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Old 28-03-2006, 02:59 PM
Sir AntiLag
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Damn, we should have all chipped in, bought that near completed time machine off E-Bay, fixed it and gone back to find out just what happened for ourselves
My interests are my own, as are my opinions.
Old 28-03-2006, 03:17 PM
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Who or what created your God ???? Because as you say, you can't create something from nothing.
Old 28-03-2006, 03:25 PM
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Originally Posted by d_generate
Who or what created your God ???? Because as you say, you can't create something from nothing.
The atheist Bertrand Russell wrote in his book "Why I am Not a Christian" that if it is true that all things need a cause then God must also need a cause. He concluded from this that if God needed a cause then God was not God (and if God is not God then of course there is no God). Even a little kid knows that things do not come from nothing, so if God is a "something" then he must have a cause as well, right?

The question is tricky because it sneaks in the false assumption that God came from somewhere and then asks where that might be. The answer is that the question does not even make sense. It is like asking, "What does blue smell like?"
Blue is not in the category of things that have odor, so the question itself is flawed. In the same way, God is not in the category of things that are created, or come into existence, or are caused. God is uncaused and uncreated - He simply exists.

How do we know this? Well, we know that from nothing, nothing comes. So if there was ever a time when there was absolutely nothing in existence then nothing would have ever come to exist. But things do exist. Therefore, since there could never have been absolutely nothing, something had to have always been existing. That ever-existing thing is what we call God!

hehe get it?

anyway, this is fully turning into scripture lessons and im the least to say, since im new this whole thing. I think i'l stop here ai
good day
Old 28-03-2006, 03:29 PM
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Picking out the important parts:

Originally Posted by waxdass
Firstly: Something was orginally self created (the concept of the big bang and evolution, that is life was self created, living matter evolved out of non-living matter), or
Secondly: We arose out of a self-existant being.

The first option is fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you look at it) a logical impossibility. How can something be and not be at the same instance and in the same relationship (remember shakesperes age old question?). What i'm trying to say is it is impossible for life to create itself, because it didn't exist to perform the creating act. Consequently, the concept of evolution is logically flawed from the beginning as life did not originally exist to create itself.
Cute, almost. So we haven't quite figured it out yet, therefore "God" must have created everything? We know there was a huge 'explosion' of sorts at the point of our galaxys creation. Read up on some of Steven Hawkings work, he makes it simple enough for everyone to grasp the concept and provides some really interesting reading. If you're as lazy as I am you can even get it as a book on tape or even mp3 these days.

Creation was a long process, we're still working out the gaps. We've got a fairly good grasp on the start and the last few hundred years, we're working hard to write the rest of the story now. It's useless to say that some supernatural being did it, that's just a friggin' cop out. Again, plenty of proof showing the start of our universe, zero proof showing God made it in a week.

But may i ask you, was anyone alive today there when the big bang occurred?
Apart from God you mean?

Christian scientists interpret the evidence in light of what the bible says (because they believe this to be true). However, scientists who do not acknowlege a God will interpret the evidence in light of a theory that has no space for God - Evolution.
You say that like it's a bad thing.

If you think that evolution is a solid theory, i must disagree, as was suggested in my earlier posts i believe that evolution is portayed as being scientific fact when this is far from the truth (the world's leading evolutionists cannot prove to you that it is true).
Science is full of theorys. The theory of gravity is still called a theory, would you like to argue against that next? Evolution isn't a process that makes giant changes in small time periods, it's a long, slow process. We're taller than we were a few hundred years ago, brains are getting larger (if somewhat remaining unused), our physique is altered from the times we needed to fend off animals and attract mates by beating rocks together.

