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Because need degree first.

Posted 02-08-2013 at 06:53 PM by monkeee

Hi guys n gals,

Have not been active on the forums for some time (and will continue to do so after this blog entry).

In short, not planning any further no limits nights, skidpans or even cruises for that matter.

If I can I will try and get some Brembo's on the front of the car and also add an OMP WRC seat but even that is not looking likely (though these will have to be sorted eventually so think of them as on the to-do list).

In a few years the (plan at least is) car will become a weekender anyway so hoping by that time I have the means to fund the addiction.

Piggy has been a pretty fun little daily for the moment. Thought I'd be "used" to the 18G by now but it still pulls nice and strong. Have managed to scare the crap out of myself by actually having a go at launching here and then, car gets out of the hole at an alarming rate...

But I guess for me the most important thing I have learned over the last year is about what is defined as a "fast car" (lets just say its an entirely different definition to when I first joined the forums). Can only say I am much better off for it and can only thank those who have helped me see it.

Time to get my nerd on and get that piece of paper + proper job.

Will see everyone eventually I guess but until then take care, monkeee say bye bye.

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  1. Old Comment
    Jeckle's Avatar
    Hmm, My degree had 16hrs a week of lectures and tutes, maybe the same again, on average, or at most doing study and assignments.

    It helps doing things outside Uni to help clear the head. Life can get really lonely behind books, much less behind the wheel.
    Posted 02-08-2013 at 07:00 PM by Jeckle Jeckle is offline
  2. Old Comment
    monkeee's Avatar
    I completely understand that point of view Jeck. I feel I need to (weak will power). 1 cruise will turn into many cruises haha.

    Its only a short term sacrifice for (hopefully) a long term gain.
    Posted 04-08-2013 at 08:27 PM by monkeee monkeee is offline

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