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GX-REX 04-08-2012 08:06 PM

Best of luck with the recovery. With a start to the year like that, things can only get better ..

wikid_sticks 04-08-2012 10:07 PM

thanks everyone, it really does mean alot to know that there are people out there that care. if you guys could keep an eye out for a bonnet or help me track down a cheap one, it would be much appreciated. the bonnet is version 4 - 6. :)

PoktRokt 04-08-2012 10:27 PM

I don't know you but I really feel for you!
Hope you recover well!!! If you stay as positive as you are now then that's worth more than anything!!! Your mind set is fantastic!! I admire you!!!
Keep your spirits high!!!
Kym, if you organize something then let us all know!!

Drivers licence... pfft, Pilots licence!
Drive it like you stole it!!

apg39 04-08-2012 10:27 PM

Fuck that, someone give him a bonnet.

Good luck with a speedy recovery.

Pimpreza 04-08-2012 10:33 PM

Shit a brick, what a crappy year so far, I guess it can only get better from here, I hope so.

I remember coming over to your place with Seagull a few years ago and buying a some parts, I hope the guys here can give you a hand, I'd try but I'm in for an op this week for a few days then off to Thailand the week after, are all the vents ok? may make it easier if they are and can your brother/family sell it for you?

MISSWRXYSTi 04-08-2012 11:55 PM

Woahhhhhh :( not good, however you have amazingly survived and pretty damn positive -so maybe 2012 will make a positive turn here on through!!

Glad to hear your on the mend!!! Good luck and hope you keep going, you will get your strength back and be back to yer old self in no time I'm sure !

wikid_sticks 05-08-2012 12:41 AM

thanks everyone, hey pimpreza, yeh i remember ya aswell :) the vents are in good nick, im lucky its just the bonnet. yeh im gonna get my bro to sell it for me.

heres a few pics off my phone

these pics are thumbnails.




nipple shot for the gay boys. lol


chillin with my nieces (sisters kids)


my brothers first baby, scarlett rose. im 6 foot 4 btw.


thumbnail. this is about 2 weeks ago.


this was taken today, i tell ya, its good to not shit yourself in bed! finally dont have a crook guts anymore.


I know what u guys r thinkin.. God damn im sexy! Lol I've decided to try and grow a goatie.. Why u might ask? Well im bored and im doing it as a dare from the nurses, but the plan is to grow it as long as I can in here, then my cousin tammy is gonna dye it, but i need some ideas on what colour to go for.

wait till i get my dads phone, he's got some pretty awesome photos of me all messed up when i came out of surgery, so ill upload them as soon as he comes to visit next.


Pimpreza 05-08-2012 01:33 AM

Looking forward to more pics.....sort of.....Still shitting the bed eh? and that nip shot should have most of the PWRX girls and some of the guys a bit moist.

Just think how much better off you are than some of the poor bastards in there typing with a stick in their mouth.

P.S., your head looked better 2 weeks ago lol.

All the best mate.

ImPreSiV 05-08-2012 07:15 AM

Great to see you're in high spirits Dan! Cherry Blossom Red goatie?

magic1 05-08-2012 07:27 AM

Good luck with your recovery & a well written story.

Moving at high speed wether it be in a car, on a boat, riding a dirt bike all have risk. You chose the risk and dirt bikes are high risk fun mode of transport.

Not one to preach, but if your going to do a high risk activity, have insurance to cover it or 'self' insure and foot the risk. (ie: have money aside in case shit goes wrong)

I only see 1 bit of bad luck in your story, your bonnet.

Why would you want to continue a relationship with a person u always fight with.

Yes the machines that saved your life cost $20k a day because they are expensive to buy, run & staff.

Your alive. Despite the high cost of living its surprisingly still popular.

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