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Tony 24-08-2013 08:29 AM

Dealership horror stories.
Ok. So this last week i have come across 2 really good examples of a dealer absolutly raping the shit out of clueless customers. So thought it would be fun and educational if we compiled a thread about these stories.

Story 1: training a temp to look after my site whilst i get my knee surgery. He can be called bob for the purpose of this story. Bob is fairly clueless about cars but keeps raving on about a VF commodore ssv redline he just bought for 52k 2 months. Story goes Bob went too one holden dealer and asked for a price for said car. The dealer came back with a price of 56k. So Bob goes to a different dealer and asks him to beat the above price for the same car. The dealer took Bob for a test drive in what Bob thought was a VF edition commodore. The dealer said he could so it for 52k as it is a demo model. Bob buys the car and ring the other dealer to say he managed to get one for 52k to which the other dealer is genuinly surprised. Anyway fast forward 2 months and i am down at the work shop and ask Bob to show me his car. He takes me to a series 2 commodore ssv redline but a VE model. Im fairly confused at this point. Bob does not believe me that its not a VF as he assumed that the redline had different styling haha. Pop the bonnet and show him the build date on the vin which is may 2012. Bob goes quiet and does a dissapearing act about 5 mins later. So basically the dealer took advantahe of the fact that Bob has no fucking idea and is a moron and managed to charge him 52k for a car that is worth 43k. I felt so bad i couldnt even laugh, which is strange for me

Story 2: this is one of those "My mates, younger brothers best mates stories". Anyway said kid goes into a dealership by himself too look at an xr5. At this stage the car is out of his budget and he just want to take a look. Next minute the salesman asks if he wanted to go for a drive. Obciously the kid says yes and the dealer whips out some forms and tells the kid he has to sign them to tes drive the car. The kid signs the forms and goes on a test drive. Little does he know he just purchased The car. Upset and confused about what just happened he goes home and tells his dad. Dad rings the dealership and pretty much gets told "to bad" he signed for the purchase of the car subject to finance". They ended up buying the car.

Does anyone have anymore stories about sneaky salesmen?

Spektre 24-08-2013 08:41 AM

Um apart from those stories being shit, they are jumpsuit.

1. If you get sold a car under false pretense then the contract is null and void
2. There is always a cooling off period for car contracts. I call bullshit on the second story

MY99GT 24-08-2013 08:48 AM

There is no cooling off period on a car contract - I work in the industry (but not in sales)

fatboy 24-08-2013 08:48 AM

Story 1: training a temp to look after my site whilst i get my knee surgery. He can be called bob for the purpose of this story. Bob is fairly clueless about cars but keeps raving on about a VF commodore ssv redline he just bought for 52k 2 months. Story goes Bob went too one holden dealer and asked for a price for said car. The dealer came back with a price of 56k. So Bob goes to a different dealer and asks him to beat the above price for the same car. The dealer took Bob for a test drive in what Bob thought was a VF edition commodore. The dealer said he could so it for 52k as it is a demo model. Bob buys the car and ring the other dealer to say he managed to get one for 52k to which the other dealer is genuinly surprised. Anyway fast forward 2 months and i am down at the work shop and ask Bob to show me his car. He takes me to a series 2 commodore ssv redline but a VE model. Im fairly confused at this point. Bob does not believe me that its not a VF as he assumed that the redline had different styling haha. Pop the bonnet and show him the build date on the vin which is may 2012. Bob goes quiet and does a dissapearing act about 5 mins later. So basically the dealer took advantahe of the fact that Bob has no fucking idea and is a moron and managed to charge him 52k for a car that is worth 43k. I felt so bad i couldnt even laugh, which is strange for me

Bullshit, BULLSHIT!

I am a senior manager for amulti francised dealer group incorporating Holden!

You couldn't get a VF redline 2 months ago!

They don't look the same, drive the same, or are even priced the same as a VE

And the contract will clearly show what car it is!

Also the sale is registered with Holden and a copy of the contract, rego's etc are sent to Holden, there is no chance that Holden would allow a contract with VF SSV REDLINE written on it to be processed with a VE VIN number, engine etc.....