Kid's are taught in schools that evolution is true. One of the proofs used to do this is Haeckel's embryo's. The basic idea is that if all the embroy's in an early stage of development are the same then it is evidence that we have a common ancestor. There are two sets of pictures below, the top shows what is given to kids in textbooks and the bottom shows what the true pictures are. As you can see for yourself, these are radically different. In fact the guy who originally falsfied these pictures was banished from university. Unfortunately these are still used today in textbooks around the world to convince kids that evolution is true, even though this evidence is a complete lie.
I call bullshit. These photos and this particular evidence were never presented to me in biology, nor to my wife (who did some fairly advance biology), nor any of the other similar thinkers I've discussed this idea with today. I think you would have to look pretty damn hard to find this idea still being taught anywhere, as much as you'd like to have that 'easy point' for your argument.

There are a lot of scientists that make false claims and fudge research. You know what happens to them? They get caught, they lose credability and they get their asses kicked, then their studies get put on the same shelf as MAD magazines and back issues of Playboy. Once science is proven to be wrong, the idea gets shelved. That's the beauty of it, no matter how you may like to argue otherwise sir.

There is much more evidence:
For example, why do so many fossils contain evidence that they were fossilised immeadietely: e.g. icthosaur giving birth, fish with scales on it. If these things were fossilised over millions of years (the evolutionary arguement) wouldn't they just be bone?
You're clearly confused. Fossilisation and evolution are two very, very different things. Why would they just be bone? There's a lot of factors involved in the preservation of a body, it's not exactly a cut and dry process.

This is evidence of rapid fossilisation - very rapid, something that seems only to be possibel by a global event, maybe such as that described in the flood account of the bible?
In which case, they would definitely only be bone. Moisture and the various water dwelling critters have this wonderful habit of destroying meat, the bones would also become quite scattered leaving complete skeletal finds to be something that just wouldn't happen, forget about just being rare, they'd be impossible to locate.

We know something big and fairly gnarly happened. There's a few schools of thought on what exactly it was, but I'd put a lot of money down against it being a flood sent down to earth by a vengeful god, who gave one man the heads up in order to build a giant boat and put two of every animal on it. Let's not even discuss the inbreeding and genetic abnormality issues that would come with that one, eh?

In regards to your comments about Jesus and atheism, I am glad to see that you like to think these things through. However, you continually claim to be strong while people who are religious are weak.
Yeah, it gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside, like having an enema while drinking a really cold beer.

This is an interesting concept
Thankyou sir.

and by the sounds of it satisfies your conscience, yet you do not seem to base your concept of right or wrong on any absolute truth - which is fair enough if you believe right or wrong is completely relative.
..which of course, it is. I think it's wrong to eat my neighbour, but if we both crashed in the Ande's and only I survived, I probably wouldn't mind getting into some Charlie-steaks...

However, I would like to ask you where your sense of right or wrong and your desire to improve yourself came from.
Because I want to be a better person, for me. I don't understand what's so hard to grasp about that concept. Us godless heathens have no ambition because we don't know the love of God? I've got another leg you can pull any time you like son...

Why is it wrong to steal a car?, Why is it wrong to kill someone?
Because one denys someone of an item they have earned, the other is a senseless act of violence.

If like you say we are the result of random chance then everyone could have a random sense of right or wrong and what you think is good and not interfering with other people's life could in fact be absolutely terrible for the other person.
And that's exactly how it is. I know people who just defy all logic with their descision making process, but the chemical makeup of their brain effectively makes them nutbars. I'd love to 'fix' them, but if it wasn't for these random imbalances between people, how interesting would life be?

You have said that christians have blind faith and will not look at the evidence when no-where in the bible are you asked to throw your mind away while believing. In fact Christians are asked to search long, hard and deep into the faith they possess.
"I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
John 14:6

Says to me, the only way into the groovy afterlife is to believe in Jesus, otherwise you're screwed. Smells like blind faith to me. There's plenty others like that scattered throughout that delightful pictureless colouring book.

BTW - Im not a christain but greek orthodox. i see the similarites in both religions the same for me to beleive.
BTW, powerfully devoted Atheist, anti-nutbar.

