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Falky 24-12-2012 11:18 AM

yeah I agree it's time America took a stance on High powered assault rifles and also didn't they have a young man not long too ago going around in Washington with a sniper rifle??

Why in the world you need these guns for recreational use has me dumbfounded.
The N.R.A. response to more armed security staff at schools is laughable.
They'd be $5 per hour staff sitting around scratching their asses most of the time.
Like the conversation we had Dave , they would not be able to respond quick enough to make a difference if someone turned up with a machine gun.

I don't don't have a problem with America's "right to bare arms" but surely people have a right to feel safe?

end rant

I'm glad my kids go to school here.

drewgong 24-12-2012 12:54 PM

gun cabinet anyone? cmon usa..

gorotsuki69 24-12-2012 01:21 PM

Imagine this scenario : you are having a party at your house but one of the guests may be a knife murderer but you don't know who. your options are:
1. take away all the knives and frisk all guests entering the house
2. give all the guests a knife each as it will act as a deterrent

which will you choose?

steve-lang 24-12-2012 01:28 PM

^ or ensure the size and style of knife your guest can carry is restricted (weapon style and magazine size). And take comfort in the ability to protect your family with a legal firearm your trained in the use of??

Not saying you're wrong. I disagree with some aspects of your opinion that's all. Have a read of this.


Bob 24-12-2012 02:22 PM

The whole concept of what's going on in America is quite sickening to me.
I've read several reports about the nature of these incidents and it baffles me how they maintain an environment that glorifies guns and aggression as the solution to solving conflict.

Seems like they have 2 answers.

1. Do nothing. Highly likely outcome.
2. Close the borders, make sure everyone has a gun and training and wait till they run out of ammo.

teejay 24-12-2012 07:29 PM

300m people in America

280m guns

900 000 held by police forces, about 5 million by the army....

Good luck getting the 260 odd million back.

reconus 24-12-2012 09:51 PM

^ accounted for anyway..

safe 24-12-2012 10:12 PM

Ah what have I started...Thanks for all your views on the subject.
I may not agree with all of them..(or you with mine) that is why it is called debate and I think this is healthy discussion.

No one has ever said there is an easy solution but be farked if I think that is an excuse not to try.

Change does not have to be bad or discriminatory but should focus on the greater good, not just those that speak the loudest.

(cringes in anticipation)

Rally_Action 26-12-2012 09:09 AM

Ever watched Bowling for Columbine by Michael Moore? Based around the late 90's Columbine High School massacre. Very interesting doco. Also compares the US & Canada and the different cultures of effectively neighbours.
Looks at a range of issues and suggests that the sensationalist nature of the US media has a large part to play in it all.

zver333 26-12-2012 10:23 AM


These are facts.

Either no one has guns (including authority) or everyone does.

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