Your mate is lying to you, he bought a VE (which had higher pricing than a VF) and now has the guilts

Sorry bro but no one is going to believe that bunch of shit!

Dealers (especially francised ones) cannot get away with anything in this day and age, if a fucking set of floor mats are missed in the deal there is hell to pay let alone what you are talking about!

Go back to Bob the temp and tell him he is full of crap and to stop speading lies!

fatboy 24-08-2013 08:51 AM

[QUOTE=Tony;767724]Story 2: this is one of those "My mates, younger brothers best mates stories". Anyway said kid goes into a dealership by himself too look at an xr5. At this stage the car is out of his budget and he just want to take a look. Next minute the salesman asks if he wanted to go for a drive. Obciously the kid says yes and the dealer whips out some forms and tells the kid he has to sign them to tes drive the car. The kid signs the forms and goes on a test drive. Little does he know he just purchased The car. Upset and confused about what just happened he goes home and tells his dad. Dad rings the dealership and pretty much gets told "to bad" he signed for the purchase of the car subject to finance". They ended up buying the car.

Again bullshit!

Do i really need to go into detail on this utter lie?

Kid has buyers remorse, see it all the time!

Tony, i think you need to delete this thread or i will make you look silly!

fatboy 24-08-2013 08:57 AM

[QUOTE=MY99GT;767728]There is no cooling off period on a car contract - I work in the industry (but not in sales)[/QUOTE]

Spot on, WA does not have a cooling off period on car sales!

Other states do, SA 2 days, Vic 3 day, Tas none!

mARC 24-08-2013 08:58 AM

Tony, i think you need to delete this thread or i will make you look silly![/QUOTE]

I feel 'for the sake of the forum and indeed humanity', you must proceed :D

Tony 24-08-2013 09:02 AM

Haha i dont feel silliest in the bit. This guy genuinly believed he had bought a VF until yesterday. He is going to the dealer today to find out what is going on. He has even insured it as a VF commo haha. Both me and you both know he has bought an overpriced VE and not read any of the contracts he was signing.

thehowlfactor 24-08-2013 09:08 AM

Both these stories do have the Today Tonight beat up vibe to them.

Dan [GTI] 24-08-2013 09:12 AM

[QUOTE=fatboy;767729]Your mate is lying to you, he bought a VE (which had higher pricing than a VF) and now has the guilts[/QUOTE]

Wouldn't buy a commonwhore, however its just stupid to have paid more for a new VE when the new VF is cheaper and newer.

[QUOTE=fatboy;767730]Kid has buyers remorse, see it all the time![/QUOTE]

Keen for more of these ^^^^ stories :D

fatboy 24-08-2013 09:13 AM

[QUOTE=Tony;767734]Haha i dont feel silliest in the bit. This guy genuinly believed he had bought a VF until yesterday. He is going to the dealer today to find out what is going on. He has even insured it as a VF commo haha. Both me and you both know he has bought an overpriced VE and not read any of the contracts he was signing.[/QUOTE]

Yeah right, given it is still only 9AM on a Saturday morning i would say you are still in a deep REM dream, stay away from the keyboard whilst you are dreaming up bullshit!

Tony 24-08-2013 09:17 AM

To he expectes when their is only one side to the story lol.

Dan [GTI] 24-08-2013 09:28 AM

[QUOTE=fatboy;767738]Yeah right, given it is still only 9AM on a Saturday morning i would say you are still in the middle of your 4[I] day methamphetamine binge[/I], stay away from the keyboard whilst you are still seeing sounds...[/QUOTE]

Fixed :rolleyes:

More stories from dealers point of view, delaing with low-ballers and idiots who know nothing about cars (but try to bullshit their way through it).

fatboy 24-08-2013 09:39 AM

[QUOTE='Dan [MPS 3];767740']Fixed :rolleyes:

More stories from dealers point of view, delaing with low-ballers and idiots who know nothing about cars (but try to bullshit their way through it).[/QUOTE]

There is no point, if you can think it up, chances are we have seen it!

True horror stories happen from time to time and are usually outside of anyones controll (be it the dealer or customer), but bullsit ones like the above........ never!