-Cameron Jones
Old 28-03-2006, 03:33 PM
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You guys all need to have a serious sit down session with a soda bottle and a couple boxes of nangs.
Old 28-03-2006, 03:36 PM
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.. or just have a few buckets, if it's not against your religion *snigger*
Old 28-03-2006, 03:42 PM
Sir AntiLag
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Circular logic - the ol' religious fallback!
Old 28-03-2006, 03:46 PM
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Cameron you seem to be selectively interpreting what I’m saying. I never said you shouldn’t have kids.. or anything remotely like that. Some points tho I'd like to make.

I think I already said it, but when was the last time an extremist atheist did anybody any harm? Removing the extremists, when has an atheist come up to you in the street and asked to talk about a new saviour, or come knocking on your door handing out flyers, or woken me up early on a Sunday with their god-damned singing... .
Yet you’re the only one on here preaching & throwing insults.

Good and bad, their very basic concepts.
Stealing a car = bad.
Donating an organ to save a life = good.
You asked me what is morality... but that’s my question to you. I will teach my children Christian morality, what morality will you teach yours? How have you derived that the above example is good or bad? What beliefs or guidelines do you structure this on?

btw it's they're not their

I just ask as it seems you're not exactly in touch with reality, assuming that society as a whole would decay to the point of everybody being an extreme pessimist just because there was no blind faith. If that's the way you'd fall apart without your imaginary buddy to fall back on, that's just fine for you, but to assume everybody else is quite that weak and "soulless" is a real stretch.
Where do you think our societies current beliefs, values & morality stem from.. Religion. How is it that much of a stretch to think that if people don’t have these groundings that one day we all won’t question why. Definition of a nihilist: a willingness to repudiate all previous theories of morality or religious belief.

The human 'soul' is a fairly interesting device. It's not much more than the end result of the brains chemical makeup and environmental stimulus.
Everything’s all very neat in your world isn’t it? Everything has a very tidy very logical explanation. You accuse those with faith as being simple… I’m sorry but to say we are who we are because of a bunch of chemicals seems just as fanciful. I’m not saying believe in Jesus, Buddha, confucius... but believe in something, because it just doesn’t make sense that this is all chance.

I can understand other religions, I respect people that say they just don’t know. But to say prove it, or to categorically refute that any religious belief could be right seems ignorant & close minded to me.
Ho's gotta eat too

Last edited by STi Tuned; 28-03-2006 at 04:24 PM.
Old 28-03-2006, 03:56 PM
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I can't hang around, so I'll just answer this little bit:

Originally Posted by STi Tuned
Everything’s all very neat in your world isn’t it? Everything has a very tidy very logical explanation. You accuse those with faith as being simple… I’m sorry but to say we are who we are because of a bunch of chemicals seems just as fanciful. I’m not saying believe in Jesus, Buddha, confusions.. but believe in something, because it just doesn’t make sense that this is all chance.
Electrical and chemical reactions in the brain are real, measurable things. We can monitor events in the brain and through electrical monitoring and stimulation we're now able to see what areas of the brain control which deduction ability, or elements of creativity. God, cannot be measured. It is not a real entity.

The bible might have been a handy guide to teach people how to live in simple times, but has little relevence these days. If back in the day you didn't want people to bang their neighbours, it was easy enough just to say "Hey, God said you shouldn't sleep with your neighbour", and if the directive came from God, that was fair enough.

C'mon people, these days surely we're advanced enough (dare I say, evolved..) that we can guide our own damn destiny? I have pity for those that just aren't able to walk on their own two feet, honestly.
Old 28-03-2006, 04:30 PM
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why bother arguing with tode evilcabbage?

afterall he was arguing to me last night that God's will with black ppl is because they were sinners. and different levels of skin pigmentation equated to different levels of sin within previous generations in their life. PM me for full logs as the admin decided that me posting the logs up were somehow offensive to this discussion.
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