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mARC 06-11-2010 12:00 AM

[QUOTE=dtrally;509234]Do you think geting a fine for not displying the 'P' plate is unfair? Is it safe to drive with one 'P' plate on the floor if it accidentally :rolleyes:falls off?[/QUOTE]

No but I think there's a big difference between giving someone a fine for a reason then looking for a reason to fine someone.

Kato 08-11-2010 10:17 AM

I'm willing to bet there is more to the story.

As I have been fined for not displaying P-plates, as it is written on your license, if you don't have them up you are 99% sure to get a fine.

Okibi 08-11-2010 06:10 PM

[QUOTE=Kato;509902]... if you don't have them up you are 99% sure to get a fine.[/QUOTE]

Talked my way out of it once :D

sMY00n 08-11-2010 06:16 PM

I think its a great idea.

I dont think people with p plates shouldnt be able to drive performace cars. I think the laws should be more like over east where you have to be 25

Jordiee 08-11-2010 06:21 PM

[QUOTE=sMY00n;510074]I think its a great idea.

I dont think people with p plates shouldnt be able to drive performace cars. I think the laws should be more like over east where you have to be 25[/QUOTE]

is that because you're 25 and because of how awesome you are at driving you deem it an appropriate age?

Okibi 08-11-2010 06:26 PM

Ask most people and they'll say that when they were on their P plates they thought they were a good driver. Given the the benefit of hindsight most will tell you that they're a much more competent driver now.

That's not to say that all P platers are bad drivers and people with full licences are safer but laws are a blanket solution.

Okibi 08-11-2010 06:34 PM

Why I don't think we should stop young drivers owning "performance cars"

"[I]Across all highly motorized Western countries young motor vehicle drivers have a much higher risk of involvement in crashes that result in either death or hospitalisation than older, more experienced drivers. In addition to this, young drivers are more likely to speed and to be involved in speed related crashes. Despite the lack of scientific research or evidence to support the belief that the use of high performance vehicles by young drivers increases their risk of crashing, there is continued public interest in the introduction of vehicle restrictions for novice drivers. The aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship between motor vehicle power to weight ratio and the risk of serious injury crash involvement.[/I]"



steenler 08-11-2010 07:00 PM

I think this is a good thing, stick to speed limit when your inexperienced... Crash just the other day from a p plater going around a corner into a tree, fairly close to going through a house.

tcs242 29-11-2010 10:24 PM

Just my 2c. I came off my P plates a few weeks ago, and I didn't accrue one demerit point the entire time. I am not the most "lawful" driver on the roads - I drive consistently on or 5kms above the speed limit at all times for example.

I think the real question is, will these new laws save the lives of the kids on the roads? Absolutely not. Once again it comes down to two key things - Driver training and education. Perhaps mandatory defensive driver training could make up part of the solution?

Perth drivers are frequently voted in the worst drivers in Australia, and a drive from Freo to Tuart Hill will show you just how bad - People's inability to merge on a busy freeway, people not stopping at stop signs, people cutting yellow lights..... P Platers learn from example, and the example Perth is setting is SHIT!

Training and education people, Training and education...!

Rally_Action 08-12-2010 10:51 AM

My 2c...
If an alien race came to earth and offered us a fast, cheap and efficient mode of transport that would greatly reduce travel time, is accessible to all and increased convenience, however would kill or serious maim over 1 billion people annually on a global scale- We'd say the costs are just far too high. (Dr Karl Kruszelnicki) That description is exactly what the car is.
When we get behind the wheel of a vehicle we need to consider we are in control of a deadly weapon. How many drivers think of their car that way?
There's a saying that familiarity breeds contempt. i.e: We get too comfortable doing something and then we cut corners.- Driving.
Young drivers need to learn the right way and gain experience to be good drivers.
Over time P platers have proved to be one of the very high risk groups on the road. The laws have become progressively tougher to reduce the risks to young drivers and other road users. If every time a P plater (and everyone else) gets in the car and thinks about the points/fines they may get, maybe it will encourage safer driving... If not, the laws will get tougher still.
A driver's license is a priviledge not a right. Talking/texting on your phone, fiddling with your I Pod and/or stereo, driving with a load of mates in your car or chosing to race the guy next to you in a V8/WRX/Skyline etc are all dangerous distractions to drivers, particularly those on P plates. Personally I think P platers should have a Kilowatt limit placed on the vehicles that can be driven and that all new drivers should be made to participate in defensive driver training and club motorsport in controlled environments (motorkhana/khanacross) before being allowed onto the roads. This would give more idea about what can happen when control of a car is lost and may make people realise the implications if that happened on a public road.
For now, the government see tighter laws as the way to encourage safer driving amongst young drivers.
Moral of the story: Don't complain about the laws, think that these laws have been brought about in an effort to get you and your fellow road users home safely each day/night. If you want to cut loose in your car or drive fast, join a car club and participate in motorsport in a controlled environment away from public roads.


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