Dan [GTI] 24-08-2013 09:46 AM

[I]Someone turned up with a bag of beans (Magic Beans obviously) and wanted a trade + cash (their way).[/I]

It's like any customer service/sale job, people are idiots (Rule #1) and always think they are right (Rule #2), Very rarely are they actually right (Rule #3). :rolleyes:

GTB Liberty 24-08-2013 09:58 AM

I like it when car salespeople try to BS me, just like audio salesmen, doesn't last long after I have the pleasure in watching them bury themselves ...

Dan [GTI] 24-08-2013 10:02 AM

It is a satisfying feeling :) listen to their 10 minute sales pitch. Then ask questions that show the holes in their pitch, stand back and watch head explode.

On the flip side it is nice to have a salesman who actually knows what he is selling and has a passion for it. Doesn't happen to often unfortunately.

teejay 24-08-2013 10:37 AM

[QUOTE=Tony;767734]Haha i dont feel silliest in the bit. This guy genuinly believed he had bought a VF until yesterday. He is going to the dealer today to find out what is going on. [B]He has even insured it as a VF commo haha[/B]. Both me and you both know he has bought an overpriced VE and not read any of the contracts he was signing.[/QUOTE]

bull fucking shit!

To insure it he needs a vin number

Vin number would immediately identify it as a VE

mARC 24-08-2013 10:42 AM

[QUOTE=fatboy;767741]There is no point, if you can think it up, chances are we have seen it!

True horror stories happen from time to time and are usually outside of anyones controll (be it the dealer or customer), but bullsit ones like the above........ never![/QUOTE]

I unequivocally disagree.

[B]Second Hand Cars:[/B]

Unsure about now but John Hughes had a wholesale room
next to their VW showroom where they would sell dodgy cars.

I queried the sales people why these cars 'which were sometimes newer and had less kms' on them then other cars in their open showroom', why they were cheaper and was met with replies like they had been on the showroom for two long so we're trying to get rid of them cheap.

[B]Technically Brand New Cars:[/B]

Mitsubishi 4WD that was driven through a fence at the Fremantle Docs had around 6ish kms on it when it hit the panel department.

Had a around $12k damage on it and was used and sold as a demo car.

[B]Sold as Brand New Car:[/B]

Getting told by a salesman that I was full of shit when checking out a brand new car for repair work was also interesting, even when I show'd evidence of obvious repair work.

Do they still strip the factory tint off cars at pre-delivery?

Then there's the issue of sublet rust proofing, I never saw a customer get what they paid for....

Dan [GTI] 24-08-2013 10:43 AM

Good spot TJ.

Now you can go onto an insurance site (EG: SGIO) put a rego in for a quote, click to confirm rego and gets a bit of vehicle info (make, model, etc), kinda off topic, but still interesting.

fatboy 24-08-2013 10:46 AM

[QUOTE=mARC;767750]I unequivocally disagree.

Second Hand Cars:

Unsure about now but John Hughes had a wholesale room
next to their VW showroom where they would sell dodgy cars.

I queried the sales people why these cars 'which were sometimes newer and had less kms' on them then other cars in their open showroom', why they were cheaper and was met with replies like they had been on the showroom for two long so we're trying to get rid of them cheap.

Technically Brand New Cars:

Mitsubishi 4WD that was driven through a fence at the Fremantle Docs had around 6ish kms on it when it hit the panel department.

Had a around $12k damage on it and was used and sold as a demo car.

Do they still strip the factory tint off cars at pre-delivery?

Then there's the issue of sublet rust proofing, I never saw a customer get what they paid for....[/QUOTE]

not even worth responding to!

Does anyone else notice that the 2 people telling stories are

1, Tony
2, Marc


STI325V6 24-08-2013 10:48 AM

[QUOTE=teejay;767749]bull fucking shit!

To insure it he needs a vin number

Vin number would immediately identify it as a VE[/QUOTE]

No you don't TJ, I know as I sell insurance in my role!

mARC 24-08-2013 10:49 AM

[QUOTE=fatboy;767754]not even worth responding to!

Does anyone else notice that the 2 people telling stories are

1, Tony
2, Marc


Of course its not worth replying to as you know it goes on.

I also never worked for John Hughes Panel and Paint as well?

I also edited that post to add additional bits you're going to disagree with.

