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tuna is a gurutuna is a guru

tuna tuna is offline

Why stop at two bar?

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 64
  1. SirLadz
    18-01-2015 09:24 PM

    Hey mate, I'm a new member and my account is unable to post a reply to a for sale thread which has some parts i am interested in.
    My account says it has made 0 posts where as i have made 2, and that when i pressed the reply button on consigned_royal's thread about 2002 WRX STI parts it says that i either haven't activated my account whereas i have, and then that i should contact an admin (which i presume you are) to activate my account if the problem still persists.
    Anything you could do to help would be great.

  2. JIBP
    17-12-2014 05:54 AM
    Hello. I have a Impreza WRX GT 2000 mod. English verson, and need wiring diagram for ECU and engin. Shall have this engine into a 1998 mod. left hand drive. Can someone help me with the wiring diagram for these cars?
  3. b18ceg
    17-04-2014 01:19 PM
    I would like to post up my auto electrical/ stereo/ security business services on perth-wrx, Just wondering how I need to go about this and what is involved.

    Jason Iskander
  4. Dragon Ski
    05-12-2013 07:33 AM
    Dragon Ski
    here is the post I was looking at .. I am in need of new coil packs and harness How do I get through to someone that can reply

    We have ordered the 2001-2005 2.0 WRX/STi Genuine Subaru Coil Packs from Subaru Japan and they will be in stock in 7 days time.

    Subaru Fuji Industries Japan Part number: Daimond FK0140 ---- P.WRX $85 each or $300 per set of 4.
    Also available if you want to do a coil-on-plug upgrade, we have used Subaru Coilpack plugs with chop harness that we will only sell to you when you purchase the coilpacks from us ---- P.WRX $50

    Will update pics when goods arrive.
  5. Dragon Ski
    05-12-2013 07:22 AM
    Dragon Ski
    Tuna I have registered and signed in .. but still says I can not reply ... which I want to .. I do not see a button or anything which will allow me to post help
  6. jond42
    24-11-2013 06:37 AM
    Hi tuna, I have a 1998 wrx gc8 and I have 2 diagrams of the boost control vacuum lines,one has the tee the other says to run pipe without tee and pill basically from compressor to boost solenoid and hten back to wastegate servo..which one is correct..?
  7. Rexpert
    09-07-2013 06:53 AM
  8. Rexpert
    07-07-2013 11:06 AM
    hey mate just wondering, i purchased a number plate surround off your guys how long will it take to get delivered and it didnt ask for my address? :S
  9. QDC Perth
    04-06-2013 10:29 PM
    QDC Perth
    Hi Stace is it?

    Just wondering on how to become a forum supporter? seem there's a few people with there nose out of joint because im not, quite rude infact!

    Thanks :)
  10. Bradw
    02-06-2013 08:05 AM
    Hey tuner
    Can you tell me how I can get a photo up?

About Me

  • About tuna
    Where horsepower is cool again.
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    Long live the WRC


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  • Last Activity: 05-11-2024 10:09 AM
  • Join Date: 02-07-2005


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Posted 09-12-2009 at 07:50 PM by tuna Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
reassembled, wheels etc on the donor motor, (yes that is a recycled timing belt!)

timing covers on!

smothering the threebond goo around the seals.

probably a bit too much, oh well!

Posted 09-12-2009 at 07:48 PM by tuna Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
So, been a few weeks, working feverishly to get the car running again...

So here's the engine, ready to go...

Heres some interim STI heads, (thanks scotty)

here is a bucket, and its shim!


Posted 13-11-2009 at 01:26 PM by tuna Comments 1
Posted in Uncategorized
Donor engine is a glorious piece of history, a sti version2ra -vlimited long motor, took a very direct hit straight to the front of the vehicle and made a mess of the remainder of the driveline.

Anyhow, with the manifold stripped, i set about removing and discovering the rest of the damage...

So far discovered the plastic, timing covers, crank pulley, crank timing belt drive, oil pump, oil filter mount and the exhaust manifold all need to be replaced.


Posted 10-11-2009 at 08:11 PM by tuna Comments 3
Posted in Uncategorized
Its two months to motorvation, between now and then I have to diagnose an engine fault in the RA, remove it, strip it and refit!

Never personally rebuilt an engine before, interesting times ahead.

Posted 24-10-2009 at 07:52 AM by tuna Comments 1
Posted in Uncategorized
Quite often I've read build project threads on the forum and wished there was a way to read about the progress of each car without being to distracted by other posts between updates.

We've all seen them and probably use them daily already for other topics. Blogs; this style of update is huge in Japan- and I beleive will suit this forum well.

So, finally for Perth-WRX I have optioned in the blogging module.

Looking forward to seeing people embrace this...
Recent Comments
good start Stace but...
Posted 13-11-2009 at 02:18 PM by American Dave American Dave is offline
Why don't u just finish...
Posted 11-11-2009 at 01:08 PM by damo damo is offline
heli's to celebrate...
Posted 10-11-2009 at 10:41 PM by EXPLICIT EXPLICIT is offline
eeeeek it really is...
Posted 10-11-2009 at 08:59 PM by V3 RA V3 RA is offline
Cool. I'll get around...
Posted 24-10-2009 at 04:38 PM by Qu3xy Qu3xy is offline

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