. There is a big differen between the ppl and the heads of each department. Guess its sumethin for me to work forward to :D.

although i think everywork has its share of complete eggheads.

POLARBEAR666 13-03-2006 10:33 PM

HAHA i have 8 employees now .....can you imagine working for ME! ..... im going to be walking around saying to my sidekick "Hey dewy, did u just grab my ass..... No sir I did not grab your ass as it would be physically impossible from 5m away......Well...Do you want too?"
and even more fun..

Ill get them to address me as Rick James.

EvilCabbage 13-03-2006 11:08 PM

[QUOTE=POLARBEAR666]HAHA i have 8 employees now .....can you imagine working for ME! ..... im going to be walking around saying to my sidekick "Hey dewy, did u just grab my ass..... No sir I did not grab your ass as it would be physically impossible from 5m away......Well...Do you want too?"
and even more fun..

Ill get them to address me as Rick James.[/QUOTE]

Er.. yeah, hilarious.... did you let your ego out in the yard to pee today or do you just let it go on the rug?

POLARBEAR666 13-03-2006 11:20 PM

You just hate me cause im black.

e-rex-shon 14-03-2006 10:29 AM

People seem to have many reasons to hate you polar, and I'm pretty sure being black isn't one of them.

What, daddy brought you a business to run into the ground now? ;)

Clint 14-03-2006 10:34 AM

[QUOTE=Miggidy]But remember this, NEVER fuck with somebody in the service industry... there are always ways to get payback. I accidently made a a Bitch's PC print 100 copies of her diet plan to her Boss' printer, something that can be amusing but they will never know for sure it was you =)[/QUOTE]

Well I have worked in the IT industry for quite some time so I am well aware of the pitfalls and how to get revenge on people, but I cannot condone it.

[QUOTE=EvilCabbage]I do a great job sir, which is why I'm upset when some fucking dense tart decides to take issue with me over nothing.

Decided I'm going to lodge an official complaint in regards to her behaviour tomorrow. Should be a laugh....[/QUOTE]

Cranky pants clients are something you have to learn to live with. An offical complaint is better then childish revenge acts that will just cause them to get back in contact with you anyway.

POLARBEAR666 14-03-2006 10:37 AM

Keep adding yourselves to the list of people who wont be getting the P-wrx discount on retail and rental dvds that im setting up.

Clint 14-03-2006 10:41 AM

Annnnnd we are now off topic.

EvilCabbage 14-03-2006 02:31 PM

[QUOTE=POLARBEAR666]Keep adding yourselves to the list of people who wont be getting the P-wrx discount on retail and rental dvds that im setting up.[/QUOTE]

What do you want son, a cookie? Medal? Crocodile sticker perhaps?

If you'd like to have a chat about riding dads coat-tails, or your homoerotic workplace practices, or even why you're about to revolutionise the DVD industry (pshaw..), the "New Thread" button is just to your left.


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