Tony 24-08-2013 10:51 AM

[QUOTE=teejay;767749]bull fucking shit!

To insure it he needs a vin number

Vin number would immediately identify it as a VE[/QUOTE]

Yep i also asked the same thing. Apparently Holden insured it and organised it all and he just signed without looking again.

fatboy 24-08-2013 10:51 AM

[QUOTE=mARC;767756]Of course its not worth replying to as you know it goes on.

I also never worked for John Hughes Panel and Paint as well?[/QUOTE]

Good for you, keep slandering them...... that will work out well!

Dan [GTI] 24-08-2013 10:53 AM

[QUOTE=STI325V6;767755]No you don't TJ, I know as I sell insurance in my role![/QUOTE]

Really?!? wouldnt there be a make/model marked against it on the data base?

teejay 24-08-2013 10:55 AM


How the hell can you insure a car without an individual identifier?

Off to buy a 500 dollar vn, insure as VF SS, "stolen" shortly after

Tony 24-08-2013 10:55 AM

[QUOTE=fatboy;767754]not even worth responding to!

Does anyone else notice that the 2 people telling stories are

1, Tony
2, Marc


I dont get why you are taking it so personally. Some dude has walked in off the street with no idea, bought a car which he though was another car for to much and now he knows, he is pissed.

STI325V6 24-08-2013 10:56 AM

All I need from a client is the make/model and rego number to fulfill an Insurance policy.

REXXXED 24-08-2013 10:57 AM

Write car off, get VF SSV in return. Winning?

[SIZE="1"]Ps: no I am not suggesting to do this, that's retarded...[/SIZE]

STI325V6 24-08-2013 10:58 AM


How the hell can you insure a car without an individual identifier?

Off to buy a 500 dollar vn, insure as VF SS, "stolen" shortly after[/QUOTE]

Like anything TJ it would come under full disclosure, it is like insuring a 2 bed 'dive' in Gosnells for $1 million dollars.

When and if it comes to make a claim the insurer would not pay $1 million dollars!

magic1 24-08-2013 11:04 AM

The truth is that there are dodgy car sales persons out there.

mARC 24-08-2013 11:25 AM

[QUOTE=fatboy;767758]Good for you, keep slandering them...... that will work out well![/QUOTE]


Bob 24-08-2013 11:35 AM

Sounds more like ignorant buyers than shonky dealers.

MY99GT 24-08-2013 01:09 PM

[QUOTE=Bob;767770]Sounds more like ignorant buyers than shonky dealers.[/QUOTE]

This ^^

If you're stupid enough to sign up and pay $50k for something that you weren't even capable of taking 0.5 seconds to google and make sure its the one you want - you deserve all you get i'm afraid.

Buyers remorse is not a reason to slander dealerships - they aren't [U][B]ALL[/B][/U] that bad.

Dan [GTI] 24-08-2013 01:29 PM

[I]People have to take responsibility for their actions? That's crazy talk![/I]

We are in the world of [I]'blame someone else for out problems'[/I]. Don't you watch TT or ACA?
-Stole a car, blame your childhood.
-Punched a old woman for her purse, blame it on your parents.
-Purchase a car then have buyers remorse, clearly the dealer should reimburse you for the purchase and then be blamed for the whole thing.

End Rant/

JDM_STYLE 24-08-2013 02:31 PM

[QUOTE=fatboy;767754]not even worth responding to!

Does anyone else notice that the 2 people telling stories are

1, Tony
2, Marc


Marc isn't, I used to work for Sk*ppers and have seen said examples and plenty of other dodgy practices...

nick73 24-08-2013 02:36 PM

[QUOTE=STI325V6;767762]All I need from a client is the make/model and rego number to fulfill an Insurance policy.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=STI325V6;767764]Like anything TJ it would come under full disclosure, it is like insuring a 2 bed 'dive' in Gosnells for $1 million dollars.

When and if it comes to make a claim the insurer would not pay $1 million dollars![/QUOTE]

About the only factual statements in this thread.

Dan [GTI] 24-08-2013 02:39 PM

[QUOTE=nick73;767796]About the only factual statements in this thread.[/QUOTE]

This thread in one statement:

nick73 24-08-2013 02:40 PM

^Fuck your quick.

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